Resolution 834 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 13I, liesoluticr stiutut5,r t t:.LO Cn,�t T,ij,.,htir.Lr Dis- trict Viirteer o� " ti,ie City of Yalis-pell, for U'.,ie year 1M, and levyirt; ard aauessinr, all the propexty wit`iir the. :aid ditrict with the cost cf 1it2 .,hti,-,,_ R2 IT RWVP�13) BY T.',', cITY -F T'.)`!`,, CITY OF K1LI3T)1aJ,* Section 1, TAe cost of lidhtirE MoRingANtrict Tfuhiber Titirteen of tile City of 1"a"lispeli 1,or tile year 1921 is estimated tc be 429.14. P,ectior 2, t, t,z­ is ',Icrooy and assessed u-r?or. a13. the )proper- ,Ly in t-ic sLJ.0 I :js,1(,xict :Cox t.-L-. LjL�,,ount of We estimled cost of 1j,j,itir_6 the streets .LL,,.,)orticri),,L,, to the several lots and pox- cals cf land within the mid district. (Ref,,::ence io hereby YaaOe tc t'.,,,c c::if�linil Regoiixticr cr Nile crook at' recur" 07 the office of t.ae, City Clrr)- for a sDecif'ic de,-?criptior of the proary, e5muced in tl-in ,.ucve 1,istrict.) Section 3. The tax. '.i,:reL)y levied beawau del!nTmnt at Ax Ocloh P. o-n the 301t-'r-L da,;, oZ 3',Iove::-.ber 11.,'21. Secticn 4, Mfni�crce i,4_de tc 11,escluticf rInterti2 r to crmt- MIANg Dintrict TATtpter. fox further pa"rticuln,", S. , irt):-00acee', Sep& Gtq 102" and set for Oc,. ;_5rd, 192.1. at 7:30 o'clock P. `_,7. Att"M 1" . sq.7, City clorl, & ponline, 11f>yor. i,dopted t.;Az the H ----Nay ciay of Attt,: A. J. S;Aaw, City c1cr.1, R. P, _uire,