Resolution 826 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 4":')T7JT1O1, 3•iO. q26. f� Rean.l.uLior_ sti<n. _irg t!1e coot_ u: Species :i,i"'htii g ais- txict r_n;iber Four of ire City of 11.1..is}ze,:l.l, ; or the year lCr;?l, ar_d levy- ir;; and zsseosil.r all. t i.e 'property .',it ta. the oaicl die;trict the cost of 11 district. 1a _ I'I DY T?1'2, CITY COUNCII, tali THE CITY Or' KA1,I; PTML*. E.ectirr. l . T]•.8 cost of l a_aitir.6 :Li{, itirg Distxict iTumber Tour of :,ne City of J,a.lispell for t _r., year 1^21 is ectima.ted to be 462.66. iecticr 2. A tax is hereby 1,:;Vii:d c,l.d, assessed -wpor all, the proper- :Ir i). t; s ic3 l.it: iti.r. <1i t 9.ct for btise arno (.t o the e sti,-ma, .ed cost of l.ii',xt1. g t :.e st:e:�tm, therein. oy slraarti^Zair.t•_ to tho, oeveral Lots and par- cels of la,r_ri witrAn the said di�!trict. (r,,-Cr,rors cr' i T,ereby tc the original Resclutioi_ cr_ Mile and of recrrr3 ir. t? e office cf t'ne Ca.t-,r Clerk for a. specific desor-i-9tion of the r =rt; ,.raced. in LA, L1oT.e me..t.inr.e« Secti.cr. Z. s ,,e, tci 7 hereby levied t3Prc;7€ .:, (lel r_quert a., six O'clock P. eta t:a.e 30tn. of 1Tevc,:a1)er l9•:'.l r. 1`xf,,.,.r" ,,^.ce is ii.e.reby i;iad.e to G:('.' i te.r.tier to J�cr .i'.t1'"tLlF`.l.' f)art-1.Cal•i ars. IYtrif,1+,1Ce6 Sept. 6t). Ir2l,, tc7'.rT ^aE',t pl. 1 E:,TI Oct. 3r(l, 1.921 of 7:30 c!cloch P. ?;. G '."w, City, Cl. rlc. M Pe.11iire, r 1 t..A F' t. 7'!': ......{ I nS of .......�...:::k'�G�yy`: : �..J....�...-..l J iw ��pPrGtrer3 L zs u.ne des of 1021. Attest: A. J. City cleric. I?. _Paulne, aycr.