Resolution 834 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 13I, liesoluticr stiutut5,r t t:.LO Cn,�t T,ij,.,htir.Lr Dis-
trict Viirteer o�
" ti,ie City of Yalis-pell, for U'.,ie year 1M, and
levyirt; ard aauessinr, all the propexty wit`iir the. :aid ditrict with
the cost cf 1it2 .,hti,-,,_
R2 IT RWVP�13) BY T.',', cITY -F T'.)`!`,, CITY OF K1LI3T)1aJ,*
Section 1, TAe cost of lidhtirE MoRingANtrict Tfuhiber Titirteen
of tile City of 1"a"lispeli 1,or tile year 1921 is estimated tc be 429.14.
P,ectior 2, t, t,z is ',Icrooy and assessed u-r?or. a13. the )proper-
,Ly in t-ic sLJ.0 I :js,1(,xict :Cox t.-L-. LjL�,,ount of We estimled cost of
1j,j,itir_6 the streets .LL,,.,)orticri),,L,, to the several lots and pox-
cals cf land within the mid district.
(Ref,,::ence io hereby YaaOe tc t'.,,,c c::if�linil Regoiixticr cr Nile crook at'
recur" 07 the office of, City Clrr)- for a sDecif'ic de,-?criptior of the
proary, e5muced in tl-in ,.ucve 1,istrict.)
Section 3. The tax. '.i,:reL)y levied beawau del!nTmnt at Ax Ocloh
P. o-n the 301t-'r-L da,;, oZ 3',Iove::-.ber 11.,'21.
Secticn 4, Mfni�crce i,4_de tc 11,escluticf rInterti2 r to
crmt- MIANg Dintrict TATtpter. fox further pa"rticuln,", S. ,
irt):-00acee', Sep& Gtq 102" and set for Oc,. ;_5rd, 192.1. at
7:30 o'clock P. `_,7.
Att"M 1" .
City clorl,
ponline, 11f>yor.
i,dopted t.;Az
Attt,: A. J.
City c1cr.1,
P, _uire,