Resolution 847 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 34I t
`11�.J, -j�,y-j-'mur ef the Cit�v cf for the p:i,--�r
I,jvvin arc! al"'. the nrcpe�rt-,,_ %,:ithir V-ie district vritli Vne
cCSt C;f al'"I "Listrict.
BEO i T R 1, 'D J3Y T.'!., I C I TL` C T�"'C"11- TT.,, OTMI, C1, 1
,lectic-c, 1. Tr Gt,Wt T,i�Iatirc; District iTuviDer T,:irty-
four of' the 1�i.iY (-"I IrvAopeli for ti-'r" ostin!,Aed to T,t
oectil_n 2). i.asse C.d j,-Oor
of th.p estililatecl cost of
tiltreir by Eq), o-.ctjc, t,10
I-n,a?cels o:C lar.(I withir J_'. ct.
(Refe-_once ic 11,"37eby I'w'dite tc Lj-,,e 0, r i r
or file ar, Of
recorc',it off ice
tie Cit-v C121": fc!' E:-specitic aescripticr of tlinr
rroperty I
LL 1.; 07 El
Section 3. The tLy hereby levied
P- 11.". Or. '6,`,e "lvbelq,J30t1 Oay ez.
S'ecticr. . 4. Ref'Prerce is hereby maf:€e to Resclutjc.,. Of t(
creu,�.e TArj,,tirC f Q r f 11.t?l (-,. r -0 j ul
nct. 3rd, 1?21 Clt
7:30 c1cloci: -p
.1, t t E, s t j. Shc�vf, Cit;% C' rk.
Ad c p t Li -.1 t,,, e. day 0 1
Ap, p r c v t
__day 0 L 9 2 1.