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Facilities Condition Inventory - Workshop Manual (06/13/08)
Facilities Condition Inventory Workshop Manual and Computer Program User's Manual Last updated 06/13/2008 CADocuments and Settings\fteistiko\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\UFA681J W\FCIUserManual. doc Contacts for Assistance: for Technical assistance with the FCI computer program or audit process, contact: Katharine Brewer, Software Engineer Office of Facilities Services Montana State University P.O. Box 172760 Bozeman, MT 59717-2760 406/994-6966 Fax: 406/994-6572 e-mail: kbrewer@montana.edu for Administrative assistance with the FCI computer program or audit process, contact: Victoria Drummond, AICP, Associate Planner Facilities Planning, Design & Construction Montana State University P.O. Box 172760 Bozeman, MT 59717-2760 406/994-7914 Fax: 406/994-6572 e-mail: Victoria. drummond@montana.edu or Megan Bergstedt, Data Information Specialist Facilities Planning, Design Ft Construction Montana State University P.O. Box 172760 Bozeman, MT 59717-2760 406/994-4213 Fax: 406/994-6572 Email: mbergstedt@montana.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword............................................................................................................... i FCI WORKSHOP MANUAL Abstract............................................................................................................. A-1 Categorizing and Coding Building Data BuildingCategories........................................................................................... A-3 FundingTypes................................................................................................. A-3 Cost Correction Factors by Building Square Footage ................................................... A-4 Building Systems and Components......................................................................... A-5 Cost Summary by Building Category — 2004-2005 Pricing ............................................. A-6 Preparing for an Inspection Sample: FCI Inspection Team Captain's Responsibilities.............................................A-10 Sample: Facility Inspection Schedule....................................................................A-12 Sample: Notice to Building Supervisor..................................................................A-13 Sample: Notice to FCI Inspection Team Members.....................................................A-14 FCI Inspection: Needed Materials........................................................................A-15 Conducting an Inspection Typical FCI Inspection Scenario...........................................................................A-16 Building Review Session Agenda...........................................................................A-17 Prioritized Rating System...................................................................................A-18 Sample: Facilities Condition Inventory Rating Forms Cover Page...................................A-19 SampleRating Form.........................................................................................A-20 COMPUTER PROGRAM USER'S MANUAL GeneralNotes...................................................................................................... B-1 Entering Inspection Data........................................................................................ B-1 MainMenu and Related Entry Forms....................................................................... B-2 SiteEntry/Edit Form......................................................................................... B-3 BuildingEntry/Edit Form.................................................................................... B-4 AuditEntry/Edit Form....................................................................................... B-6 BuildingReports................................................................................................... B-8 Report Menu and its Sub-Menus............................................................................ B-8 Deficiency Detail Report Menu and Related Selection Forms ......................................... B-9 Summary Reports Menu and Related Selection Forms ................................................. B-14 DatabaseReports Menu.....................................................................................B-18 Basic Database Reports Menu.............................................................................. B-20 FCIAudit Form................................................................................................ B-20 FCIExport ..................................................................................................... B-21 FCI Workshop Manual A-ii FOREWORD In the past, the emphasis of state capital funding was on the expansion of the state's physical plant, with minimal concern for existing buildings and infrastructure. The state is now faced with a crumbling physical plant. Concern about the condition of our facilities continues to grow as demonstrated by facility condition audits that are regularly performed. Periodic evaluation of the conditions of the state's facilities is an essential function for effectively managing facilities maintenance operations. A properly conducted building evaluation, or audit, can serve to familiarize governing boards, administrators, building managers and maintenance personnel of the condition of their facilities and where deficiencies exist. Often, people responsible for making budget or resource allocation decisions know that buildings, and the systems contained therein, are deficient, but they know few details about those deficiencies. An accurate building evaluation will provide clear, concise information to assist administrators and managers in their long-range planning and budgeting activities. In many cases, this evaluation will also provide the facilities and maintenance groups with data to help them prioritize building renewal and deferred maintenance projects and assist in the effective day-to-day management of maintenance resources. The inspection team will record audit results in such a way that they provide a clear "snapshot" of a building's condition on the day that the team conducts an audit. The FCI process yields not only an inventory of building deficiencies due to deferred maintenance, but it also provides a deficiency ratio —a comparison of the cost of the deferred maintenance to the replacement value of the building. This is also sometimes helpful in justifying demolition or replacement of a building for which deferred maintenance costs are so high that replacing the building might be more cost effective. Though not the main purpose of the program, the Facilities Condition Inventory process can also be used to inventory building systems related to compliance with accessibility and fire laws. Items such as these are usually not considered building deficiencies if the building met the construction codes and laws in effect when a building was constructed. However, keeping an inventory of such items can help administrators better understand the potential liability of buildings that do not fully meet current specialty codes. The first step in looking at the State of Montana's physical assets as a whole was to develop and implement a facilities condition audit program that all state agencies can use. This Facilities Condition Inventory (FCI) Program is based on the Model for Facilities Audits developed by the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA) and is designed to provide facilities managers with a tool for evaluating and communicating data about their physical assets.' To insure consistency, this program is based on a sound philosophy described by Harvey H. Kaiser in The Facilities Audit: A Process for Improving Facilities Conditions.' The program also uses a comparative cost database built upon numbers from a nationally recognized cost estimating system (R.S. Means). Having agencies use the same evaluation system and estimated costs allows state offices to compile and compare data, thereby making it easier for them to review and manage maintenance functions, both within agencies and statewide. 'Kaiser, Harvey H. "The Facilities Audit: A Process for Improving Facilities Conditions." APPA:Alexandria, Virginia, 1993. U Montana State University and its affiliate campuses have been using this FCI process since 1992 to track the condition of their facilities. Several other state agencies have been using this program as well. The purpose of releasing the FCI desktop computer application is to provide all state agencies the software tools and capacity to establish and maintain their own FCI programs. FCI Workshop Manual A -iv ABSTRACT I. The Facilities Condition Inventory (FCI) A. What is an FCI? • The periodic evaluation of the condition of an institution's physical assets. • MSU-Bozeman cycles every 3 years at a rate of one building per month: a 3-year cycle might be acceptable for an institution with 25+ major facilities (one building per month basis), while a 2-year cycle might be appropriate for an institution with 6-24 buildings. B. Why perform the FCI? • Inform a proactive maintenance management program. • Provide data and information to those making budget/resource allocation decisions. • Educate governing agencies. • Provide a common groundwork for evaluation by the legislature and other state entities. C. The FCI is a Dual Purpose Toot 1. Budget Toot • Solicit additional maintenance funding. • Demonstrate and forecast Long -Term Resource needs. • Recognize and quantify the value of facilities as an institutional asset. • Identify/prioritize areas of greatest need. • Record/illustrate Net Asset Value improvement. 2. Operational Toot • Identify/prioritize/schedule maintenance projects. • Facilitate efficient use of resources. • Record/illustrate improvement at plant level. • Detect and reduce excessive or inefficient maintenance. H. Goals of the Facilities Condition Inventory A. To systematically and routinely identify existing deficiencies in the State of Montana's physical assets. B. To identify appropriate corrective action that would maintain the State of Montana's physical assets at a desired level of condition. C. To maintain the Facilities Condition Inventory records by inspecting all state buildings on a periodic scheduled basis. D. To involve people from many different disciplines on the audit team in order to maximize the expertise available and benefit from their interaction during the walkthrough, and minimize time required when inspecting an institution's buildings. III. FCI Report Utilization (See Sample Reports to identify which reports will help with the following activities.) A. Resource budgeting, planning and execution B. Maintenance backlog management C. Facility planning D. Workload management E. Work Order generation F. Project need prioritization G. Long Range Planning/Master Planning FCI Workshop Manual A-1 Getting Started A. The FCI Inspection Team 1. The FCI Inspection Team Members" Example: MSU-Bozeman: • Campus Maintenance Manager • Mechanical/Electrical Engineer • Architect • Carpenter • Plumber • Electrician • Planner • Heat Maintenance Manager • Refrigeration • Custodial Manager • Building Supervisor • Information Technology Manager Example: MSU-Billings: • Associate Planner — MSU-Bozeman • Facilities Engineer — MSU-Bozeman • Facilities Director — MSU-Billings • Tradesmen — MSU-Billings Consult staff members with applicable expertise • Building Supervisor • ADA Advisor • Custodial Supervisor Team Approach • To take advantage of team synergies and maintain consistent coverage, disciplines conduct inspections as a team (together as a group at all times). "Note: Giving team members the authority during the walkthrough to generate work orders to correct minor deficiencies can be another way to benefit from the FCI process. It can provide opportunities to catch and repair, during their early stages, some deficiencies that might otherwise go unreported. Such minor, work -order -level deficiencies can then be considered resolved and are not entered into the FCI. FCI Workshop Manual A-2 BUILDING CATEGORIES based on building use and construction date The categories listed below, which are based on the type and age of buildings, are factors that affect the cost per square foot of buildings. Refer to page A-6 for the tabulated cost per square foot by building systems. The costs are summarized for each building category shown below. Costs per square foot are generally, but not always, higher for newer buildings. (For example, buildings constructed in the 1970's frequently have high mechanical and electrical costs.) These factors and the subsequent component square foot costs will be provided and updated by Montana State University. This allows for consistency of scale between agencies. Note: These values will be calculated by the software based on the building data that the user enters. Category Codes (based on building use and construction date) Construction Date Building Use (3 - 32) A - Pre 1950's B-1950-70's C-1980's+ General Classroom/Office - 3 3A 3B 3C Teaching/Research Labs - 4 4A 4B 4C Athletic Facilities - 5 5A 5B 5C Vocational Shops - 6 6A 6B 6C Central Heating Facilities - 7 7A 7B 7C Warehouse/Storage Facilities - 8 8A 8B 8C Food Services - 9 9A 9B 9C Residence Halls - 10 10A 10B 10C Apartment, 1-3 Story - 11 11 A 11 B 11 C Utility Tunnel Structures - 12 12A 12B 12C Sports Stadiums* - 13 13A 13A 13C Museums* - 14 14A 14B 14C Prisons - 15 15A 15B 15C Parking Facilities - 16 16A 16B 16C Elementary School - 17 17A 17B 17C Junior High School - 18 18A 18B 18C High School - 19 19A 19B 19C Vocational School - 20 20A 20B 20c College, Student Union - 21 21 A 21 B 21 C Auditorium - 22 22A 22B 22C Community Center - 23 23A 23B 23C Day Care Center- 24 24A 24B 24C Courthouse - 25 25A 25B 25C Fire Station - 26 26A 26B 26C Hospital - 27 27A 27B 27C Library - 28 28A 28B 28C Police Station - 29 29A 29B 29C Town Hall - 30 30A 30B 30C House, Single Family 31 31A 31 B 31 C A-3 Categorizing and Coding Building Data Category Codes (based on building use and construction date) Construction Date Buildin» Use (3 - 32) Apartment, 4-7 Story 32 be PRICE CHANGES A - Pre 1950's B-1950-70's C-1980's+ 32A 32B 32C in the future. Note: Repricing is performed every two years to update for inflation, etc., a schedule that allows for maximum accuracy in formulating the Long Range Building Program. Pricing updates will be provided by the Montana State University -Bozeman Planning Department. FUNDING TYPES Following are the various funding types as they appear within the University System. It is possible for an entity to have different or additional funding sources. State — Operations and Maintenance (0 6t M) is funded by the State. Auxiliary — Operations and Maintenance (0 rx M) is funded by the consumer. Non -State — Operations and Maintenance (0 £t M) is funded by another entity, such as non-profit organizations or individuals that provide donations. Federal — Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) is funded by a federal government program. Other — all other (and unanticipated) funding sources. FCI Workshop Manual A-4 COST CORRECTION FACTORS by building square footage These cost factors are used to adjust the cost per square foot, an element used in calculating renewal costs for buildings. Buildings that are 50,000 square feet and smaller have higher renewal costs and corresponding factors greater than 1. Buildings that are larger than 50,000 square feet have factors less than 1 because they have relatively lower renewal costs. In short, larger buildings achieve an economy of scale that generally results in a lesser construction cost per square foot than for smaller buildings. These factors are also based on nationally recognized standards, as mentioned in the Foreword. Note: These values will be selected and applied by the software based on the building data that the user enters. Buildinu Size (SF) Factor Building Size (SF) Factor Up to 10,000 1.44 50,001 - 75,000 0.98 10,001-20,000 1.21 75,001 100,000 0.96 20,001-30,000 1.16 100,001-150,000 0.94 30,001-40,000 1.08 150,001-200,000 0.93 40,001-50,000 1.04 Over200,000 0.93 A-5 Categorizing and Coding Building Data BUILDING SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS For FCI purposes, the inspection team assesses a building by determining and documenting deficiencies that exist in each system and component listed below that occurs in the building. System Component Code and Definition System 1 — Foundation 1A Footings/Foundation Walls 1 B Exterior Steps/Retaining Walls System 2 — Envelope 2A Exterior Walls 2B Exterior Windows 2C Exterior Doors/Hatches 2D Interior Columns/Beams System 3 — Floor System 3A Structure 3B Stair Treads/Risers System 4 — Roof System 4A Structure 4B Covering 4C Insulation System 5 — Finishes 5A Interior Walls 5B Ceilings 5C Interior Doors/Hardware/Windows 5D Floor Finishes 5E Paint System 6 — Specialties 6A Toilet Partitions 6B Signage/Directories 6C Fixed Seating/Risers 6D Chalk/Tackboards/Cabinets 6E Fume Hoods 6F Lockers 6G Cells and Visitor Cubicles 6H Ansul Hoods 61 Swimming Pool System 7 — H Ft V System 7A Heating 7B Ventilating 7C Cooling System 8 — Plumbing System 8A Fixtures 8B Supply Piping 8C Waste Piping System 9 — Electrical System 9A Building Service 9B Lighting 9C Distribution 9D Voice/Data System 10 — Conveying 10A Elevator/Lift System 11 — Safety Systems 11A Egress 11B Extinguishing System 11C Exit Signs/Emergency Lighting/Alarms 11D Asbestos/Hazardous Materials 11 E Handicap Accessibility FCI Workshop Manual A-6 COST SUMMARY BY BUILDING CATEGORY, EXAMPLE - 2007-2008 Pricing See page A-3 for a listing and definitions of building categories. Note: Repricing is performed every two years to update for inflation, etc., a schedule that allows for maximum accuracy in formulating the Long Range Building Program. Pricing updates will be provided by the Montana State University -Bozeman Planning Department. General Classroom/Office 3 Cost/SF System Number System Name 3A Pre 1950's 3B 1950-70's 3C 1980's + 1 Foundations 4.60 3.83 3.83 2 Envelope 15.10 15.22 15.22 3 Floor System 16.74 18.74 18.74 4 Roof System 5.55 5.20 5.20 5 Finishes 37.67 34.81 34.61 6 Specialties 11.93 12.70 12.60 7 HVAC System 19.43 28.26 28.26 8 Plumbing System 18.38 21.39 21.81 9 Electrical System 20.12 21.80 23.48 10 Conveying 4.44 4.03 4.03 11 Safety System 11.47 11.47 11.24 Building Class Total Cost/SF $167.43 $177.47 $179.43 Teaching/Research Labs 4 CosVSF System Number System Name 4A Pre 1950's 4B 1950-70's 4C 1980's + 1 Foundations 13.96 13.20 13.20 2 Envelope 18.27 18.02 18.02 3 Floor System 13.92 13.92 13.92 4 Roof System 9.19 8.52 8.52 5 Finishes 43.24 39.46 39.46 6 Specialties 14.68 17.65 18.29 7 HVAC System 15.95 31.31 31.31 8 Plumbing System 24.31 28.41 29.01 9 Electrical System 14.27 15.70 17.14 10 Conveying 4.44 4.03 4.03 11 Safety System 9.55 9.55 9.32 Building Class Total Cost/SF $181.77 $199.75 $202.20 Athletic Facilities 5 Cost/SF System Number System Name 5A Pre 1950's 5B 1950-70's 5C 1980's + 1 Foundations 755 6.64 6.64 2 Envelope 38.77 36.64 36.64 3 Floor System 11.01 11.01 11.01 4 Roof System 14.11 13.43 13.43 5 Finishes 32.85 30.09 30.09 6 Specialties 42.02 42.60 42.62 7 HVAC System 10.38 15.09 15.09 8 Plumbing System 12.12 13.65 14.02 9 Electrical System 11.16 12.38 13.59 10 Conveying 4.44 4.03 1 4.03 11 Safety System 11.27 11.271 11.04 Building Class Total CosVSF $195.68 $197.041 $198.22 A-7 Categorizing and Coding Building Data Vocational Shops 6 Cost/SF System Number System Name 6A Pre 1950's 6B 1950-70's 6C 1980's + 1 Foundations 10.07 9.30 9.30 2 Envelope 18.72 18.15 18.15 3 Floor System 14.54 14.54 14.54 4 Roof System 10.72 9.92 9.92 5 Finishes 9.15 8.36 8.36 6 Specialties 2.67 2.72 2.73 7 HVAC System 19.66 24.81 24.81 8 Plumbing System 4.76 5.45 5.45 9 Electrical System 7.97 8.87 9.78 10 Conveying 21.31 19.37 19.37 11 Safety S stem 10.28 10.28 10.05 Building Class Total Cost/SF $129.83 $131.771 $132.52 Central Heating Facilities 7 Cost/SF System Number System Name 7A Pre 1950's 7B 1950-70's 7C 1980's + 1 Foundations 6.81 6.05 6.05 2 Envelope 21.66 20.69 20.69 3 Floor System 20.25 20.25 20.25 4 Roof System 9.90 9.22 9.22 5 Finishes 5.24 4.79 4.79 6 Specialties .95 .97 .98 7 HVAC System 298 7.45 7.45 8 Plumbing System 3.22 3.66 3.69 9 Electrical System 5.91 6.57 7.23 10 Conveying 3.98 3.62 3.62 11 Safety System 9.56 9.56 9.33 Building Class Total Cost/SF $90.491 $92.84 $93.30 Warehouse/Storage 8 Cost/SF System Number System Name 8A Pre 1950's 8B 1950-70's 8C 1980's + 1 Foundations 6.81 6.05 6.05 2 Envelope 17.46 16.46 16.46 3 Floor System 20.25 20.25 20.25 4 Roof System 9.90 9.22 9.22 5 Finishes 5.24 4.79 4.79 6 S ecialties 1.04 1.06 1.07 7 HVAC System 3.73 745 745 8 Plumbing System 3.22 3.66 3.69 9 Electrical System 5.91 6.57 723 10 Conveying 3.98 3.62 3.62 11 Safety System 9.56 9.56 9.33 Building Class Total Cost/SF $87.12 $88.701 $89.16 FCI Workshop Manual. A-8 Food Services 9 CostUSF System Number System Name 9A Pre 1950's 9B 1950-70's 9C 1980's + 1 Foundations 14.39 13.63 13.63 2 Envelo a 46.82 47.56 47.56 3 Floor System 7.66 7.66 7.66 4 Roof System 11.49 10.68 10.68 5 Finishes 33 30.03 30.06 6 Specialties 22.12 22.51 22.61 7 HVAC System 10.51 19.55 19.55 8 Plumbing System 13.28 M23 15.44 9 Electrical System 17.93 19.42 20.91 10 Conveying 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 Safetv S stem 10.68 10.68 10.45 Building Class Total CosUSF $187.90 $197.00 $198.56 Residence Halls 10 CosVSF System Number System Name 10A Pre 1950's 10B 1950-70's 10C 1980's + 1 Foundations 4.51 3.74 3.74 2 Envelope 15.36 15.44 15.44 3 Floor System 35.93 35.93 35.93 4 Roof System 2.31 2.21 2.21 5 Finishes 47.15 43.67 43.67 6 Specialties 6.51 6.89 6.99 7 HVAC System 12.71 15.85 15.85 8 Plumbing System 11.28 13.15 13.41 9 Electrical System 11.78 13.05 14.31 10 Conveying 13.43 12.20 12.20 11 Safety System 11.35 11.35 1 1. 12 -Building Class Total CosVSF $172.31 1 $173,481 $174.87 Private Single Family and Multiple -Unit Residences 11 CosttSF System Number System Name 11 A Pre 1950's 11 B 1950-70's 11 C 1980's + 1 Foundations 6.48 5.71 5.71 2 Envelope 21.23 21.20 21.20 3 Floor System 23.92 23.92 23.92 4 Roof System 3.92 3.67 3.67 5 Finishes 35.20 32.81 32.81 6 Specialties 4.30 4.30 4.30 7 HVAC System 16.23 21.40 21.40 8 Plumbing System 17.54 20.31 20.67 9 Electrical System 11.25 12.20 13.15 10 Conveying 6.52 5.93 5.93 11 Safety System 9.29 9.29 9.06 -Building Class Total CosVSF $155.87 $160.7411 $161.82 A-9 Categorizing and Coding Building Data Utility Tunnel Structures 12 Cost/SF System Number System Name 12A Pre 1950's 12B 1950-70's 12C 1980's + 1 Foundations 6.52 5.75 5.80 2 Envelope 26.80 24.63 24.95 3 Floor System 5.04 5.04 4.68 4 Roof System 7.51 7.11 7.17 5 Finishes 1,34 1.23 1.26 6 Specialties .58 .58 .61 7 HVAC System .05 .17 .18 8 Plumbing System 1.22 1.35 1.37 9 Electrical System 3.31 3.31 3.62 10 Conveying 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 Safetv S stem 3.30 3.30 3.12 Building Class Total CosUSF $52.78 $55,65 $52.48 Prison/Jail Facilities 15 CosVSF System Number System Name 15A Pre 1950's 15B 1950-70's 15C 1980's + 1 Foundations 3.82 3.05 3.05 2 Envelope 37.09 38.15 38.15 3 Floor System 29.08 29.08 29.08 4 Roof System 5.19 4.94 4.94 5 Finishes 15.83 14.51 14.51 6 Specialties 57.78 72.93 76.72 7 HVAC System 11.00 22.00 22.00 8 Plumbing System 40.93 47.56 46.48 9 Electrical System 12.22 13.53 14.85 10 Conveying 5.54 5.04 5.04 11 Safety System 11.33 11.33 11.10 Building Class Total Cost/SF $229.82 $262.16 $267.93 Parking Facilities 16 Cost/SF System Number System Name 16A Pre 1950's 16B 1950-70's 16C 1980's + 1 Foundations 5.33 4.57 4.57 2 Envelope 22.42 20.36 20.36 3 Floor System 7.94 7.94 7.94 4 Roof System 0,00 0.00 0.00 5 Finishes 2.08 1.91 1.91 6 Specialties .97 .97 .97 7 HVAC System 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 Plumbing System .57 .64 .65 9 Electrical System 3.57 3.97 4.37 10 Conveying 3.02 2.75 2.75 11 Safe System 5.15 5.15 4.92 -Blass Total Cost/SF $51.051 $48.261 $48.43 FCI Workshop Manual A-10 SAMPLE FCI Inspection Team Captain's Responsibilities FCI INSPECTION TEAM CAPTAIN'S RESPONSIBILITIES Pre -Inspection Loeistics ❑ 1. Work with the administrative associate to coordinate/delegate responsibilities listed below. ❑ 2. Schedule regular inspections (normally 2 d Wednesday of the month) and notify participants. • Manager Campus Maintenance Architect This lists MSU's team; • Plumber Foreman Custodial Supervisor state agencies can • M/E Engineer Carpenter Foreman assign participants as • Electrician Foreman Planner needed. ❑ 3. Schedule meeting place for Building Review Session and Exit Session. ❑ 4. Edit standard memo as needed and send to Building Supervisor at least I week prior to inspection. Prior to the audit, compile all messages from the Building Supervisor, i.e., be sure that you have messages that the administrative associate might have received on your behalf. ❑ 5. Call Building Supervisor (on day memo should arrive) and discuss his/her responsibilities. a. Thank them for their cooperation and assistance. b. Be sure to notify all building occupants. c. Reiterate that the FCI is to document maintenance needs vs. adaptive renovation needs (May send memo to Planner noting adaptive renovation needs.) d. Invite Building Supervisor or designee to Building Inspection Session (suggest 9:30 a.m. arrival), and encourage written comments. e. Be sure to coordinate special access requirements. Discuss and document problems that might be caused by the inspection itself. • possible contamination of inspection team members from laboratories, storage, or mechanical areas • possible experiment contamination by inspection team members • light/noise interruptions in classrooms, laboratories, or meeting rooms • others as needed ❑ 6. Compile Background Data • Building -specific FCI Audit Forms (items 1-5 should be filled in) • 8i/2 x I I" building plans (floor plans and roof plans) for each team member • Previous FCI data (Deficiency Detail by Building — Priorities 1-6 and Priority 7) • Recent Work Orders, Requested/Completed (i.e., during the preceding 3 years, or 1 FCI cycle) • Space Management Study, if applicable • Custodial Report A-11 Preparing for an Inspection ❑ 7. Two (2) days prior to inspection, call Building Supervisor and verify the following: a. Date and schedule for Inspection b. All building occupants notified c. Building Review and Exit Session location d. Special access requirements noted in Item 5e above Inspection ❑ 1. Make Background Data available at Building Review Session and lead the session ❑ 2. Secure necessary keys: Master/Mechanical/Custodial/Roof Hatch ❑ 3. Lead Exit Session Fill out/organize Rating Forms. There should be a rating form for each system as defined in this manual. See page 5 for "Building Systems and Components" and page 20 for a "Sample Rating Form." For each deficiency that the team discovered during the inspection, they should write an action statement (a sentence that begins with a verb) that, when completed, will correct the deficiency. For example, if siding on the north side of the building is in disrepair, the sentence might be "Repair/replace siding on the building's north side." Collect and forward to the CAD group any discrepancies that team members may have noted between plans and actual conditions. Note any determinations that the team makes regarding FCI format/policy. For example, if the team decides to inspect residence hall dining facilities separately from the residence hall itself, and that is a change in policy or practice, the team captain should document and provide rationale for the policy change. Post -Inspection ❑ 1. Give file to data entry person for processing. FCI Workshop Manual A-12 s� SAMPLE Facility Inspection Schedule FACILITY INSPECTION SCHEDULE CYCLE 6: Team Month............................................................... Building ........................................................ ................. Captain October11, 2006.............................................. Herrick..........................................................................O'Toole November8, 2006............................................ H & PE.......................................................................... Stroh December13, 2006.......................................... Reid .......... ....... ................... ........................................... Banziger January10, 2007.............................................. AJMJ............................................................................. Davis February14, 2007............................................ EPS................................................................................ O'Toole March14, 2007................................................ Gaines............................................................................ Stroh April11, 2007.................................................. Roberts Hall................................................................... Drummond May9, 2007...................................................... Cheever Hall .......................................................... ........Davis June 13, 2007................................................... Cobleigh Hall ................................................................ O'Toole July 11, 2007.................................................... Visual Comm. Building ................................................. Stroh August8, 2007................................................. Traphagen Hall.............................................................. Drummond September 12, 2007.......................................... Leon Johnson Hall ......................................................... Davis October10, 2007.............................................. Marsh Lab.....................................................................O'Toole November 14, 2007.......................................... Sherrick Hall.................................................................. Stroh December 12, 2007.......................................... Montana Hall ................. ................................................ Drummond January 9, 2008................................................ Linfield Hall..................................................................Davis February13, 2008............................................ Cooley Lab....................................................................O'Toole March12, 2008................................................ Romney Gym ..................... ........ .................................... Stroh April 9, 2008.................................................... Huffman Building .......................................................... Drummond May14, 2008.................................................... Hamilton Hall ................................................................ Davis June11, 2008................................................... Wilson Hall...................................................................O'Toole July 9, 2008...................................................... Animal Resource Center................................................ Stroh August13, 2008............................................... Free Month.................................................................... Drummond September 10, 2008.......................................... Plew Physical Plant ....................................................... Davis October8, 2008................................................ Howard Hall..................................................................O'Toole November 12, 2008.......................................... Renne Library ................................................................ Stroh December 10, 2008.......................................... Museum of the Rockies ................................................. Drummond January14. 2009.............................................. Wool Lab ..... .......................................................... ........Davis February11, 2009............................................ Lewis Hall.....................................................................O'Toole March11, 2009................................................ Haynes Hall................................................................... Stroh April 8, 2009.................................................... McCall Hall................................................................... Drummond May13, 2009.................................................... Taylor Hall....................................................................Davis June 10, 2009................................................... Culbertson Hall .............................................................. O'Toole July 8, 2009...................................................... Plant Growth Center...................................................... Stroh August 12, 2009............................................... Ag Bioscience Complex ...............................................Drummond September9, 2009............................................ Heating Plant ................................................................. Davis cc: Victoria Drummond Jeff Davis Loras O'Toole Bob Lashaway A-13 Preparing for an Inspection SAMPLE Notice to Building Supervisor :1 Memo TO: , Building Supervisor Hall FROM: Megan Bergstedt, Data Information Specialist For (Team Captain's Name) RE: FACILITIES CONDITION INVENTORY (FCI) (Buildiniz Name) An inspection team from Facilities Services will be conducting a Facilities Condition Inventory (FCI) in (Name of Building) on (Date of Inspection) from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The FCI provides a periodic evaluation of the condition of the institutions=s physical assets and the data are used by those making facilities budgettresource allocation decisions and maintenance management. The FCI Inspection Team consists of approximately eight people, with backgrounds in pertinent disciplines, who will inspect all areas of the building. As Building Supervisor you are the communication liaison between Facilities Services and the faculty, staff, and students that use (Name of Building). Therefore, please notify all building occupants of the FCI and collect their comments regarding the physical condition of the building. You are invited to participate in the FCI by accompanying the Team during the inspection or simply by providing the collected comments. Your assistance is essential and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please call if you have any questions and thank you. cc: Victoria Drummond FCI Workshop Manual A-14 SAMPLE Notice to FCI Inspection Team Members MEMORANDUM DATE: March 9, 2010 TO: Robert Lashaway Jeff Butler Walt Banziger Jeff Davis Victoria Drummond Loras O'Toole Robert Schlenker Gary Gramer Kent Porter Mark Cusack Darrell Freeland Randy Bolin Tom Nowak Lloyd Hansen Bill Sullivan Scott Richardson Cindy Tirrell - ITC FROM: (Name of Team Captain) Team Captain RE: (Name of Building) Facilities Condition Inventory (FCI) The team will meet at 8:30 A.M., on (Date of Inspection) in the Facilities Conference Room to begin the next FCI. Exit session will directly follow the onsite inspection of the (Name of Building). Your input and assistance is greatly appreciated. Please notify Megan Bergstedt (x4213) if you are unable to attend. Thank you. A-15 Preparing for an Inspection FCI INSPECTION Needed Materials • Building Plans and Roof Plans Team members can use the 8-112 x I I" building and roof plans to note places where the drawings do not accurately reflect existing conditions. Examples include plans that have not been updated to show the results of remodeling or the case where a building's room numbers do not match the plans' numbers. Team members also use the plans to navigate the buildings, making sure that they inspect the entire building. • Deficiency Detail by Building (if it exists) This report, which was formerly titled Facility Condition Inventory: Buildings by System, related only to the building to be inspected, lists deferred maintenance items from previous FCI inspections if the building has been inspected in a previous FCI cycle. Items are grouped by system and sorted by system components. Renewal costs are provided for each item and subtotaled for each system. • Work Order History This report lists work orders, grouped by fixture, that have been completed by the Facilities Services' staff in the building scheduled for inspection. This report is gathered from the maintenance department, not from the FCI software. The team reviews the work orders to identify recurring problems or building -wide failures of a certain component. For example, having more work orders for leaking faucets than what can be explained by normal wear -and -tear might lead the team to pay special attention to faucets during the inspection. The team might then decide that the building's faucets have exceeded their practical lives and that replacing them would be more appropriate than continuing to repair them. • Custodial Report The Custodial Report lists problems reported by custodians. Most of the problems are related to minor repairs, such as malfunctioning plumbing and light fixtures and broken windows. Like the Work Order History, the Custodial Report can reveal chronic problems, such as light fixtures that cause bulbs to burn out prematurely. • Projects Database List This list helps the team conduct more efficient inspections. Reviewing the work that has been done since the previous FCI inspection makes it easier to know what items can be deleted from the list of deficiencies. For example, a remodeling project that includes replacing all exterior windows makes it less likely that there will be FCI items in that component. • Other Compile all additional information that is pertinent to the facility's physical condition. FCI Workshop Manual A-16 TYPICAL FCI INSPECTION SCENARIO (for a facility's initial FCI)* 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Building Review Session: Inspection Team meets in the OFS Conference Room to review background data and specific aspects of the building being inspected. (See page A-17 for a suggested agenda that details this portion of the audit.) 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Inspection Session 1: Inspection Team accompanied by Building Supervisor and Custodial Supervisor begins inspection of each building system. 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Inspection Session 2: Inspection continued and completed. Follow-up items verified. 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Exit Session: Coordination/justification of system rating form information. The agenda should be flexible enough to let the team devote more or less time to the process as needed. The age, condition, and size of the building will likely affect how much time the team spends, not only on inspecting the building, but also on conducting the Building Review Session. * For subsequent FCIs, activities will remain the same, but they should take less time. A-17 Conducting an Inspection BUILDING REVIEW SESSION AGENDA See FCI Inspection: Needed Materials (page A-15) for an explanation of how and why the team reviews the items listed in the agenda: • Distribute Building and Roof Plans • Read FCI Report from previous (and most recent) audit* • Circulate Work Order History* • Circulate Custodial Report* • Read pertinent LRBP List items* • Read Projects Database List items* • Share personal knowledge about the subject building's condition** *when available **Ask each team member to share with the others assembled for the Building Review Session what they personally know about the subject building. For example, the plumbing and custodial supervisors should offer their perspectives about the condition of the building's plumbing fixtures and the work control supervisor should explain that previously noted roof system deficiencies were remedied when the building's roof was replaced. FCI Workshop Manual A-18 PRIORITIZED RATING SYSTEM Priority Definition 1 SAFETY — Situations or conditions that pose an immediate danger to life, limb or property, if the deficiency is not corrected. 2 DAMAGE/WEAR OUT — Potential for serious damage to the building or the building components if the deficiency is not corrected. 3 CODES/STANDARDS — Building codes and/or institutional construction standards were not met during construction or renovation. Condition may or may not represent an urgent situation if deficiency is not corrected. This category does not include grandfathered deficiencies due to changes in subsequent codes. 4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS — Correctable deficiencies that will improve system operations and increase the comfort level of the building occupants. 5 ENERGY CONSERVATION — Amelioration or upgrading of the operating systems in order to reduce energy consumption in the building. 6 AESTHETICS — Renovation/maintenance designed to improve the appearance of the building. 7 OTHER — Renovation/Adaptive, Life Safety/Code upgrades, i.e., ADA. These items are not calculated as part of the building's total deferred maintenance, but priority 7 is frequently used to note other building needs. Note: When prioritizing observed deficiencies, note only deficiencies that exist at the time of the inspection. Do not record incidental deficiencies that will occur as a result of repairs. For example, if a water pipe is on the verge of bursting and poses a safety risk, record only the deficiency of the pipe itself. Do not record deficiencies related to repairs that a watt wilt need if workers cut a hole to access the deficient pipe. A-19 Conducting an Inspection SAMPLE Facilities Condition Inventory Rating Forms Cover Page FACILITIES CONDITION INVENTORY RATING FORM CAMPUS Montana State University — Bozeman DATE OF INSPECTION : June 19, 2008 BUILDING NAME Leon Johnson Hall BUILDING CATEGORY: 4B INSPECTION TEAM Walter Banziger (architect) Victoria Drummond (planner) Jeff Davis (engineer) Jeff Butler (Facilities Services director) Darrell Freeland (plumber foreman) Tom Nowak (electrician foreman) Kent Porter (carpenter foreman) Lloyd Hansen (refrigeration foreman) Scott Richardson (custodial supervisor) Cindy Tiff ell (Information Technology Center representative) Mark Cusack (heating maintenance supervisor) Jon Wraith (building supervisor) FCI PRIORITIZED RATING SYSTEM I.SAFETY 2. DAMAGE/WEAR OUT 3. CODES/STANDARDS 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS 5. ENERGY CONSERVATION 6. AESTHETICS 7. OTHER FCI Workshop Manual A-20 SAMPLE Rating Form O BUILDING NAME: Reid Hall O AUDIT DATE: 4/15/05 O BUILDING CATEGORY: 3C BUILDING NUMBER: 115 ® SYSTEM: H&V System (7) Page 1 of 1 O SYSTEM COMPONENTS 7A Heating 7B Ventilation 7C Cooling © O ® O EXPLANATION OF DEFICIENCY Component Priority Percent of System (A thru C 1 tnru Deficiency Explanation 7 A 2 17. Replace all zone pumps and balance. Modify existing penthouse HV unit and mixing 7 B 2 75Z boxes Modify and replace controls on multi -zones 7 B 4 57. and balance. 7 FCI RATING FORM LEGEND Recorded during "Preparing for an Inspection" phase O Building Name from Facilities Inventory 7 7 OO Building Category (from Building Categories listed on page A-3) OO Building Number from Facilities Inventory 7 ® Building System being evaluated (from Building Systems and Components listed on page A-5) OO Predefined components of the system being evaluated (from Building Systems and Components listed 7 on page A-5) "FCI NOTE: Per item 6 of the Inspection Team Captain's Responsibilities" (page A-10), the team captain should ensure that, when the team receives the form, items 1 through 5 are complete and accurate for the building being inspected. Recorded during "Conducting an Inspection" phase Oe The team identifies where a deficiency exists, using items defined in 5 above. (2) The team assigns a priority to each deficiency (using priority definitions listed on page A-18). ® The team uses a percentage to indicate how much of the component is deficient for the particular item noted. The entire component represents 100%. O These action statements, when executed, will correct the noted deficiencies. (See item 3 on page A- 11 for further explanation.) CATEGORIES 1=Safety 2=Damage/Wear-out 3=Codes/Standards 4=Environmental Improvements 5=Energy Conservation 6=Aesthetics 7=Other (non-FCI items) COMPUTER PROGRAM USER'S MANUAL General Notes: 1) The manual illustrates and describes each menu and form that users will see as they use the program. The manual is organized by the program's six menus. There are five types of menu items, each of which is represented by an icon as shown in the following table. Icon Item Type Notes Menu • Form Users will enter or edit data. A Report ► Dialogue Box Users will make selections for the reports that they want to generate. ♦ Miscellaneous I Users can view "Hel " or return to a 2revious menu. ■ Main Menu • Site Entry/Edit • Building Entry/Edit • Audit Data Entry/Edit ■ Report Menu ♦ Help ♦ Exit FCI Program Report Menu ■ Deficiency Detail Reports ■ Summary Reports ■ Database Reports ► FCI Audit Form... ♦ Back to Main Menu ■ Deficiency Detail Reports Menu ► Deficiency Detail by Priority... ► Deficiency Detail by Component... ► Deficiency Detail by Building... ► Deficiency Detail by Building for Audit... ► Deficiency Detail by Building (Inactive)... ► Deficiency Detail Report - Selectable Deficiency Display... ♦ Back to Report Menu ■ Summary Reports Menu ► Component Summary by Building... ► Building Summary... No. Priority Summary... ► Site Summary... ♦ Back to Report Menu B-1 Entering Inspection Data 2) 3) 4) 5) ■ Database Reports Menu ♦ Component Pricing Detail ♦ System Pricing Summary ♦ Site List ♦ Building List ■ Basic Database Reports ♦ Back to Report Menu Basic Database Reports Menu ♦ Agencies by Program ♦ Building Categories ♦ Building Age Classes ♦ Building Funding Sources ♦ Priorities ♦ System and Component List ♦ Back to Database Reports Menu SYMBOLS: Ellipses (...) that follow menu options indicate that a dialogue box will appear when a user chooses a corresponding option. in other words, those menu options will lead a user to make additional selections. NAVIGATION: After data is entered in a form, it will be displayed in the grid at the bottom of the screen. For buildings with more than one record, choosing "Edit" mode will allow a user to move among the records using the navigation buttons at the top of the grid or the Page Up and Page Down buttons. It is also possible to select a record by clicking on its row in the grid. SORTING: Clicking on a column heading will sort the data displayed in the grid. Each click will sort the data on the corresponding field and will switch between ascending and descending order. DATA ENTRY: Selections from dropdown lists can be made with a mouse or other pointing device or by entering codes associated with the systems and components. For fields that allow multiple selections, a user can use the standardized technique for making multiple selections, i.e., pressing <Ctrl> while clicking on each selection. Main Menu and Related Entry Forms The Main Menu appears when a user starts the FCI program. These are the Main Menu options: l Site Entry/Edit Building Entry/Edit ` 4 • Audit Data Entry/Edit Report Menu ■�ir Help k - s� fi Exit FCI Program � _-- All menu options shown above are described in the following section, as items I. A through I. F. , , , Computer Program User's Manual B-2 Enter/Edit Site Data ,;„Commen![e2] Site Eiktry/&i/k�rnm,8creen,Shak; L I P I I I I 1 I f I I 1 1 I 1 f 1 I 1 i The screen shown above appears when a user chooses Site Entry/Edit from the Main Menu. The form defaults to "Entry" mode, which a user needs to set up the program initially and to later add new sites. COMPONENTS: The form allows you to enter or edit Site information. A Site consists of an Agency, Site Name, and Site Code. ENTER/EDIT: In "Entry" mode all fields are initially blank. Use "Edit" mode to change previously entered data. New records cannot be entered in "Edit" mode, nor can existing records be edited in "Entry" mode. Field descriptions follow. Agency: Select an Agency from the dropdown list. (Users cannot add new Agencies.) Site: Type the Site Name according to the Agency's preferences. At various places throughout the program, sites will be listed alphabetically. So, you should carefully define and follow naming conventions, such as abbreviations, especially if you have a large number of sites. Site Code: Enter a one- or two -digit Site Code with a value between 1 and 99. Like the naming conventions, nomenclature of the site codes might be especially important for users who manage data for many sites. For example, an agency with regions might want to reserve ranges of numbers for specific geographical areas. Note: Each site within the same Agency must have a unique Site Code and Site Name. B-3 Entering Inspection Data Building Entry/Edit Form FIELD NAME FIELD TYPE Site _ dropdown list Agency automatic fill-in Building No numeric Building Name alphanumeric „ Funding Source dropdown list Bldg Category dropdown list Construct. Year Numeric Gross Sq. Feet Numeric No. of Floors Numeric Enter/Edit Building Data The screen shown above appears when a user chooses Building Entry/Edit from the Main Menu. The form defaults to "Entry" mode, which users need to set up the program initially and to later add new buildings. COMPONENTS: The form allows a user to enter or edit Building data. A Building record consists of the Site (selected from a dropdown list that contains your Site Names), Building Number, Building Name, Funding Source, Building Category, Construction Year, Gross Square Feet, and Number of Floors. All fields are required. ENTER/EDIT: Upon opening the form, all but one field is blank. The field "No. of Floors" defaults to 1. Use "Edit" mode to change previously entered data. New records cannot be entered in "Edit" mode, nor can existing records be edited in "Entry" mode. Descriptions of the fields follow. Site: Select a name from the dropdown list. Agency: The Agency will be displayed based on your Site selection. Building Number (Building No): Enter a building number within a numbering system determined by your Agency and/or Site. Numerical values ranging from 1 to 99999 are valid. Building Name: Building Names are sometimes listed alphabetically. So, users should carefully define and follow conventions, such as abbreviations, especially if they have a large number of buildings. It is not possible to search for text, so it is best to have names appear in predictable, expected positions within various lists. This required field accepts up to 30 characters. Funding Source: Select from the dropdown list. The Funding Sources are Auxiliary, Federal, Non - State, Private, and State. Users cannot change the names of Funding Sources, but each Agency can define and use them according to its needs. For example, Non -State could apply to a leased building or to one that is owned by a county and provided to an Agency for its use. An Agency might use Auxiliary and Non -State categories as "Other" categories. The term "Funding Source" is intended to be related only to how the maintenance itself is funded, not to construction funding. Perhaps construction is funded by federal, state, and private sources, but the maintenance costs are covered only by state funding. In this case, the Funding Source would be State. The software developers have pre -defined Funding Source categories with the intent to help users compile FCI data that is relevant to the State Legislature as it relates to Long Range Building Programs (LRBP). Computer Program User's Manual B-4 1 .Carmment [e37 Biutamg Enaq/FdFFom sc�nK �r i i r` r r` r r r r Building Category (Bldg Category): Use the dropdown list to select from predefined categories or type the corresponding numerical codes listed in the "Categorizing and Coding Building Data" portion of this manual. If a building does not exactly match a category, or if it matches more than one, use the category that best matches or the one corresponding to the building's primary function. For example, categorize a dorm with dining facilities as a Residence Hall, not as a Food Service building because its primary use and most of its square footage is dedicated to its residence hall function. If an agency has buildings that people will find difficult to categorize and/or if data will be recorded in more than one database, the agency should consider writing guidelines to ensure consistency. Construction Year (Construct. Year): Enter the year in which the building was first occupied in this field. The 4-digit field accepts values from 1800 to the current year. Gross Square Feet (Gross Sq. Feet): Determine the area of all floors in a building and enter the sum of the areas in this field that will accept values between 1 and 9999999. Number of Floors (No. of Floors): Enter the number of floors in a building that are above ground. Exclude basements and crawl spaces. Enter a numeric value between 1 and 255. B-5 Entering Inspection Data Audit Entry/Edit Form View of Form Upon Entering Entry Mode FIELD NAME FIELD TYPE Filter by Site dropdown list Select Building dropdown list Active checkbox Date date MM/DD/YYYY System dropdown list Component dropdown list Priority dropdown list Percent numeric - whole numbers < 100 Action Alphanumeric View of Form Upon Entering Edit Mode Enter/Edit Audit Data The screen shown above appears when users choose Audit Data Entry/Edit from the Main Menu. The form defaults to "Entry" mode. Users wilt use this screen to enter new audit data or to edit records from previous audits. All fields are required. r Following the instructions in the FCI Workshop Manual, the inspection team will record audit data. They will note changes to items recorded during previous audits on the "Deficiency Detail by Building for Audit" report (formerly titled "Buildings by System") and new items on the Rating Form completed during the most recent audit. ENTER/EDIT: All entry fields default to blank. The Active checkbox defaults as checked. It cannot be unchecked in Entry mode. New records cannot be entered in "Edit" mode, nor can existing records be edited in "Entry" mode. Descriptions of the fields follow. Computer Program User's Manual B-6 Filter by Site: Select a Site from the list. Selecting the site will apply a filter so that only buildings related to that site appear in the resulting list from which a Building Name can be selected. Select Building: Find and select the Building Name for the building that was audited. Selecting a building in "Edit" mode applies a filter so that only audit records associated with that building will be displayed in the grid. Active: While in "Entry" mode, this checkbox defaults to checked and cannot be changed. To deactivate a record, first choose "Deactivate" or "Edit" mode. Next, find the record. The default sort is descending order by record number. So, the record with the greatest number will be at the top of both the dropdown list and the grid unless the records are sorted differently from the grid as described in the "General Notes." Typing a record number in the "Record #" field and pressing the <tab> or <enter> key is another way to select the record. The form's middle section will display the selected record's data. After selecting a record, uncheck the Active checkbox by clicking on it or by pressing the spacebar. Date: Enter the audit date in a numerical format where the first two digits represent the month, the next two are the date, and the final four are the year. Single digit months and days may be entered with a zero or a space to fill the field's first position or with a single digit followed by a slash (/ ). For example, options for entering June 2, 2005 include typing 6/2/2005, 06022005, or in a similar way with spaces in place of leading zeroes in the month and day. The year requires four digits. System: To enter the System for an audit item, choose the System name from the dropdown list by clicking on or by typing its name until it appears in the field window. The field's auto -fill function will display a name once an appropriate beginning character has been typed. For example, typing an "F" fills the field with "Finishes." To select Foundations, type the first two characters. Users who prefer to use codes may enter the System number, e.g., 1 to represent Foundations. Only Systems on the list are valid entries. Component: This field works the same way as the System field, but it uses alphabetical codes. Some alphabetical codes create unexpected results when a code matches the first character of a component name within the same system. For example, within System 4-Roof System, C is the code for Insulation. However, because the component name "Covering" starts with the letter C, the program displays Covering. To use the code for these items, first enter the code. When the incorrect description is displayed, all but the first character will be highlighted. Next, press delete. Only the character code remains. Pressing <tab> or <enter> will display the description corresponding to the code and enter the data. These codes will create the unexpected results listed in the "Initial Component Displayed" column: Code Desired Entry (System and Component) Initial Component Displayed 4C Roof Insulation Covering 5C Finishes Interior Doors/Hardware/Windows Ceilings 6A Specialties Toilet Partitions Ansul Hoods 6C Specialties Fixed Seating/Risers Chalk/Tackboards/Cabinets 6F Specialties Lockers Fixed Seating/Risers 9B Electrical System Lighting Building Service 11A Safety Systems Egress Asbestos/Hazardous Materials 11 E Safety Systems ADA Accessibility Egress B-7 Entering Inspection Data Priority: Like other dropdown list fields on this form, the priority field allows users to pick the priority from a list, or type numeric codes. The priority codes and descriptions listed below are also listed at the bottom of the Rating Form. Code ..-..„..,.,,Des ription���—_ c n 1 Safety 2 Damage/Wear Out 3 Codes and Standards 4 Environmental Improvements 5 Energy Conservation 6 Aesthetics 7 Other/Non-FCI Percent: For each item, enter as a whole number the percentage that the inspection team recorded on the Rating Form. If the cursor is placed on this field after a user enters priority 1.6 in the Priority field, the program displays "Active Component Total ##% - Priorities (1 -6)" where the # symbol represents the sum, in percent, for all active records for the building and the system component for which a user is entering an audit item. If a user is entering a Priority 7 item, the display will read "Active Component Total ##% - Priority(7)." The program will not allow the Active Component Total exceed 100% for audit records with priorities 1-6, nor for audit records recorded as priority 7. Action: For each record, enter an Action statement recorded by the inspection team as a complete sentence. The Action statement should be worded such that completing the action will eliminate the documented deficiency. The field accepts 255 characters. Menu and its Sub -Menus The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Report Menu from the Main Menu. These are the Report Menu options: Deficiency Detail Reports Summary Reports Database Reports FCI Audit Form... Back to Main Menu Computer Program User's Manual B-8 Deficiency Detail Report Menu and Related Selection Forms The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Deficiency Detail by Priority... or Deficiency Detail by Component... from the Deficiency Detail Reports Menu. To build a customized report, make the following selections: site, funding source(s), priorities (predefined or user -selected). Selecting a site is required because the resulting reports accommodate only one site. Making no selection for the Funding Source produces a report with all options. The report will include the default priorities (displayed in the field window) when a user does not make a selection. After clicking on a down arrow for a dropdown field, a user may select from the resulting list. B-9 Building Reports The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Deficiency Detail by Building..., Deficiency Detail by Building for Audit..., or Deficiency Detail by Building (Inactive)... from the Deficiency Detail Reports Menu. To build a customized report, make the following selections: site(s), building(s) and priorities. Select site(s) to filter out buildings that are not related to the selected site(s). Not selecting a site allows users to choose buildings from among all sites in the database. The primary sort, grouping, and page breaks for comprehensive reports will be by site code. The secondary sort is alphabetical by Building Names. Clicking on the down arrow for the Priority dropdown field allows a user to select from the resulting list. Computer Program User's Manual B-10 An example of a Deficiency Detail by Building report is shown below. M—r... St kUnA, xigF•Fn6•ililxs C4tr71Hn1e 6nvntnrp Deficiency Detail by Building ®'eM ® : 41e: Af511-HmesmvMtieCa�u< :Uen C—fi— 0.93 Lut ArtlitDxe: 1111+2005 99 vq: y Build' Roue LeLrat CroaA— 15L08$ S4 FI Ea Rgwn Anwr:el Con: 31.203,100 BJ Cax$oty:3A C.V,*Fc $irlm Del im,yRari : 6.3% ® a R�,a><amJ cost: $19,=e,392 ❑ 7 CnmP. SYA— Enixy INNa7 Lort Unit R.— RepLee 5 Campmm[ Enhy Up to Pri • Cnst Co.K Coat D—iptlon Sys - F.Wnliwu(1) TWI&. $7,,771 .1574840 202i PoolingslFaunktian Watla{N 11-09-2W511-W-20W 2 1'/. $241 $3,665 Ae$vskmde$onleel•Rm 88�oN pene6ames. 2e E4k0orSklalNekiwg WnW (B7 11-M-00311.O7.20W 2 7/. $135 $q 106 Aesvrfie drck. SY— Enwjq.(2) rot $59,861 $6727,686 tIB4 &tenor WeOs(A) 11-M-2W211.00.5105 2 I0'/. $328 $CAM Itegroat nom eolum,f 'eaedao011. 2329 Pzkrior Wetls(A) 11-09.2W51,W-31a5 2 2'/. $3n $9,9Ti Anfleee eOtiFttetrtxtum. S— F1oosSy4fem(3) ToMr. $14,022 $4402,224 23A Pbor $Irvcnw (A) 11.09-A105 II-W-M35 2 I''/. $736 $11,193 RFLceu ,ky—F 34 999 Sm. TmdslRisen (e) 11-AI-2W211.ID-3102 ] 1% $186 $2,SS b INSTAIRTRPADSWORN,WUCEMM NONSKID STRIPS. SyYem RwYSs'.rtan(4) Toblr. $I.5893 $617,465 9- Co WB) 11-15-M 11-0 -5 2 5% $209 $15AP3 Fey wt2 emeaeno(kaeM wtell gWkn. Syffiae Fb.W—Fs) Tnbts: $27$377 $4,357,235 9t Ceitlnga (e) t1-21-2W211-W.mn5 6 IT/. $558 $101,$36 Rep6a naiad or vd®i.gailvg ble. 31 Iekrbs OoweMeedwnlW,d.(C)11-09-2W U-M. 05 2 1% $412 $6.266 Re$ia delewnted doors. 32 Inkror Doo IduanlWe (C) 11-09-2W511.MM05 2 1'/. $4.12 $g266 Paint uiNow (mmea,Rs 217 &218. 2399 inkroeDoonMndwNWimbwn (C) IIS9-200511-OAil05 3 2% $412 $12,532 Re.mve aM rzlYxe eruvbli�g ehxlvvi5l ek�eAaalboS 1im 34 992 Fbor Flrvehes(D) 11-A-eRt2 I1.20.2002 2 5% $5.92 $4e,263 ➢EPLACE PLOOR COVERiNO. 9E1 Pein (E) il•20.21A2 Il•09.20W 2 15%. $4.70 $IWt M 9epeiN4smessesy. t0/l62006 .. �eimq tkaYbyBuJdey Pegs! 11 B-11 Building Reports The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Deficiency Detail Report - Selectable Deficiency Display from the Deficiency Detail Reports Menu. To build a customized report, make the following selections: site(s), building(s) and priorities. Select site(s) to filter out buildings that are not related to the selected site(s). Not selecting a site allows users to choose buildings from among all sites in the database. The primary sort, grouping, and page breaks for comprehensive reports will be by site code. The secondary sort is alphabetical by Building Names. Clicking on the down arrow for the Priority dropdown field allows a user to select from the resulting_list._ _ _ _ Select the deficiency range by using the drop down list or entering values between 0 and 100. Only items whose deficiency falls into that range will display on the report. Computer Program User's Manual B-12 Gort�mufk�ei0] I)efinencyDetailRepor[Men¢a «2°6Selechons'ScFeenSho,E _ �„ r° An example of a Deficiency Detail Report - Selectable Deficiency is shown below. MInnnn Slime Dnivanig+-Fncilirier Condition fnroenmry Y"�"" D rkiYtt y DeJnll krEn tding, SeleetYd DYfCiYACHY SCe:Ai6lFbm.aaMWvGyv Aem Cbm:tbn L04 La3AWdWk: ll10ROR ®' R.1tl6nfAJB1 J.I.�nti.11 G.— 4,3n 60%1 Rgmt F.afesal C.n: $107:7II gs Gf.ray:JR GWw,: Sian DeSebvy%.te: 30.]% 26 W iemix Clk '-0.100 R91><.n:W Gk: 0f,1,6,110 ❑ ] E—y IMW LW ➢nk ReneRZWe e 4 Cam .vent Entry uoa.e E' g4 Coll Cmt Symrm: En•emp (]] Teldr: Rt0,16f d04M Ia0 % PA,evns(B) OYIO]Oev ] x r3x Elesy03 RL91nCEwiN➢Ow5 +d•:rfCl n ie]. rlIJ00 Papine aip:ad:..aytlom:ynm Synm: Pe¢S—(9 r.Wr: 61JB.959 bl]9B39 f]DD CewneO(93 OL11.3001 OY11.3003 ] ]0033 9➢I SB3y0e RmL�Il¢0>mO t]DI ]nmWlm(C) 01]11001 O113%03 ] 1004 SI➢9 0{5D53 RE93ACEFll Or Sy xm: Fi:v 'Jop ]o:ds CA90 $11Y1.803 —Xv �) 1]13 ]OW 0110 ]009 ] e6% r5e0 3131719 ReM�Bie:allmw<eJinrynsn f]50 Pri.WI ]Y339000 OY109099 ] tOn ;•)f b130�1] 11NieB20R WALL6, Syjtm: 5 inner (B) T.:ds: F3$B30 d3B1,9B4 1@06 ]ef43Pam1mv (!0 0111 ]001 0111 ]001 a 93% 00.19 SUJ90 S ➢ARIii%INO.� vv SW:ONMmd: �) 0110]009 0110Y30] 3 9 619j50 omsgaA Btnwy Sysersn: HYACS lem O/ T.rda: 8]4S8BJ 8LPJ249B 153 n30tg (y 1Y33]500 IJ�13A00 ] 9Th 51]A9 6315�e! VQe�LAi0R6. Syurm: 3fum0i.p Symm (B) Soidr: 8la- $-,,J]4 1000 W.0 ➢nq(L� ON N➢1 016]Ss5 aufineay:.wrOwm YlYJ0D9 ..T.__. ..__,...._........ ➢�M, �lhswu �s;.waw n.._...�. Rf`+9'] B-13 SO `; Building Reports Summary Reports Menu and Related Selection Forms The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Summary Reports from the Reports Menu. These are the Report Menu options: Component Summary by Building... Building Summary... Priority Summary... Site Summary... Back to Report Menu The screen shown at left appears when a user chooses Component Summary by Building..., Building Summary..., Priority Summary..., or Site Summary... from the Summary Reports Menu. To build a customized report, make the following selections: site(s), funding source(s), and priorities (predefined or user -selected). Clicking on a down arrow for a dropdown field allows a user to select from the resulting list. Computer Program User's Manual B-14 An example of the Component Summary by Building report is shown below. Mon— Smu LW,—iry-F—Hkies CendWPn7 enmry g—'ov Cangmamul5+malmq•LyBnddiup ® s E--(e9 RI, JE (. p a E—P)01 ®s ©e Cdgamd Pemd Rrn,fvl Blip# I.QMV V G A C-n SF Dlik y Cmt Sim: MS(FBouned Minc-r &F— F- dd — (1) Clmpo-t EAMor Smpx�Pddnmg Wags (B) Tom! $209.009 a 9+2+ �Pos nam a+m ssio°meo E3� �a emE suss M1i mma a aim �o�. ewa�o Seam ssizwa Componant Foadnt Faunrmtmn Wags (A) sow Tom1 $352,933 n a+am saes smm sa+3� NA+E 30.+A3 � iaE3 +4+iw fl4mn iiaPa E++.>?3 aio mam i29A E14'Y6 tlaPm i]R1 xm E;v:a 4+aa L�avNoenxat avP'va qa weoiLm neniv., evaa.,v IAm i319 taws N+m f0Aov1006 °ip � Paga 1,113 B-15 Building Reports An example of a Priority Summary report is shown below. Computer Program User's Manual B-16 An example of a Building Summary report is shown below. Mommna&7 U,;—,io- Faeiiifiee Ca adtioa! enjoy +*�+•� pAma!rm,nu !g. xl77alAYf B1f!uti, S 0' �fedem! (FI ®Hem9a. (A9 Ah—&Co $277.268.281 Rkn,Mam!ar¢.wak v:rafu.+•:y ® 2 ®3 0 frrvm. (/1 Rex ICo S37.MI.7M 0< <1�ingRa!a 7854: Be ❑7 Rep&— RemHd De% BMg# BatAMVA&.m G Ana C.45F Co.0 Cart Rath SfEe: MSlFBorpman Mrd2r Cmnpur Ry6rexrrpm TaeU 3xnao0,xef Pnemae. auanr�wnbm P2d+:evrJ Todl fil7,m.if1 f].5`. FwWbg Soarza: Siate TWM 1,74.9-0 ,AIg $1uA5 T-1 071.261,191 7o 107,3X,Tf1 1f.Sh. Eeiar �tm,ttl wartwx smr sf�m7lmo fba.re 1�,19Six Sx.`✓98xt ne fliwirnsaawu 03>m.ne >x W4¢9 1% 12 O213H12 0f4� EYLOc St %Aaei SLSI<5 w1 1+2Aff j171T Oro.>WAa ifP4i,3a a0.TOPba •&iam Stmw 1T/.YRiW er Npu� 1BJYMgE� 14g,GW bv!e9 >I W,91 m a4axa 4'�e 1&,�9m iapNla 3>Aw 01�� tR wua Eemrtuxae Y.r��.K.+r3 '... 3B •t ci.HWR�SS+MirF'+m--'...-..._.......,. 13Bft !0/f //iIlQ6 Ae Bey �e m Wkvfef2 B-17 Database Reports Menu The screen shown at left appears when users choose Database Reports from the Reports Menu. These are the Database Reports Menu options: Component Pricing Detail System Pricing Summary Site List Building List Basic Database Reports Back to Report Menu Users cannot make selections for Database Reports. The Component Pricing Detail shows costs per square foot by Building Category, Class, and System. In addition to the cost per square foot for components, the detail includes the total cost per square foot for each system. F"flftks Oafflffou CO1njOO11*70fP1*h1z I)etaflky ., clays, 41111'5yslem cw"Fvn t B49OW CAM A �Yvffqn B C S)MWM FOM4#km (I) vup" To&*, Sf.04 W.75 5T.75 $2M Uss Um AS st.46 It is Sy— F-Mfopr) 4-A" roA*: =21 S1249 SI249 Sm Us$ V143 :)dOWv*WW Kx "00 160 sog 3W V 67 'A.W cd—M—s P "O. U1.1 gd21 syr"w Fz-rSTf— (29 Spam, rofittra 3191 ol#Z $9.01 Fim gh4ma (A) $79 37M V,91 S1*Trsw4ftWv1A) t2W VJ10 UOD XY-j-- AWSYsAmft SYA- rOA60. W 7 U &.7 $41.07 Pn $iw OW s2z $i;m U-0 1-miWO SIM SO$ 1805 9wikm FhW�x (V sYgm rO*. Wa8l 52&4: Sl" I sa, W:6 Hx- WS 16 iiik 44.43 $a.O Computer Program User's Manual B-18 For the Building List, the primary sort, grouping, and page breaks are by site and the buildings are listed alphabetically by Building Name. £ SNetding Li3't Site. MUB©Wmun kin I<mxpns Faaddrg Cram. ,fig. 6 Co..p.r Rptse.rme Y t8fag 3.arcR Year c". 8a7wv Cmeaasf Ana XgF1 t>ag Fl.. 400 Aoft-x.,mftwwd as IM 19?9 c T tabs (,47 44,4d4 $1rt.04 VAM.960 a 113 d.m4.tAr .4m $ide(S) ikW 6 lenterm$fet..+am Eabs (q) 44,153 $17,210 $iA01MO 2 f3) .A-m Rexcrse Certs SaA.49) c T"dwIddlbaMdAxb60) 2%, % $1W.04 $4,471,1M 2 1a Ct..rorm Hod S O) iI M 6 O—M detrrc YntJlioe;."¢ 99,tC 145,0$ 0.344,1 2 119 coho*KM vei46J 194o 9 Teach �6b Mitahs(4} 4Y;74/ $1?s7.b5 $16t 41A 6 110 CM'f16yt149 S41e 4) %0 8 T4*o*r -wwb Loft (4 Xgm , w70 ss'w d7 4 1Do 6t& zrlAik# SMkM im 9 U44s1rw:m1Z{4a7d'A 48,900 w4.50 ts'w'ju 3 139E n.aYgPby4'irt $tfif4`aY S$m4M A6 C T *w".L44t4(4) 150;M $18204 M,4n511 3 1IF 0$1WK0 SW6(S) 8 T..O*G Aa$�id L bs(4) 7&fib 31�.20 $14 ,Sp 3 $01 H,POWIH4 SWa(p 14£o. A Qm, .O oe4,?} 'Xf,745 $13454 $4,=,'t74 4 12d HyifM.84.. WC 1914 9 s?f4ara U3Y �nae.� 47,194 $141" $S.iB.W f1 M NXa adMOP. =Jd. �) 1M A C&*aH.W41p F.W'as(T) 9.614 JIM.4s $1,452,'S4 109 HMAR Had Ad4i,S) 1926 A (De4an1a1C£ns^rzem Jnae(ej 44:�i 31'4w '4SA49,M4 i `4 11a KXmdHNI Sw. C.) IM 8 'M'IM 1141M $49,191166 441 .94kxnrrMdnp sG%R,S) IW5 9 L ssr�I rJasr�crt�5)nae43j ONS IMIDS Ft dGG11 i M Kd£a=Center Ud: C) 1944 A Pna[a Rem unM) ].193 y1 A2 a495 ia9 2 120 Less JGlnx4s Hag C�aa(S) 1973 0 Teevt�tleseartT Labs fA} 1£21MI $£Ot.T) $19,T1G,QG G : £G3 Lm#aHa1 51ada (S) M A 9cactirgt'i.arolditabt(Ay 421M $11116 1104,3'b6 4 104 L41im".1 .#a1. t'S) 190 A C� Cl4amernyaOO.M d9.5@a $134M MMIA% M E 116 M--b UA&Atp9 SW. t5y t961 8 T...kildfRa arch Lahs(aj 31,1fT1 $167.4 $6 07#2 1 112 MCCs1M1&1 StA(S) IM 8 10,4E0 $172.16 12,165,90 V 101 M�Ni# +Iw i#41e 6) 1w A Ow,*1(1it54md4 Oft('4 34,25 $134� $5,TT0,454 3 �( 921 MURe"Ibbg"t- Said 6) 1937 t:4b1 C WC1ca4ar.Cmf II4 k� 93,%0 $14442 $12M2W S. 401 PI" Omw,fht+6t4dt S141d0 19N C T4a41'i`411R4VAW, LOU*(0) FAM $16T„$) $11M7,19$ 2 31d PIO.OeAft SW*Ca) IM 9 iiwwa 0e$amel.000r l? 49,�8 $1'r4:�A $31p10,900 2. Comment'[ei5] ,Btuldings I istSereen Sho$ „ r„`: B-19 Building Reports FCI Audit Form... The screen shown at left appears when users choose FCI Audit Form... from the Report Menu. The program will generate a complete set of Rating Forms (as shown on page A-20) for each building that a user selects. The inspection team will record audit results on these forms. For each building, the program will generate 11 pages, one for each system. The program completes the following fields on each form: building name, building category, system, and building number. The user can print all or selected pages. Computer Program User's Manual B-20 "Cp�o,,m,,��ment [ef6] Basic Database�ieports Menu, :`• r I ; i r r , r r I I I 1 r r I r r r I r 1 1 l I I 1 .Comment [e17]'FCSAud�f$o�5elecnons I' r r r I , , l I I I I , I t r r I I I FCI Export... The FCI Application also provides a way to export the customer tables, plus an additional export -format table (containing additional values) to a variety of formats. For instance, data can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet, for situations where it would be beneficial to analyze or present the data in ways that may not be accommodated by the standard reports. To export data from the FCI application, choose the Fite menu bar from any of the FCI menus. The Export... features appears on this menu bar. B-21 FCI Export Once you choose Export... you will be prompted to select the data you would like to export. The first three options export the Site, Building, and FCI Data tables, in the same format as they appear in the application. The fourth option (FCI Data Export Format) contains data from all three of these customer tables, plus additional calculated pricing information. Once the Perform Export button is clicked, the application will prompt for the file format to be used for each selection, and the location and file name where the exports should be saved. Computer Program User's Manual B-22