Resolution 1575 - Emergency - Park Budgetis RESOLUTION No. 1575 A R-(SOLUTION D .CLARI NY'- IT I 3 N r +,SSARY TO K5: • III 7X0t6S OF THE :U,1OUNT FOR PARK PURP03ES. 1''. iT . 3LrR3::IICY ESI,3TS �JhD Ti iT 1;:'PIIDITURE3 FR Iq.,mlr PGRK ?UI,"u PROVIDED BY T117 CT'�T? l T 3TTDr'=I:T 9T IT TSG ?S 27 T11-7 I;, m m. F r 1R i. R V D ,. C0 T . =.L OF' � ?TE CI I 0 t:_.LI3 EL ,�. C : TANA: �i?RF4S, the current budget of the City of Kalispell did not suf£iciertly provide for the expenditures called for under the agreement the City entered into with the '"arks Prof-,ress Adaiinis+ration of the T'r,ited States to furnish material and supplies in carrying out the 170odland Park Project and that the sum of w2000.00 is necessary for such purposes in addi- tion to the amount heretofore authorized for s:ich purnosa; and II�;,7&3, there are nn fu-'ds available to nay the fore oin- obligations of the City of Yalispell and as such obligatinns exceed the amount provided by the last annual budget and such expenditures :are necessary and u*iavoidable and it is rianda- tory that the same be raid; qr IT 7177?77'O1Z7 i;,S:OLPFD that an erler<_-ency is hereby declared to exist under the provisions of the secon9 para=raph of 0ection ^ight, Chapter 121 of the Laws of the Twent=-second Le^islative assembly of the State of ::font ana, and that the current budget for Park rund be exceeded in the surn of "GOv.GG. That emergency warrants be drawn against the funds above naraed and properly chart-eable with such expenditure and that the City Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay such warrants • with any money in any funds ivaileble for such purprs e and if there is not sufficient money available to pay such warrants' +hen the same shall be re^istered, bear interest and called for pay.aent in the ::annex provided for by law for other city warrants. This being an aaier7ency resolution as set forth herein ti e same shall take effect and be in full force rind effect imme- diately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved this 4th day of January, 1937. .T I. 97'CK7IATTSnR LIayo r Attest: V. J 70BIBC".GN City Clerk I, 1. J. Robischon, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolutior, was regularly adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting= held the 4t1i day of January, 1937. C of the C;tT= of Ealispeil