Resolution 844 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 31SO' T T1611 ITO. .1344. A Resclutio,',,­ cotiifiatirt, the coEjt of liL,,jtij_,L2 3pocial Diz- Ct ',TjLrijb or T'lirt-Y-Or-Ct Of t'l-'P Citj of F�-uliopell' or the yc'ar 1911, ard I ev"ir L. 2.I1. the pr,,perty wliVlin the said district With the coot of lii"htir­­aV' district. .10I ' T '7';­-'L'"]T 4V.'1 --,"Y V:1�n :� CITIZ C0IJITC11, 07 TH' CITY OF 5ection 1. The cent of District "Tumber T'Rirty- one Cf -Lae City of Kaliopell for the year 1�D21 io estiml.ted to be 99.00. Sectior 2. j, tax is her(:.�by leviod am," akisesq�)d u.e')cn all t3h.e prop,.',,r- ty in r�dd district for t'!-,e ar!ourt of tiv_a estim,,_t(-d cost of etr(,lets, thc23�eir by aPj)ortio,1­im1 to the several lots arc. par- cels of lard witIA-3- t,,Le. j:mio ('tij-L'Xict. (Reference ic, hereby made to the ozigi.rxl Ros,: I uticn, cr. file and, of ,rc`ccrd it off ice cf the City Clerh for a sp cific deuc'.c,11.tion of the prcpe-rty P.,nbr�iced in tiva "beve menti�,ned district.) SeQticm '.). The tax hereby i.ctvied becoi:ics clelinciupnt ut 2ix o'clock P. 1% Cr- 30t'l dvi of lt`ove!'.,orlr 1921. Mcticr 4. rAa(e 16o 111e^i..Luticr. of Irter-tier. to Mmiiber Tiiirty-one for furtner poxticulars. _L' Introduced Sept. J I, - ,_I.(! set fo,!' her,­ Ciet, 3rc:, 1921 U't 7'.30 O'clocl. P. -L'. Atte_"t: A. J. CRZw, Cli Cleric. �R. TI—tire, I Cy. d' t t"] i � t."e d--- Of 1 c,,) 2 1, 'C'oe d. ay o i' 1921. Clcrh. R. P'ITt3.ine'