Resolution 846 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 331, tip,. t il-n i r 'L t o 1 i t i r 2; Sn p 0 i ed 1, i 7) i 'J - t T: A r ty - t-n �,.- et C f G1y of I"- c I foi u J`)-e all t"'n district with Of rict. T -I ' TJ I P S UI,,' 1) -U�� GI 0,' l-, D :L, .oeticr. 1. T,a cost of L Di2ti-ict Nun-Cbor T:�Art a 'i, )ell 102 ti,'O Y;11��,v 1921 il- L C'f City Q., E, V i s t ri C t I' a r of Vi'l e '� ,tjvein by tu thra srveval lots and. of L—nd wi "L'Il-I.ir- u.-,o -a(I C, i �., 'r jot. L-A I 11�1-olutic'v' ("r "!,ile E%nd of iS tc t.'.e :,:f City Clar-llr I'Cr at sl�)Ccific C-ecoriT.)iuior. ol., t'lle, t oix olclocl�'. Zecti cr J.t�-7i� -,-re:by -ue-co e- L'delinquent aL cr, 1 21. e, c t i r, 4. e i I eb v , -.de t c I,eii, it i o J.' Irter, Lior. 'C'O C 2? C. t. i C-.t ttiri, T1 Acty-t,= for further rticulars. D'It ;A,-) L. 6t'.. EgPt fC,'-C Oct. 3rd, 19- '.;l tit O'Clocl- P. 11 1, t t eit: Ci 'U- er'-- or. Att ;-.,t: IT. S]'l;l7.-,-$ R,