Resolution 838 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 20t,e ccf-,t oi, '_;_i,tirg 2-pecial TAL;1,,,tir-E Dis-.
trict 1"IuiiQer Ti,.Terty of th,,6, Citay uf for ti-le year 1921, ard
lt:vyir.E? 4r_Cl ull t'le Y? t� -,prop Iit,�!i
t�:, I -n the Uedd aistrict with the
ceMt of diLtrict.
'octior. 1. Tho cQ-,t of Di,,_tvict 1,TtImber Twenty
C:L,, VIC, :its, c f �,al ui.t. fol ti-te yev.r i� estiiiated to be 99.00.
ta,77 i'! 4r(I ,2Pme.Flsed uper aii tlao prcper-
ty in t1la .AO li,,,'JAirF: A.sluz,`Lct for t'-,e anmunt rf t3ie estir.,uted cost of
b�, ap)=tionir_f, to the sever-,01- lot) ar-d
Cif ,vithir CJCL,"ict.
tll e cric �im-1 Re�cluticr ci,,. file Lind of
it tj{Q C., t"-e CityC1.rr o:v cl specific (1e,,-,crii)tior of the
jormperty oribr,2,ced in tho L-L"ove mientior .(1 district.
Sectj or, 35. 7oe Li.x 1-ierebv at Six O'clock
or L'T,r,
4. Refer�,�rce i.n herecy mu,,de tc Resolution of irter-tion to
cre&_to Li- it`ncr rict Yvmqber Ty�erty fcr fiirtl'i,�;v p art i
ul _1 -, 1,i z t i I
Irtroduced Sept. uti, 19:21, r�n. s�,t fc-c Oct. 3rd, 192a at
7 : 30 o ' CICCR 11. -. .
A. J. Z�1,,:Vl, Cit Clerk. R, paulii:.
Adcped this the
--clay of
Attcit: "'I. J. shram, City; R. Fautire, -x.