Resolution 831 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 9!�G. 331. A Resolution CStilnitir4, . 1*,',.e cost of Special Dis- trict 71U..Ibar !T-L-le of the City of Kallispeli, for t,';Le 1921, -Llr:d levy- us.'esr)inr all the property vvit;"Iir tA,' tjaid clistrict, Yn.LA tILB cost Of district, 7 T CE OF T!- CIT�%.�' �-,.P IT 1. Eae Qo2C of Lij_-Iitirg: District fj.xe of the City Of !:,'LliSpeil for t'lae 2:921L iS tc oe Section 2. A tax is 'herco-v levied usmcmsed L,.jj the proper- ty ir, the said lightir_­ di^tTict for t',,e ax�ount of tae estim,.ted cost t.-e amportio'nir.,,, tu, t:-ae oeveTai lots yard '4� _reels of lar'd ri ttiair. t],le sai,_4 Sectic:r 3. TI-.1-t ira:;ae 120 1"�ss-, ­ei-t or_� Wcodlund Park uy'�d lbo c_,n Ccjlr�lej jq�,,13 cjf1j.ttc--°e! )..'Ojl 01, 192(j tha, said be as:_iessed as 'Liste(.j '-e.Lo.Vj to care of S-id O7iIJ-33iOn. (Refe'rence is hurer)y made tc-, the 11eqc1iiLi,-ni ,n file i.,Ird of record iii t.ae orrice rf the City Cieric 1,05: a n-r)ecij-,c of the PrCyPrtY in L,,e Lbove, ,',istrict. 23-ecticr 4. The tax (rebY lE!viP-(i beco;n-,,o delinquent h,t _Ii.- o'clock P. 1'.1. or 'Liao 3tit-tj of jTQVej,fi)ej: lo S�'cticr- J. Refercrice is intertiol, -to Di 2 tric t_VPui,,- er NTiro for ftirt.ier oarticulars. Introduced 3ept. 6tA, 1921 n:!-Cd ;;et for Oc'�. 3rd, 1921 at 1'. J. naw, Cit-,". R. Pataire, 7"r-,Ycr. w t1liz the --(,"E-'Y Cf API)MVed t,'Iis of 21 Attest. J�. J. Cit, ICl r.'..R. "..ayor.