Resolution 877 - SID 192X"'ZOLUTION CIM4ATING SPIMAL LUIROT"IMITT DISTRICT 110. 192. N, IT 1WOLVED BX THLO QITY 0001CIL OF TIC CITY 01" YaIUJZL� Y1011,M.'01A. Sectior 1. That Special Improvement District Na. 192 io hereby created for he purpose of constructing concrete curb on botA sides of 5th Avenue 11ast and to return to the 5th Avenue property lines of 5th Avenue East at the street intersections. Sectior 2. That said district is creited subject to all tray; terras and conditiors specified in Jsesolution No. 874, entitled "Reoclution of Ir-tention to create Special Improvement "Diotrict No. 19211 L),dopted July 20tii 19;32, to which reference is ',ierdby made for further Particu- lars. Passed lkuL�ust 711 1922. Approved YW(,,,,ust 711 1`�22. 1. E. Boonaar., I'layor, A. J. City Clerk. State of Montema County of Flathead Be. City of Kaliopell � I Aa J. Shaw, U,i-,i;y Clerk of the City of zaliqpelL, Martina, do hereby certify tht the f0regoirlg is a ful.L,, true and exa Ct copy of a resolution passed and approved by tile City Council of the City of Kalispell, "bior-toma, on ,he 'Ith day Of Augus'6 1922. lviitnesos iay hand this 21ut da,y of Decetir)e, 192:-). - -City Clerk.