Resolution 878 - SID 193IMOLUTION ITO. 878._ 'IE ,SOLUTIOIT _� EA I CREATING SPECIAL Il'PROIFE-1 NT DISTRICT ITO. 193. BE IT RESOLWID BY TIM, CITY COMTCIL OP THE CITY Or, KALISPELL, 1,107TTANA. Section 1. That Special Improvement District No. 1t-)6 is hereby created for the -Durpooe of the constructicr of concrete curb on botki aide s of ji'irat 13venue J.:ast and to return to the let Avenue property lires of lst Avenue E,,.,,st at the street intersections. �ectior 2. That waid district is created subject to all tne terms ara conditions speciZied in �,,esolixtion No. 875, er.�itled "Resclutior of Intertiorz to create Special Improvement District 17o. 19,31t adopted duly 20th, 1922, to which reference is hereby made for fur leer partic- Passed August 7til 1922. Approved Augu8tu 711 1922. A. -1.. Boormar, Mayor, 1,m J. sh,,,W, city cler!,�. State of 2'Zontana Go,unt of Pjatnead so. (-it,,, of itaiispell 1, A. J. Shaw, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell Mont,=.a, do hereLy certify that the foregaing ie a full, true and e:-"-t copy of a resciution passed and a:)proved by the city �ouncil of the City of Kalispell, i�,ortana, or ti-ic- 7th day of Augus�,Iq22. lviitnes3 my hand this 21st day of �)ecenfber 1922. __-Urt—y- Clerk®