Resolution 881 - Resolution of Intent - SID 196RESOLUTION 1,70. 881. 1t SOLUTION OF INTE1,TTION TO CREATE SP CIJJILROVhid?,NT DISTRICT NO.196. BE IT RESOL'VLD LY TH.aa CIT"Y COUNCIL OF '1111.; CITY 01' 1-JL1,SP11,1L, Y01.1-T!,17A. Section 1. That it is the intention of the Cit;r Courcil of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement district, hereby de- sif,,,,,nated as Special Improvement District No. 196, and the bourdariee of said prcposed specite.1 improvement district are hereby declarea to be as follows. Goirauencing it the center of ninth Street at a point opposite the Qenter of the alley in Block 207, thence West through the certer of worth Street to a point opposite trie center of the alley in Block 121, thence south throup 37 to the cer.- the center of Urie alley ir. Blocks 121 and 1, ter of "Eleventh street, thence Root through the center of Eleverth street to a point opposite the center of the al.Ley in Block 208 thence �",.'orth through the centerof the alley in Blocks 208 and 207 to the place of begir-'r-ing. 6ec t1lior- L,. That the _enaral c"aaracter of uie imp:rovemer-ts to be made insaid proposed. Special Improvement DiEtrict is as follows, to_ it The la,,,ing of 750 lineal feet of 6 inch cant iron pipe, Class 0 or D, w,,,ter main, with ore 61v valve, -,`11c fire hydrarto and other appurtcm,�rcee ir _'Pil'th Averu­ T.,'ast, comenoing at the intereectior of 9tn street there south to the intersection of 11th street. Se.ctior, 3. That the apprcxima_Ae cost of soid iynprcvemerts is Section 4. That the ertire cost and experse of such im- rovemerts, p including street and al,Ley intersectiors, shall be, vtssof7se(i s,gainrit the entire district, each lot or parcel of lard wit_­Idi-.,. suc.,i district to -be as2eosed for that Part of the V,icle cost w',Ach its arev, Years to the !3 . ,_rEi eof the ertire Olistrict excluoive of ootreots, a 11ey nand public placea. bectior, 5. That sz,.id assessment shal-L be paid for ir. e iF,ht equal arnual installment 'nereuy e'._ter_(.,zed over a period of eight ye�_xs. Said a,ssessmert cont-�iitute a fftird to be known aa zspeoiail Improvement District `ro. 196. ,,ectior. 6. That s,Ad iir.prosiirentn snall be paid for in 1,ileoia1 Im- provement District Coupor Warrarts isued against said ciistrict in the swil of $10o.00 each, be ezir,t intereot at C� [,er cent per anntun, from the date of registratior- until Called for redemptior or paid ir full, in - tereot payable annually ar- the first day of' J=.uary of each year, Pay- able eight years from date and redeermble at any tis,ie there are fur.do to the credit of such, Improvemert District Vur-d available therefor; the int-,erect coupons attao.'aed to such wxr,-,,rts to 'boar the fac-sbuile sigr-- atures of the IxLycr and Clerk. Section 7. 2hat or the 4,,h day of Bepteiaoer at the uouncil ir, the City Hall Olt the City of kC,ijj,�pejj, Idontaia, at 7-30 oclook P. M. p, regular meetirg, the City Council wiII Hear exd. pass upon all, protests that may be -,iade against the m"-Ing of Such improveluents, or the creatior of such district. Section B. The City Clerk is hereby authorized arcs directed to gi- ve the proper notice of the pasoage of this resolution by publicatior and mailing as required b,JI law, such puolication to be raa6e in the Eal- ispell Times a vieehly nevispaper publi��,hed it the City a*.' Kalispell. Paesed August 7txi, 192. 1,-pprcve6 August ?t-n, 192,-". A. E. Peormar-, T.Tz,yor. A. J. SI'law, City Clerk. Sta,te of County of "r,latilead $8. City of Kalispell A. J. Skl�,N, Cit'Y Clerk of the City of Kaliopeli, Iviont,ana, Co I'tereby certify that the fozegoijrg,, is a fL111, true amd e�---Lct cOPY Of a resolution pas,s7ed urd approved bj; the City Council of tyre Cjt,, of Ko.:Lisipell, Hontana, on, the 7th day of �.uguzEwa 'Witness ml hand this 2,,:,r.d day of Decend)er 19221. (TI-777U-1 K,