Resolution 880 - Resolution of Intent - SID 195SOLUTION vn QQn RESOLUTION OF 11MITZT1017 TO ORMATE SPECIAL I?-T-R0V1'GD'HT DISTRICT NO, 195. BE IT RESOLVIEM BY ME CITY COMTICIL OF T19] CITY OF KAI,ISPELL, 110ITTANA, Section 1. That it is t1ne the ir.tertiorr of the City Council of the City of Kallapell to create a special improvement district, hereby designated as Special Improvement District lio. 195 and the bourdaries of said proposed special improvement district are hereby declared to be as follows r CoLmenoing at tzie cer-cer of ,'ashiagton street in iine with the western boundary of .1virsL Avenue West, thence in a westerly direct- ion through the Center of Washingtor street to a live in line with the e,r,stern boundary of 6ecord Avenue ',Vest, thence suutn along tile eastern bom,dary of second Avenue West to the center of 211ontara Street, thence Eat along the cotter of 11.ortana Street to the western: bound,-) of j, 14, r 2 ry t Avenue TIest, thence North alorZ the ' esterr boundt:vry of First Avenue We�,,,t to the place of beginning. Section 2. That the Eeraral onaracter of the improvements to be m,de in said proposed Special laaapccvement District is as follows, gv"i t; The construction of a simitary sewer with roan -holes, lamp holes, flush tarki and other appurter-arces, said sower coi=encing at t.ae cen- ter of ",7assiingtor- Street ard running south through the alley in Elocks 7 and 14 to the center of ontaar as Street. Section 3. That tne appro7imate coet of said iropro-Voments is $110e.00. Sect-,ior, -4. ThL�t the ertires ocst ard exper-se of suc1im-pro'7ements, ir,-cludin�g street arcs alley intersectiars, sha-11 be assessed against the entlire district, each lot or parcel of land A,,ritPin such district to be as,ses-ed for that part of the whole uost its c€rea beaxe to the area of the entire distric", o�L' S-tweet's, 'ulleys and public pl"-tces. ,ectior. 5. That oz.id assessr,,ient shall be paid for ir. five equal ar -nual installmerk',- hereby exerded over a period of five years. Said L ass,essment 2hal' core,i-,ute a furd to be known. as Special Improvemert, Distr-ict 3"'und Ilra. 195. Section 6. That said inurovements shall be paid for it Special Imp-,covement I'District Coupon Warrants jesued _ngalnst said district ir. the suna of '100.00 each, i;e,),rjrg ir-tere9t at 6 per cent per arrvzJ1 frorl t1ae date of regi�tration until called for redemption or padd in full, interest pay -able anrually or tb-e first d,,,,y of January Of each Year, _pay- able five years frora date and redeeirable at any time there are funds to the credit of sucxx Improvement District Fund available tho-refor; the irtere,,,It coupons attrixhed to sucli warrunte to bear the fac-simile si&,,r-- aturez of the Llayor and Clerk. Sectior 7. That or the 4th day of *epteffber 1922, at the ocurcil , ham_bers in the e City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at 7-o;O 0 f clock P. M. a regular meeting, tie City Council will hear ard pass upon all protests that may be made agairst the makino of such, improve- merts or the crea,tior of such district. gectior S. The City Clerk is hereby a,,ithorized arcs directed to give tb�e proper notice of the passage of this resolution Dy ptiblica.tion and mailirg as reqtzired by law, such publication to be Made ir. the Kalispell Times, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Kvliopel� Passed Aupust 7,th, 1922. Approved August 7th, 1922. A. 1% locywia-n, Nayor, A. X. Sxiaw, City Clerk. State of "or -tar. 'a County of Flathead SS. City of Kalispell. I, A. J. Shaw, City Clerk, of the City of halispell, lw`Lontana, do hereby ceradfy that the foregoing is a falL, true and eyact copy of a resolution passed and approved bd? the City Council of the t;izy of Kalispell, -ortara, on the %h day of August, Viitnes,s Yay, hand this 22nd day of Deceffbex° 1922. City Clerk.