Resolution 840 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2713 O'LUT 10 "'Ll 11, 'ING. 81�01. "+A-t-- Special ldty.L,,-, Dis- t T i ct y t�l fo:o the yei.kr i9r,,ll ar.0 lev,-in-r L71--O E'll. th,e nrcT)ert,,, uithir. th, (listrict with tlt Ca ,j t of I i glh t i r g s a J.. i. d i s t ri o t• B.',',' 1'4' TJj)\)LVl,,:D DY T.'Fll; CI'T'-' CO,,rrNTCIL 01P TH i ; -'i CITY 01F "ection 1. The, coot cf -unfuer `Nenty- Cit of fol: t.ii ve,c:,r 1921 is e,,-, tc be '2,31.34. " 2, h-erooy ,)0. and asoesoed ,.v- cr- ,Ul t]Ae prerer- L ty i,-n t-he r.-;A�" li6.1-.tirr- .°istrict -fc2: ti.LC'. a;-.1c,,ir.t of the, estimted cost of the, strertc 'L,- ,,n-portiorir,, tc tli.e ievaral lots and cZ (Tiei'erence aN c, to tyre 1. I ut 1 j,,� cr f i 3. e a d o f tllc o-,,Fice of .Ule Cit cler" a, "tpecific of the (AotTirt. 3,D "; t i n 3. Th(�t!: r,`- levii,(l bem,i-o 'elinquert at six otclock T-'. ". Or t`-'.P ZQtti. day of .11 1921. Scctic.n 4, Ecference is, hnby ra,e to Resclutior ov Intention ,L,c cr,Ato i t , 'r-,- DiE,triut Twennty-�(,ver- fl,,Ttb.er particalqrs. Int-,^oc'iice(i Sont. 6t,:, 7.921, net fcr Oct. 7.30 cicllaol� P. I r) 1% ;Or�pt-e(,, t-A-6 th(j 19,21, t"I"Ar" �,v of 21. Attest: J., T. �?hrv, City R. 'Pauline,