Resolution 893 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 14v A ZIMMT10h estiwatiN; the coot of tin,,, 1,44,htink, j)ietrict ;4w0ber Fourteen Of tite iw.y of' Lalispell i'or tiie year 02f�, and levyin,-, zind ""'11, Ule prol..'erty 'nit.A,n the said district w1M We cot cj,.' I i r.tart uiC diO-rlct. ,jection 1. Tile cout of li''iltin'' U,;ntir,, ,�ictrj.ct r',ukAor Fourtagi of UM city of Kalispell for ye.-jr Ja to be 0 402.30 ,action P. t"!x is h0l'MY levied and uuoe,,,-ized upon tijoa property in the said MjAln, diwAict tiio :,qrioAyit of to e,t4 mated cot of li,,itin_ Ltveet, t aam 1,y to tne Dever-3, Int"7 Of' 1100 AMR. M ould distriut. (Afenmoo io here PM0 to tle -eljojutjorj orl file and of racord in t"e wM00 of -L- —Ly 4,Ierk for , ojeon fic des,:,�riptinn of iWe property cmlrnued in WW Wave mentione(I district) ,IC tr!x '-wrqA)y lcrviedl delinquent avt OiX, O'clock p.w. wi We WiN dn of AvOuTer, 19M. bection 4. seference Is swrQi4` to t,00jjttion, Of In- tention tv cr*vtte U,nitlng 4,,trict ' wober Fourteen for furtuer partioulors. Introduced ^VptmTor A& amoet for omwirk; rmtober 2nd, at 7:30 o'clack p.r�, %. " WAUX, Tayar. ,k�tte,st. ��. J'. s,,"A'7, Gity Clerk, �401)ted thiB the `?rtd d:,y of October, 162,. AIN"d ",E1 tl1c d`,%Y 01' C-tOhel^, 1,22. 14. i,;. . �ttyt)r. Atteut: jb. ". City ierk.