Resolution 825 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2A Resolution estimatir.,., Lae co.,.,t of Special jiphting District number Dvo of the Cit: cf 1-'a.lispell., for t'l,,, year , v.d c+rd 'i, h �at 0 ass �,k essir;� all t"ne. p',,ciperty J t i i r e i d ,,L.i�� i o t w i t c, - f B,E' IT R-,E�>()LYED BY THIO, CITY COUNCIL 0'0' tior 1. The cost of li-'Thting -JiC,,jht:Ln(,p District Iftunbet Two of the City 01'L" K13,i&Oell for t'.-,e year 1921 is ectimated t�,., be 79i.04. Sectior 2. A tex� i�--j Tioreby levi,.,?d "rd us,,.essed u-,vn all, the ir- the said lil,hting :Iistrj,ct frr t1--e a:.:,ourt. o-' the estLis.,ted co,,-,t of li„htingy the stx,Nets t;ierelr by appertiorli),,�.- tc the 3evarvu iota and PE,rcels 01' 1MICL Vvitill!'! t'ae baid diestr-iet. (i,,ei'erence is 1,iereu to Y r1laCle Ori6i,-'al Re-901utior or file of record jr., Lie cfi,ice of the City Cleric. 'or a of ti, e p v 0 T-,) e rty emuraced ii-, t��e mortl(,red 1.itvict.) Secticr 3. Th . e tr,x dej_-i.nquert at six Q,clock or. the 30tA r-i,--,y of Novemuer 1021. Secti,)7i :-,e-'eby naoe to 1"LE'sOlUtien of lrte.ntio.,c, to �;reate 7,,i Mir District TWO for !'Urt].Ler pa ticaiax°�. Irtrodliced Sept. 6t4,,,, 1921, z;zd set f(,,r _.rirz Oct. 31%k, 1921 at 7 30 otclock P. J.,. A. J. W 7, r. Adepted this the ol 921. Ap overt ti-IL', the day 0:1 Attest: j City Cleric.'11. Paulipe, J.,jayor.