Resolution 845 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 32RO, uclut i Cr-' L',tiia;1,tJU,,_ tiIe cc.A 4,1' litin. 12,_Ieciad Lic,htinL,, Dis-
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BE IT B'Y T'�_!:! CIT'Y' CQIIT.MIL 01�
T;.c ccA of liL'Ltinp, i f -.J. r t Y �iF'trict D
t-wo of the City cf Ir-r-Lis"el) fov le 11,Y31 is est-L,Aed to 1;c 2(115.92
Secticr 2. A Js lv�Xeby 1'!vied ard asass.-�d uper all V-10
ty i r. t z a i '1 1.1. i;h t -r," C i s t -.., J. c t f o r t of ti d cost of
th,w strFae^t.S t1horeir by .xppertionir.;- to t1--o :,eve'ra,l lot-, amd J)ar-
celo cf lv,rc7l
ip, `11oreby inv, e I-,c tl-ie f i
a snecific f t.
SvIcticr! 3. ''hie t;_7 ',:;rebfir lov
duer_t cA sioco1
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4. P,!fe1encc is !.Iereuy maxi cd Ir_-1,nrticr, t,
"ci, further "),_.rtic
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AcIc2ted this
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