Resolution 835 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 14the cort Special Li(;latiijS Di s-
trict number Fciu-.teer. of-t'.,c Cito of !_'-ai J:6�µ..(-,,!'_, fci- trie,
levying urJ ri LOA the -,pr,-",:L,ty wit'Lir district With t1!.,p_
BE ITrr D !SY' T "T', CITY CC;U77011, Cj',Ij' T`Iur' CIT'l (_)IO -,�PLISP.UL:
1. T',.e coot cf I'
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f= ,,,x, 1921 io, e9tiln.�atr-d Lc be
Secticr Z. 2i _ i,- _Jie�:cvby levied and assec,,ied ui_)or_ a,11 the
'Y i,-,-Ad lijtjnr�, dia,trjct for ( o
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or EL Specific (?"eFCrjrj1
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embraced i-1-- the,'', Oaov4_' Stei,.ticr_etj district.
'3octic'r 3. ThIc, tax hereby Jevj,-Ct L)ec(_,c�2 ,e.L`nquent at ix r1c7.00k
P. I- on the 3Jth of Noveynber JD:I.
Sectior 4. Reference ir lfOrCby ma e t(, I'lesoliti Y,
01 Irtertior -to
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E" t fo2:, Oct
7:30 o'clock
Adclnt^,' Vds t.. e
ApT)xo%(! day of 92
R. Pauline, jj' ,J_