General Aviation Airports: A National Asset�
,.of Transportation
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Federal Aviation
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A fresh look at the many roles
General Aviation Airports play in the
NAonal Air Transportation System
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y 2012
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would like to thank the following organizations for
their participation with this national initiative:
• Airlines for America
• Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
• Airport Consultants Council
• Airports Council International -North America
• Alliance for Aviation Across America
• American Association of Airport Executives
• Experimental Aircraft Association
• General Aviation Airport Coalition
• General Aviation Manufacturers Association
• National Association of State Aviation Officials
• National Business Aviation Association
• National Air Transportation Association
• Regional Airline Association
• Alabama Department of Transportation
• Missouri Department of Transportation
• Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission
• Wisconsin Department of Transportation
The FAA is particularly grateful to the National Association of State Aviation Officials for its
partnership and support in this effort, including helping to facilitate discussions with state
aeronautical agencies nationwide.
Cover Photograph Credits (from top to bottom):
Cover Airport Photo: Manassas Regional Airport — Photo courtesy of Talbert & Bright, Inc.
1. Aerial Fire Fighting Support — Photo courtesy of
2. U.S. Customs and Border Protection — Photo courtesy of
3. Seaplane Base — Photo courtesy of the FAA
4. Aeromedical Flights — Photo courtesy of
5. Agricultural Support — Photo courtesy of
6. Aircraft/Avionics Manufacturing/Maintenance — Photo courtesy of
7. Remote Population/Island Access — (U.S. Postal Service - Air Stop) — Photo courtesy of
Alaska Department of Transportation
U.S. Deportment Office of the Associate Administrator 800 Independence Ave, SW.
of Transportation for Airports Washington, DC 20591
Federal Aviation
Message from the Associate Administrator for Airports
What do general aviation airports mean to you? That's exactly what we ask ourselves when
trying to plan and make infrastructure decisions for our general aviation airports. Over the
course of more than 100 years of flight, general aviation airports have evolved from simple
landing strips to complex aviation centers. Yet, how we categorize them has not kept up.
Did you know that many general aviation airports provide flights to patients in need of critical
medical care? Or that local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies use general aviation
airports for easier access to our airspace? Or that many of these airports provide flight training
which helps keep a steady supply of pilots available for our airlines and military. For
policymakers, these different types of activities require different planning and infrastructure
That is why we undertook an extensive 1 8-month study to examine the roles that general aviation
airports play in our national aviation system to ensure we plan and invest wisely.
We applaud the local communities for their continuing support and commitment to aviation. It is
important that we work together to ensure our aviation system truly operates as a system. While
this report has given us a good foundation and starting point, we recognize that more work needs
to be done. We pledge to continue working with our aviation stakeholders and local
communities to ensure that our airports remain safe and efficient and meet the needs of the
American public.
I invite you to read how we categorized general aviation airports.
T you for your i terest in our patio 's airports!
Christa Fornarotto
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SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................... I
GENERAL AVIATION SERVES IMPORTANT SOCIETAL NEEDS........................................4
NEW CATEGORIES WILL HELP GUIDE POLICY MAKERS ................................................
NEW GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT CATEGORIES..........................................................12
GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORTS NOT CLASSIFIED...........................................................22
List of Figures
Figure 1: Types of Aeronautical Functions Serving Public Interest.............................................2
Figure 2: General Aviation Airport Categories.............................................................................3
Figure 3: General Aviation Airports Serving Aeromedical Flights..............................................6
Figure 4: Airports With Critical Community Services Provided by Government Agencies ........8
Figure 5: Long Distance and International Flights From Van Nuys, California ...........................9
APPENDIX A — Technical Analyses
A-1: Criteria Used to Categorize the General Aviation Airports..............................................Al
A-2: Key Findings From the New General Aviation Airport Categories...............................A15
A-3: An Analysis of Aircraft User Group Spending...............................................................A45
A-4: Regression Test for Consistency.....................................................................................A48
APPENDIX B — Airport Listings
B-1: Summary by State............................................................................................................. B 1
B-2: List of General Aviation Airports in the Four New Categories ........................................ B2
B-3: List of General Aviation Airports Not Classified...........................................................B93
List of Tables
Table A-1: Statutory Definitions of General Aviation Airports..............................................Al
Table A-2: Examples of How Selected States Classify Their Airports..................................A3
Table A-3: Types of Activity Indicators Considered in Grouping General Aviation AirportsA5
Table A-4: Airport Infrastructure Considered in Grouping General Aviation Airports .........A6
Table A-5: Geographical Indicators Considered in Grouping General Aviation Airports .....A7
Table A-6: Ownership and Other Data Considered in Grouping General Aviation Airports.A7
Table A-7: Summary of t-Tests Undertaken.........................................................................A13
Table A-8: Alignment of Existing Categories With National Airports and Other
Table A-9: National Airports (84) Data for Criteria......................................................
Table A-10: Alignment of Existing Categories With Regional Airports and Other
Characteristics........................................................................................... .
Table A-11: Regional Airports (467) Data for Criteria ....................................................
Table A-12: Alignment of Existing Categories With Local Airports and Other
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Table A-13: Local Airports (1,236) Data for Criteria......................................................
Table A-14: Alignment of Existing Categories With Basic Airports and Other
Table A-15: Basic Airports (668) Data for Criteria.........................................................
Table A-16: Alignment of Existing Categories With Airports Not Classified ................
Table A-17: Twin City General Aviation Airports Data for Criteria ...............................
List of Figures
.... A24
Figure A-1:
New General Aviation Airport Categories...........................................................A8
Figure A-2:
Illustration for a Criterion (e.g., Based Aircraft) for Two Airport Categories ...A13
Figure A-3:
Location of National Airports.............................................................................A20
Figure A-4:
Profile of National Airport Serving National and Global Markets.....................A21
Figure A-5:
Location of Regional Airports............................................................................A26
Figure A-6:
Profile of Regional Airport Serving Regional and National Markets.................A27
Figure A-7:
Location of Local Airports..................................................................................A32
Figure A-8:
Profile of Local Airport Serving Local and Regional Markets ...........................A33
Figure A-9:
Location of Basic Airports..................................................................................A38
Figure A-10:
Profile of Basic Airport Serving Local and Regional Markets ...........................A39
Figure A-11:
Location of Airports Not Classified....................................................................A41
Figure A-12:
Twin Cities Aviation Plan Airports in NPIAS....................................................A42
Figure A-13:
General Aviation Turbine Spending...................................................................A45
Figure A-14:
General Aviation Rotor Spending.......................................................................A46
Figure A-15:
Air Ambulance Spending....................................................................................A46
Figure A-16:
Largest User Group at General Aviation Airports: Spending on Aviation
General Aviation Airports: A National Asset
Did you know that tens of thousands of general aviation aircraft, including corporate
jets, medical evacuation helicopters, and airplanes owned by individuals for business
and personal use are flown in the United States? In fact, three out of every four
takeoffs and landings at U.S. airports are conducted by general aviation aircraft, and
most of these flights occur at general aviation airports.
There are over 19,000 airports, heliports, seaplane bases, and other landing facilities in the
United States and its territories. Of these, 3,330 are included in the FAA's National Plan of
Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), are open to the public, and are eligible for Federal funding
via the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). When an airport's owners or sponsors accept AIP
funds, they must agree to certain obligations (or grant assurances).
Most people are familiar with one or more of the 378 primary airports that support scheduled
commercial air service, such as John F. Kennedy International, Chicago O'Hare International, or
Los Angeles International, where U.S. and foreign airlines operate. We also rely on the other
2,952 landing facilities (2,903 airports, 10 heliports, and 39 seaplane bases) to support
aeromedical flights, aerial fire fighting, law enforcement, disaster relief, and to provide access to
remote communities. These 2,952 landing facilities are primarily used by general aviation
aircraft and are, therefore, commonly referred to as general aviation airports.' Included in this
group are 121 airports that also support limited scheduled air service boarding at least 2,500, but
less than 10,000 passengers each year.2
In cooperation with the greater aviation community, the FAA conducted this groundbreaking
18-month review of these 2,952 landing facilities (for the purpose of this report, these landing
facilities including mostly airports, but also some heliports and seaplane bases, are grouped
together as general aviation airports).
We documented many important aeronautical functions that are economically and effectively
supported at these general aviation airports. As shown in Figure 1, these range from emergency
preparedness and response to the direct transportation of people and freight and commercial
applications such as agricultural spraying, aerial surveying, and energy exploration.
1 The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 defines a general aviation airport as a public airport that is
located in a state and that, as determined by the Secretary of Transportation, does not have scheduled service or has
scheduled service with less than 2,500 passenger boardings each year.
2 Title 49 of the United States Code defines a commercial service airport as a public airport in a state that the
Secretary of Transportation determines has at least 2,500 passenger boardings each year and is receiving scheduled
passenger aircraft service. A commercial service airport that has more than 10,000 passenger boardings each year is
considered a primary airport.
Figure 1: Types of Aeronautical Functions Serving Public Interest
Aeromedical Flights
Law Enforcement/National Security/Border Security
Emergency Response
Aerial Fire Fighting Support
f7i,as[cr Rclief
and Response
Emergency Diversionary Airport
Disaster Relief and Search and Rescue
Critical Federal Functions
Remote Population/Island Access
Air Taxi/Charter Services
Essential Scheduled Air Service Cargo
Self -Piloted Business Flights
Flight Instruction
Personal Flying
Charter Passenger Services
Aircraft/Avionics Manufactu ing/Maintenance
Aircraft Storage
Aerospace Engineering/Research
Agricultural Support
Aerial Surveying and Observation
Low -Orbit Space Launch and Landing
OR and Mineral Exploration/Survey
Utility/Pipeline Control and Inspection
Business Executive Flight Service
Manufacturing and Distribution
Express Delivery Service
Air Cargo
and Special
Tourism and Access to Special Events
Intermodal Connections (rail/ship)
Special Aeronautical (skydiving/airshows)
Together these 2,952 general aviation airports form an extensive network and make important
economic contributions to society. Many of these aeronautical functions cannot be economically
supported at primary commercial service airports and other alternatives (e.g., fighting forest fires
without aerial support) are less effective and sometimes more dangerous.
We divided the general aviation airports into four categories based on existing activity measures
such as the number and types of based aircraft (i.e., aircraft that are stored at an airport), as well
as the volume and types of flights. The four new categories are national, regional, local, and
basic as shown in Figure 2. Of the 2,952 general aviation airports studied, 2,455 were grouped
into the four new categories. We could not establish a clearly defined category for the remaining
497 airports. They have different types of activity and characteristics and cannot readily be
described as a clear group or category. These 497 airports are currently not classified and
require further study.
3 Unless otherwise noted, the categorization was based on 2009 data.
Figure 2: General Aviation Airport Categories
Serves national —global markets
Very high levels of activity with many jets and multiengine propeller aircraft
Preparedness and
Averaging about 200 total based aircraft, including 30 jets
Serves regional — national markets
High levels of activity with some jets and multiengine propeller aircraftAccess
Other Aviation
Averaging about 90 total based aircraft including 3
Serves local — regional markets
Moderate levels of activity with some multiengine propeller aircraft
( )
Averaging about 33 based propeller -driven aircraft and no Jets
Industrial, and
Economic Activitie
Often serving critical aeronautical functions within local and regional markets
Moderate — low levels of activity
and Special
A..---:-- _U_1 1 , A ... ---- a -A. :.
Functions I
The information summarized in Figures 1 and 2 will help the FAA make better planning
decisions. We will ask the state and local airports, heliports, and seaplane base owners to
provide updated information on the aeronautical functions supported at each airport and the level
and sophistication of flying taking place there. These updates will be part of the normal state
system planning process, supported by individual master plan updates and regional or
metropolitan system plans.
Future development of general aviation airports included in the NPIAS will continue to be based
on eligible and justified needs and priorities, with these new categories providing a more
consistent framework within which to evaluate proposed projects. Future NPIAS reports,
starting with the FY 2013-2017 report to be issued later this year, will incorporate the new
categories developed in this report.
The report also raised some important investment and regulatory questions that require further
investigation, including:
• Whether current or amended part 139 regulations (i.e., the FAA airport operating certificates)
should be extended to the higher -activity general aviation airports;
• How facility requirements should vary among airports in the new general aviation categories
• How AIP funds can be used most effectively; and
• Whether all general aviation airports be held to the same grant assurances as other airports
The remainder of this report provides background on the aeronautical functions that are
supported at these airports and information on each of the four new categories. The report
concludes with a summary of the key findings of the report and next steps to be undertaken.
Complete details on how the categories were created and a listing of airports, heliports, and
seaplane bases within each category can be found in Appendices A and B.
Did you know that general aviation contributed $38.8 billion in economic output in
2009? Factoring in manufacturing and visitor expenditures, general aviation
accounted for an economic contribution of $76.5 billion.
General aviation airports in the United States are diverse and their aeronautical functions have
evolved over time. Many airports, for instance, were opened as private landing strips or military
airfields in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Some evolved into primary airports we use today; one of these is Salt Lake City International
(SLC). SLC began as a simple landing strip in 1911, became an air -mail airport known as
Woodward Field in 1920, and ultimately was developed into the large hub primary airport it is
Other airports, such as Gauthier's Flying Field just north of the heart of Chicago, evolved from a
modest grass strip in the 1920s into a thriving general aviation airport with hundreds of based
aircraft and some 90,000 takeoffs and landings annually. That airport is:
• now named Chicago Executive Airport,
• serves the general and business aviation sectors of the Chicago Metropolitan Area, and
• accepts traffic that would otherwise be destined for Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
Still other airports, heliports, and seaplane bases were established and continue to operate as
small general aviation airports accessing remote community areas, and some large military
airfields have been converted to general aviation use.
General aviation airports have evolved differently over the past century to meet the specific
needs of the communities they serve and the national aviation system. As a result, the
United States has the largest and most diverse system of general aviation airports in the world.
It has been 40 years since the roles of these airports have been thoroughly reviewed. Over this
period of time, there have been dramatic changes in the economy, where people live, and how
they use general aviation airports, heliports, and seaplane bases. It continues to be important to
examine the roles that these airports play in our system to ensure that our policies effectively
support the public interest.
Transportation systems (including air, rail, highways, and waterways) connect communities,
businesses, people, and provide critical support functions. The national system of airports,
heliports, and seaplane bases was developed to provide communities with access to a safe and
adequate public system of general aviation airports.
Our nation's general aviation airports focus mainly on more specialized services that scheduled
airline service cannot provide. In 2009, nonairline operators at these general aviation airports
spent over $12 billion, flying an estimated 27 million flights for emergency medical services,
aerial fire fighting, law enforcement and border control, agricultural functions, flight training,
time -sensitive air cargo services, business travel, and scheduled services. Some general aviation
airports provide all of these aeronautical functions, while others provide only a few. Some
airports are large and have multiple runways and extensive facilities, while others are relatively
small and may need only a short, single runway, helipad, or sea lane to serve a critical function.
Federal, State, and local governments, as well as aviation users, have invested in a balanced,
safe, and efficient system of general aviation airports since the beginning of the 20th century.
System is the key concept. Having just a few general aviation airports would not accomplish
These airports, heliports, and seaplane bases were included in the NPIAS because they were
deemed important to the Federal system and are open to the public. They provide connections to
the larger aviation system while providing access to their respective communities. Having a
well -developed system of general aviation airports throughout the country supports commerce
while also providing a safety net of airports to support emergency aircraft diversions when
necessary due to mechanical problems, medical emergencies, deteriorating weather conditions or
other unforeseen circumstances. The rationale for continued Federal involvement in the system
is that these general aviation airports assist communities and their residents in meeting the needs
that would otherwise be too costly or impossible to provide.
A list of five categories of aeronautical functions served by general aviation airports was
provided in Figure 1. The following are examples that illustrate the societal benefits of general
aviation airports, heliports, and seaplane bases.
Emergency Preparedness and Response Functions
Aeromedical Flights: Many general
aviation airports are used to providing
flights that transport patients in need of
specialized medical care. It is faster,
easier on the patient, and far less
expensive to operate these lifesaving
services from a general aviation airport.
Figure 3 shows the general aviation
airports in the country where air
ambulance services were flown in 2009.
For example, a medical center serving
western Massachusetts relies on Westover
Photo courtesy of Metropolitan Airport to transport patients
who cannot endure the stress and duration of ground transportation or commercial flights.
Law Enforcement/National Security/Border Security: General aviation airports often
serve as the base for local, state, or national programs to enforce laws. For instance, many
local police forces in large metropolitan areas (for example, the city of Los Angeles)
choose to use a general aviation airport to base their helicopter fleets. It is usually less
expensive for them to operate from a general aviation airport than from a primary airport
where there is more commercial activity and the smaller airport is usually more accessible
as well.
Figure 3: General Aviation Airports Serving Aeromedical Flights
s .
f -
.. .
National MSA
Regional 1vlE'IRO
• Local MICRO
Emergency Diversionary Airport: An extensive system of airports provides pilots with
immediate alternatives to their intended destination in the event of unexpected bad weather
or a flight emergency. The system of airports is a safety net that reduces accidents by being
extensive and available. Just one of many examples demonstrating this safety net is a
recent Archie League Awards given to an air traffic controller for assisting a pilot whose
engine had stopped while flying between two general aviation airports - Pittsfield
Municipal Airport in Massachusetts to Caledonia County Airport in Vermont. The
controller was able to quickly divert the pilot to the nearby general aviation airport in
Concord, New Hampshire. The pilot was able to make a successful landing after regaining
partial power.
4 Metropolitan or Mitropolitan Statistical Areas are geographic entities defined by the Office of Management and
Budget for use by Federal statistical agencies in collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics.
'Annual Archie League Medal of Safety Awards, National Air Traffic Controllers Association.
used as staging areas for the all -volunteer Civil Air Patrol,
Disaster Relief and Search and
Rescue: The extensive system of
general aviation airports provides a
staging area to support relief
efforts wherever they are needed.
For example, Joplin Regional
Airport in Joplin, Missouri, played
a vital role in recovery efforts after
a major tornado ripped through the
region in May 2011. General
aviation airports like Eastern Sierra
Regional Airport, located near
California's national forests, are
whose members are often called
upon to locate and facilitate the rescue of missing persons or others in need. The savings in
resources, time, and human life attributable to these efforts are an important contribution to
our society.
Critical Community Services Supported by Government Agencies: Over 390 general
aviation airports are designated by the Federal Government to provide critical services,
including access for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Marshals Service, the
U.S. Post Office, the U.S. Forest Service, and disaster relief. For example, forest fires during
the summer months are common events, especially in western states. The U.S. Forest
Service designates certain general aviation airports as staging areas to fight the fires. Using
aircraft to fight large fires spread over a wide geographic area is often the most cost-effective
solution, reduces human exposure to hazards on the ground, and gets the fire out more
quickly, which saves property and lives. Figure 4 shows the locations of these critical
community services supported by government agencies at general aviation airports
throughout the United States (color coded by services).
Photo courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Photo courtesy of
Figure 4: Airports With Critical Community Services Provided by Government Agencies
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Marshal Service.
I y
.}- Essential tic Service
W Customs Service
Postal Service
A Forest Smut
Critical Community Access Functions
Remote General Aviation Airports: In some parts of the country, general aviation
airports provide the only means of transportation. Without these airports, residents would
be faced with isolation or would have to incur substantial time, money, and risk traveling
by other means. Remote airports contribute to the national economy by reducing the
resources needed to connect these communities to the national economy.
Air Taxi Operations: When scheduled
air service either is not available or
inconvenient, businesses and individuals
charter aircraft from air taxis operating at
general aviation airports. These flights
save time and make it possible to fly
directly to places that cannot be reached
by scheduled service.
Photo courtesy of
Other Aviation Specific Functions
Self -Piloted Business Flights: About 11 percent of the total private flying in the
United States is done by business persons flying themselves to meetings or other events.
Most of this flying is done with piston or turboprop aircraft. Most of the pilots own or
work for relatively small businesses and use the aircraft to accomplish missions that would
otherwise take more time or would be infeasible.
Corporate Flights: About 12 percent of the total private flying in the United States is done
in aircraft owned by a business and piloted by a professional. The majority of these flights
are in jets and cover long distances, with some flying to intercontinental and international
destinations. Businesses elect to fly these trips to save time and expand their geographic and
organizational span of control. Figure 5 shows long distance and international flights from
Van Nuys Airport near Los Angeles. The map shows the destinations of nonstop flights and
illustrates the global access provided to operators of sophisticated aircraft at general aviation
Figure 5: Long Distance and International Flights From Van Nuys, California
Flights Filing Plans in
Flight Instruction: Virtually all of the private flight
instruction in the United States takes place at general
aviation or private use airports. Many future airline
pilots get their first training at these airports. For
instance, Le Mars Municipal Airport is a base for a
Young Eagles Program that provides opportunities for
youngsters to learn about and experience flying.
Photo courtesy of
Personal Flying: About a third of all private flying in the United States is for personal
reasons, which may include practicing flight skills, personal or family travel, personal
enjoyment, or personal business.
Commercial, Industrial, and Economic Activity Functions
Photo courtesy of Aero Crop Services, Inc.
Agricultural: From 1929 to the present,
U.S. agricultural output has become so
much more efficient that the average
dynamicaviationhelicopters. com
American family now spends dramatically less of its income on food (11 percent today
versus 23 percent in 1929). Aerial application of fertilizer, fungicides, and pesticides has
played an important role in this increased productivity, especially when it is critical to apply
material quickly over a large geographic area. Any substitute technology is more costly and
much slower than aerial application. An example is Le Mars Municipal Airport, which
provides an efficient platform for the aerial application of fungicide and insecticide for area
Aerial Surveying and Observation: Companies that have built infrastructure over large
geographic areas need a fast and accurate way to plan, manage, and maintain it. Energy
companies own and operate thousands of miles of pipeline and the fastest and most thorough
way to inspect them is to fly aircraft with specialized equipment that document conditions on
the ground. Gas and electric utilities use aircraft for the same reasons. Municipalities fly
aerial observation flights to document tax maps and plan infrastructure.
Destination and Special Functions
Tourism and Access to Special Events: General aviation airports often enable access to
areas otherwise inaccessible for recreation, including remote parks, mountainous areas, and
islands. In addition, during special events (e.g., the Super Bowl, college championship
playoffs or bowl games, major concerts, NASCAR races, etc.), general aviation airports are
used by both charter carriers and private operators to supplement facilities and services at
primary airports.
Our nation's general aviation airports, heliports, and seaplane bases fulfill a broad range of
aeronautical functions, as shown in the previous examples. However, it is difficult to properly
convey needs of these facilities, particularly airports, with a single term.
Over time, two statutory definitions have emerged to classify general aviation airports: those
that also support limited commercial service and those that help relieve congestion at primary
airports. However, these definitions do not adequately describe the roles of these general
aviation airports and the benefits of a large and diverse system.
For instance, some general aviation airports have significantly more operations than do some
primary commercial service airports and some general aviation airports relieve congested
primary airports. However, most airports currently designated as relievers are not primarily
engaged in relieving congestion at another airport, but instead support other critical aeronautical
In the summer of 2010, the FAA assembled a national team to review activity at general aviation
airports and the aeronautical functions they provide in order to better describe their current role
in the national airport system. Throughout the process, the FAA worked closely with aviation
agencies and major industry associations to gather and incorporate information about these
An important objective was to develop a new way to categorize general aviation airports,
heliports, and seaplane bases using activity and other data in existing Federal databases.
Furthermore, the analysis had to be repeatable every few years. Analysis based on other local,
statewide, or site specific data will continue to be assessed as part of statewide system planning,
metropolitan system planning, and master planning for individual airports.
The data reviewed in this study revealed that most airport information, such as runway length,
the presence of a control tower, the availability of fuel, and other characteristics, varied so much
across the 2,952 general aviation airports that it was not possible to group them. For instance,
the length of runway is very important to the type and size of aircraft using a specific airport, but
it does not mean that there is a common minimum length required to meet a specific aeronautical
function or combination of functions. Moreover, other factors (such as variability of wind
direction, climate, altitude, and surrounding terrain) often determine runway length.
A similar conclusion was reached regarding control towers. A control tower is not necessarily
needed for an airport to serve a specific aeronautical function. Some airports can be used for a
number of different functions and by different types of aircraft even though it may have a short
runway, no control tower, and no fuel services available.
Examples of the data that were useful in categorizing general aviation airports include the
number of based jets, number of all based aircraft (including helicopters and seaplanes), number
of instrument operations, international flights, interstate flights, and flights over 500 miles. A
full description of these criteria is provided in Appendix A.
This study focuses on the Federal network of general aviation airports, heliports, and seaplane
bases and divides them into four new categories based on existing activity levels and related
criteria: national, regional, local, and basic. Airports may move from one category to another
over time as aviation activity levels change. The following pages describe these categories and
provide examples in each category.
National (84)
Regional (467)
Local (1,236)
Basic (668)
Supports the national
Supports regional
Supplements local
Supports general
and state system by
economies by
communities by
aviation activities such
providing communities
providing access
as emergency service,
with access to national
communities to
primarily to
charter or critical
and international
statewide and
intrastate and some
passenger service,
markets in multiple
interstate markets.
interstate markets.
cargo operations,
states and throughout
flight training, and
the United States.
personal flying.
Map of the General Aviation Airports in the Four Categories
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National airports (84) are located in metropolitan areas near major business centers and
support flying throughout the nation and the world. National airports are currently located
within 31 states. They account for 13 percent of total flying at the studied general aviation
airports and 35 percent of all flights that filed flight plans at the airports in the four new
categories. These 84 airports support operations by the most sophisticated aircraft in the
general aviation fleet. Many flights are by jet aircraft, including corporate and fractional
ownership operations and air taxi services. These airports also provide pilots with an alternative
to busy primary commercial service airports. There are no heliports or seaplane bases in this
Criteria Used to Define the New National Category
(all numbers are annualized)
1) 5,000+ instrument operations, 1 l+ based jets, 20+ international flights, or 5 00+ interstate
departures; or
2) 10,000+ enplanements and at least 1 charter enplanement by a large certificated air carrier;
3) 500+ million pounds of landed cargo weight.
Map of 84 National Airports
(There are currently no national airports in Alaska or Hawaii)
Findings at National Airports:
• A typical national airport has nonstop departures to foreign points, including flights to Asia,
Europe, Central and South America.
• All 84 airports supported air ambulance services in 2009.
• 66 are designated as reliever airports.
• None have scheduled commercial service, but 48 were used by large certificated air carriers
for charter flights.
• 45 provided important access to law enforcement, the U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection, or U.S. Forest Service.
• On average, these airports have over 200 based aircraft and over 30 based jets.
• Operators spend over $50 million per year flying at the average national airport.
• $1.2 billion of AIP funds was invested at national airports during the period 2001-2009.
Recognizing that not all airports received AIP funds every year and that simple averages can
present a skewed impression, the $1.2 billion represents a simple annual average of
$1,610,297 per airport, including $89,734 in nonprimary entitlement (NPE) funds and
$1,520,563 in discretionary funds. Naturally, the size and nature of capital investments
varied greatly among airports within the category.
Profile: National Airport Serving National and Global Markets
Van Nuys Airport (VNY) is a public airport located in Van Nuys in the
San Fernando Valley section within the city limits of Los Angeles,
California. VNY is the second busiest general aviation airport in the
world and one of the busiest airports (in terms of takeoffs and landings)
in the world. With just two parallel runways, VNY handled over 350,000
aircraft movements in 2010, averaging about 1,000 operations per day.
By comparison, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) (with four
runways and exceptional amounts of cornmercial traffic) has roughly
1,500 operations per day.
As of 2010, there were over 660 aircraft based at VNY, with nearly 200
being turbojets.
Many of the helicopters in the Los Angeles basin are also
based at VNY.
The sophisticated aircraft fly interstate and overseas missions
in support of major industries, including many notables from
entertainment and finance. Another indicator of the role of
VNY is the heavy use of instrument flight rules (IFR),
despite the fact that it is located in sunny southern California.
VNY accounted for the third most IFR flights among all
general aviation airports in the nation in 2010 with
destinations throughout the nation and the world.
In 2009, aviators spent about $190 million on flights from
VNY. The table shows that while general aviation piston
operators flew the most flights at VNY, four other user
groups dominated the spending on aviation activity at the
airport: turbine, rotor, air ambulance, and passenger charters
accounted for 85 percent of total spending. The prominence
of these activities shows that VNY supports services not
easily replicated at LAX.
General Aviation Turbine Flying From VNY (2009) 1
Regional airports (467) are located in metropolitan areas and serve relatively large
populations. These 467 airports support interstate and some long distance (cross country) flying
with more sophisticated aircraft. Forty-nine states currently have regional airports with the
exception of Hawaii. They account for 37 percent of total flying at the studied general aviation
airports and 42 percent of flying with flight plans. There is a substantial amount of charter
(air taxi), jet flying, and rotorcraft flights at regional airports. There are no heliports or seaplane
bases in this category.
Criteria Used to Define the New Regional Category
(all numbers are annualized
1) Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (Metro or Micro) and 10+ domestic flights over 500
miles, 1,000+ instrument operations, 1+ based jet, or 100+ based aircraft; or
2) The airport is located in a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area, and the airport
meets the definition of commercial service.
Map of 467 Regional Airports
(There are no regional airports in Hawaii)
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Findings at Regional Airports:
• 459 regional airports supported air ambulance services in 2009.
• 108 regional airports provided important access to law enforcement, the U.S. Postal Service,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Forest Service, or Essential Air Service.
• 51 have limited scheduled air service that boarded more than 2,500, but less than 10,000,
passengers in 2010.
• 137 are designated as reliever airports.
• 90 were used by large certificated air carriers for charter flights.
• 56 received scheduled air service through the Essential Air Service Program.
On average, these airports have more than 90 based aircraft with a few jets.
• Operators spend over $10 million per year flying at the average regional airport.
• $2.4 billion of AIP funds was invested at regional airports during the period 2001-2009.
Recognizing that not all airports received AIP funds every year and that simple averages can
present a skewed impression, the $2.4 billion represents a simple annual average of $575,016
per airport, including $90,520 in NPE funds and $484,497 in discretionary funds. Naturally,
the size and nature of capital investments varied greatly among airports within the category.
Prot;le: Regional Airport Serving Regional and National Markets
Ankeny Regional Airport (IKV) is a public airport
located 1 mile southeast of the central business
district of Ankeny, a city in Polk County, Iowa. The
airport has two runways and handled over 48,000
aircraft operations during the 12-month period ending
September 30, 2010, averaging 133 operations per
day. As of February 2011, there were 80 based
aircraft at IKV, with 77 fixed wing aircraft and 3
helicopters. The majority of the fixed wing based
aircraft are single engine.
The airport supports cormnercial and general aviation
services for the Des Moines metropolitan area that
would be difficult to support at a primary airport
including: air charter services, flight instruction, air
photography, aircraft refueling, tie down, and
hangar/garage rental. IKV also hosts events every
year, including Fly -Ins and Air Expos
Many businesses and organizations use the airport and
its facilities, including first responders such as the
Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Army National Guard, and
Civil Air Patrol.
The map shows regional airline freight destinations
flown IFR from IKV in FY 2009.
The table shows that general aviation activity
comprised 88 percent of the flights during FY 2009
and 66 percent of the aircraft operating costs. After
general aviation operations, the next highest share of
flights was from air ambulance operations and the
regional airline freight operations.
Regional Airline Freight
Flying from IKV
Ankeny Regional Airport
Local airports (1,236) are the backbone of our general aviation system with at least one
local airport in virtually every state. They are typically located near larger population centers,
but not necessarily in metropolitan or micropolitan areas. Local airports account for 42 percent
of the general aviation airports eligible for Federal funding. They also account for
approximately 38 percent of the total flying at the studied general aviation airports and
17 percent of flying with flight plans. Most of the flying is by piston aircraft in support of
business and personal needs. In addition, these airports also typically accommodate flight
training, emergency services, and charter passenger service. The flying tends to be within a state
or immediate region. There are no heliports, but there are four seaplane bases in this category.
Criteria Used to Define the New Local Category
(all numbers are annualized)
1) 10+ instrument operations and 15+ based aircraft; or
2) 2,500+ passenger enplanements.
Map of 1,236 Local Airports
(There are no local airports in Hawaii)
Findings at Local Airports:
• 980 local airports supported air ambulance services in 2009.
• 121 local airports provided important access to law enforcement, the U.S. Postal Service,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Forest Service, or Essential Air Service.
• 70 have scheduled air service that boarded more than 2,500, but less than 10,000, passengers
in 2010 with 68 in Alaska.
• 42 are designated as reliever airports.
• 30 were used by large certificated air carriers for charter flights.
• 27 received scheduled air service through the Essential Air Service Program.
• On average, these airports have 37 based aircraft.
• Operators spend over $2.2 million per year flying on average at each of these airports.
$2.6 billion of AIP funds was invested at the local airports during the period 2001-2009.
Recognizing that not all airports received AIP funds every year and that simple averages can
present a skewed impression, the $2.6 billion represents a simple annual average of $230,203
per airport, including $78,654 in NPE funds and $151,549 in discretionary funds. Naturally,
the size and nature of capital investments varied greatly among airports within the category.
Profile: Local Airport Serving Local and Regional Markets
Eastern Sierra Regional Airport (BIH) is a public airport located about 2 miles east
of the central business district of Bishop in Inyo County, California. The airport
has three runways, two helipads, and handles about 26,000 operations annually,
averaging 71 operations per day. The majority of operations consist of local and
itinerant general aviation flights with some military operations. The airport has
54 based aircraft, most of which are single engine.
BIH provides a number of important services. It provides search and rescue
services for those who visit nearby national parks, and represents an essential
connection for a relatively isolated community. An air ambulance company
operates fi-om BIH and services the local hospital. The airport is also used as a
forest service tanker base to respond to wildfires in the area, has contracts with the
military as a refueling location, and refuels military helicopters on a regular basis.
The Civil Air Patrol uses BIH to provide a variety of
emergency services, and the California State Patrol and the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration use the airport as a
base of operations. The Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power, Southern California Edison, and assorted private
contractors have helicopters based at BIH that perform
aqueduct inspection and security, as well as power line
maintenance. BIH is also designated as an area disaster
emergency equipment staging area.
The map shows air ambulance destinations flown IFR from
BIH in FY 2009. Most of these flights go to destinations in
California with some to adjacent states.
As can be seen in the table, general aviation operations
comprised 89 percent of the flights in FY 2009 and 73
percent of the aircraft operating costs, with general aviation
turbine, general aviation piston and air ambulance aircraft
playing prominent roles.
Basic airports (668) are often able to fulfill their role with a single runway, helipads,
seaplane, and limited infrastructure. Forty-three states have basic airports. These 668 airports
fulfill the role of a community airport providing a means for private general aviation flying and
linking the community to the national airport system. Basic airports account for approximately
7 percent of the total flying at general aviation airports and 2 percent of flying with flight plans.
Most of the flying is self -piloted for business and personal reasons using propeller -driven
aircraft. A fair amount of air charter (taxi) services is provided at these airports. There are
3 heliports and 20 seaplane bases in this category.
Criteria Used to Define the New Basic Category
(all numbers are annualized)
1) 10+ based aircraft; or
2) 4+ based helicopters, or
3) The airport is located 30+ miles from the nearest NPIAS airport; or
4) The airport is identified and used by the U.S. Forest Service, or U.S. Marshals, or
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (designated, international, or landing rights), or U.S.
Postal Service (air stops), or has Essential Air Service; or
5) The airport is a new or replacement facility activated after January 1, 2001; and
6) Publicly owned or privately owned and designated as a reliever with a minimum of
90 based aircraft.
Map of 668 Basic Airports
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Findings at Basic Airports:
• 269 basic airports supported air ambulance services in 2009.
• 107 basic airports provided access to remotely located populations.
• 119 provided important access to law enforcement, the U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, U.S. Forest Services, or Essential Air Service.
0 Only one is designated as reliever airport.
• 19 were used by large certificated air carriers for charter flights.
• 29 received scheduled air service through the Essential Air Service program.
• On average, these airports have 10 based aircraft.
• Aircraft operators spend about $540,000 per year flying on average at each of these airports.
• $1.1 billion of AIP funds was invested at basic airports during the period 2001-2009.
Recognizing that not all airports received AIP funds every year and that simple averages can
present a skewed impression, the $1.1 billion represents a simple annual average of $182,384
per airport, including $68,039 in NPE funds and $114,345 in discretionary funds. Naturally,
the size and nature of capital investments varied greatly among airports within the category.
Profile: Basic Airport Serving Local and Regional Markets
Taylor County Airport (MDZ) is a public airport located ab
southeast of the central business district of Medford, a city
County, Wisconsin. The airport has two runways and hand
7,000 flights annually, averaging about 19 per day. There
based at MDZ made up of 12 single engine aircraft and 1 je
With no commercial airline service at MDZ, general aviatic
dominates activity.
MDZ is an efficient producer of self -piloted flying linking
community to the regional economy. The map shows genes
piston flying IFR from MDZ in FY 2009. Many of the des
either within the state or in adjacent states with some flight!
as North Carolina and Texas.
The table shows that general aviation piston activity
accounted for 94 percent of flights in FY 2009 and
76 percent of aircraft operating costs. Part 135 air
taxi/piston activity comprised 4 percent of flights and
general aviation turbine and nonscheduled part 135
activity each made up 1 percent of flights. General
aviation turbine activity made up 16 percent of aircraft
operating costs while part 135 piston and nonscheduled
part 135 each comprised 4 percent.
There are 497 airports (including 475 airports, 7 heliports, and 15 seaplane bases) that did not fit
into one of the four new categories. Most of these airports have been in the NPIAS for decades
and may have seen an erosion of based aircraft and activity (because of population and economic
shifts or recession) or may have no based aircraft. Twenty-two of these airports are privately
owned and were originally included in the national system as relievers for commercial service
airports, but no longer meet the entry criteria. Others may be seasonal airports, military airfields
recently converted to general aviation use, or airports used to access important state airports with
related national interests.
We found that these airports account for approximately 6 percent of total flying at the studied
general aviation airports and 2 percent of flying with flight plans; none are commercial service
airports, and none received scheduled air service through the Essential Air Service program.
$371 million of AIP funds was invested at these 497 airports during the period 2001-2009.
Recognizing that not all airports received AIP funds every year, and that simple averages can
present a skewed impression, the $371 million represents a simple annual average of $82,889 per
airport, including $48,757 in NPE funds and $34,132 in discretionary funds. Naturally, the size
and nature of capital investments varied greatly among airports within the category.
The FAA will continue to work with the aviation community to assess and potentially classify
these airports, heliports, and seaplane bases.
Map of General Aviation Airports Not Classified
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During this project, we learned about the relationship between activity and existing
infrastructure, and the diverse and critical functions that general aviation airports provide. We
reviewed and revalidated the guiding principles of the National System contained in the NPIAS.
The FAA updated the principles listed below in 2012, and these will continue to help guide the
future development of our nation's general aviation airports.
Guiding Principles of the National Airport System (updated 2012)
Airports should ■ Safe, efficient, located where people will use them, and developed and
be: maintained to appropriate standards.
■ Affordable to both users and Government, relying primarily on
producing self-sustaining revenue and placing minimal burden on the
general revenues of the local, state, and Federal Governments.
■ Flexible, expandable, able to meet increased demand, and to
accommodate new aircraft types.
■ Permanent with assurance that they will remain open for aeronautical
use over the long term.
■ Compatible with surrounding communities, maintaining a balance
between the needs of aviation, the environment, and the requirements of
■ Developed in concert with improvements to the air traffic control
system and technological advancements.
These guiding ■ Is critical to the national transportation system. Airports provide a
principles also
variety of important public services and connect their communities to
state that the
the transportation network. The national transportation system is
National Airport
essentially a government (Federal, state, local) function that needs to be
developed and maintained.
■ Should support a variety of critical national objectives (such as defense,
emergency readiness, law enforcement, and postal delivery).
■ Should be extensive, providing as many people as possible with
convenient access to air transportation, typically by having most of the
population within 20 miles of a NPIAS (national system) airport.
This top -down report confirmed that the United States has a diverse network of general aviation
airports that serve the public interest. Federal investment in these airports allows many
aeronautical functions to be accomplished more efficiently. We also concluded that:
• General aviation airports have developed over time based on state and local aeronautical and
societal needs rather than from a set of national directives.
• 2,455 (83 percent) of the 2,952 general aviation airports could be readily grouped into four
distinct categories (national, regional, local, and basic) based on the number and types of
aircraft using each airport and the level and types of activity.
• Many of the airports designated as relievers serve their own economic and operational role
and do not primarily relieve congestion at another airport.
• With possibly a few exceptions, the based aircraft, passenger enplanement, and instrument
flight data provided an accurate means to categorize the general aviation airports. Improved
reporting of based aircraft and total aircraft operations at each airport may change the
categorization of only a small number. Unfortunately, some airports have declined to
participate in the National Based Aircraft Inventory Program (Airport Master Record, FAA
Form 5010-1) and only 9 percent of the 2,952 airports studied have control towers reporting
• Most of the Federal funds invested at the 2,952 general aviation airports (about 75 percent
from 2002-2009) were used for airfield improvements such as runways, taxiways, and
• General aviation users spend more to fly at the general aviation airports than the Federal
Government invested at these airports. For example, in 2009, nonairline operators spent
$12 billion flying an estimated 27 million flights at the 2,952 general aviation airports, while
the Federal Government invested about $1.1 billion to help state and local governments
maintain and improve these airports.
As we reviewed the national airport system data, some interesting issues, ranging from safety
design standards to future investment considerations, were identified. Addressing some of these
questions would require statutory or regulatory changes that will have to be fully vetted and
coordinated by the appropriate organizations. For example:
• Does it make sense to continue to use the existing nomenclature of general aviation, reliever,
and commercial service airports contained in current statutes or would it be clearer to only
use the new ASSET categories developed?
• Should all general aviation airports be held to the same AIP grant assurances?
• Should there be different airport requirements for each of the general aviation airport
• Should noncertif cated national and regional airports with operations by heavy general
aviation aircraft be required to obtain airport certification equivalent to the requirements
under part 139?6 Should part 139 regulations be amended to include airports with these types
of operations?
6 Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 139, provides a process for the FAA to issue airport operating
certificates to airports that serve scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats or serve
scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but less than 31 seats.
The new general aviation categories will provide a baseline from which to measure changes in
operations and needs. State and local governments will be encouraged to use the new categories
to help guide future system and airport planning decisions. Those general aviation airports that
meet the statutory definitions of commercial service and reliever will continue to be so classified
within the four new categories. The FAA will periodically review and adjust the general aviation
airports included in the NPIAS based on changing activity levels.
The FAA will continue to identify general aviation airports that are important to the national
transportation system through the formulation of the NPIAS. We will do this in concert with
state aviation agencies, airport sponsors and local planning organizations. Future reports to
Congress, starting with the 2013-2017 NPIAS report, will incorporate the new general aviation
airport categories developed in this report. The FAA will:
1. Incorporate these categories into the process for identifying the national airport system's
5-year development and funding needs;
2. Work with airports and state agencies to assess the 497 general aviation airports not
classified that could not be placed into one of the four new categories;
3. Update the existing FAA guidance to reflect these new categories;
4. Reevaluate the general aviation airports biennially, in conjunction with the FAA's report to
Congress to capture changing conditions, needs, and roles;
5. Review policies related to providing Federal money to privately owned airports included in
the NPIAS, the role they play in the national transportation system, and the types of
protections necessary to safeguard public investment in these airports over the long term; and
6. Continue to work with aviation stakeholders to address investment and regulatory questions
concerning part 139 certification, grant assurances, airport requirements, funding eligibility,
and entitlement programs, and revenue use and diversion.
In addition, as required by the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 20127, the FAA will
evaluate the formulation of the NPIAS and provide Congress with a report on the findings.
Specifically, the FAA will within the next 36 months:
l . Evaluate the criteria used for including airports in the NPIAS and the application of such
criteria in the most recently published version of the NPIAS;
2. Evaluate the changes in airport capital needs as shown in the 2005-2009 and 2007-2011
NPIAS, compared with the amounts apportioned or otherwise made available to individual
airports between 2005 and 2010;
3. Compare the amounts received by airports under the AIP in airport apportionments, state
apportionments, and discretionary grants during such fiscal years with capital needs as
reported in the NPIAS;
4. Evaluate the effect of transfers of airport apportionments; and
5. Analyze the apportionment of funds to primary airports.
7 The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (section 155), under section 47103 of title 49 United States
6. Document and review the methods used by airports to reach the 10,000 passenger
enplanement threshold.
This report is due to Congress by the spring of 2015, and it will include recommendations for
changes to policies and methods of determining apportionment amounts to individual airports.
Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides grants to public agencies and, in some cases, to
private owners and entities for the planning and development of public -use airports that are
included in the NPIAS.
ASSET general aviation airports (2,952 airports) are airports that are included in the NPIAS
and are not primary airports. They include commercial service (121), general aviation (2,563),
and reliever (268) airports. (These airports were studied in the ASSET Report.)
Based aircraft are aircraft that are "operational and airworthy," which are based at an airport for
a majority of the year. This is the definition used by airports when reporting based aircraft on
the website \_vti,�, National Based Aircraft Inventory Program (Airport Master
Record, FAA Form 5010-1).
Essential Air Service Program was put into place by the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 to
guarantee that small communities that were served by certificated air carriers before deregulation
maintain a minimal level of scheduled air service. The U.S. Department of Transportation
currently subsidizes commuter airlines to serve approximately 140 rural communities across the
country that otherwise would not receive any scheduled air service.
Fixed base operator is a commercial business granted the right by the airport sponsor to operate
on an airport and provide aeronautical services such as fueling, hangaring, tie -down and parking,
aircraft rental, aircraft maintenance, flight instruction, etc.
General aviation is the operation of civilian aircraft for purposes other than commercial
passenger or freight transport, including personal, business and instructional flying.
General aviation airports are those not classified as commercial service airports.
Nonprimary commercial service airports (121 airports) are airports with scheduled air carrier
service and annual passenger boardings between 2,500 and 10,000.
Instrument operations or instrument flight rules (IFR) refer to: (1) a flight that depends
upon flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck and navigation is accomplished by
reference to electronic signals; or (2) a type of flight plan an aircraft is flying, such as an IFR or
visual flight rules flight plan. Most IFR flights involve active control by FAA air traffic
Large certificated air carrier is an air carrier holding a certificate that: (1) operates aircraft
designed to have a maximum passenger capacity of more than 60 seats or a maximum payload
capacity of more than 18,000 pounds; or (2) conducts operations where one or both terminals of
a flight stage are outside the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) (metro and micro areas) are
geographic entities defined by the Office of Management and Budget for use by Federal
statistical agencies in collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics. The term "Core
Based Statistical Area" is a collective term for both metro and micro areas. A metro area
contains a core urban area of 50,000 or more population, and a micro area contains an urban core
of at least 10,000 (but less than 50,000) population. Each metro or micro area consists of one or
more counties and includes the counties containing the core urban area, as well as any adjacent
counties that have a high degree of social and economic integration (as measured by commuting
to work) with the urban core.
National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) identifies nearly 3,300 existing and
proposed airports that are significant to national air transportation and thus eligible to receive
Federal grants under the AIP.
Nonprimary entitlements (NPE) is AIP entitlement funding made available for the use at
nonprimary commercial service, general aviation, and reliever airports. These airports are
referred to as "nonprimary" airports.
Official Airline Guide is a database and publication of worldwide airline schedules.
Part 135 operators are commercial, generally nonscheduled or air taxi operators that use
smaller aircraft (title 14 CFR, part 135).
Part 139 establishes a process for the FAA to issue airport operating certificates to airports that
serve scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats or airports that serve
scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but less than 31 seats.
Primary airports (378 airports) are publically owned airports with scheduled air carrier service
and more than 10,000 passenger boardings each year.
Reliever airports (268 airports) are general aviation airports in metropolitan areas that provide
pilots with alternatives to using congested commercial service airports or provide general
aviation access to the surrounding area.