Resolution 828 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 6r)-7 u It"I a r e r� t i.-ni a t i r. n, cost o f 1 i GI t i r � 3 1) P. 0 i a I it i 7__ !-. t i r. g- D 1 .9 - 'i"IDIbe'-L Six QLc City of Ka,148r.ell, for tlie year 1921, and levy- :L ard all Lille property t,,J_t-.ii.r. the s,--_dd district wit'4 t-I'le cc*t of wait:_ i c t. D'1', IT RP-ISOLV"'D PY 'i,.,.r,7 CITY C017111=_ O.W CIV,' O.P HILISIML: T, T'l!" uost of LiGlitinDiZtrict Yu -doer Six of K,aliispell yet',-P -1-C-1 io, entimated to be-462.00. - C,'.cti^­n 2. A is t-,rby levied and, upor. all t',,Ie rrorr- rt'aC, istaf,co"cost of 1rtor t-axricunt Z ,,o liL"Atin, L,Q Streets Lnerein bl, ap.norti(,n_-Lng to the several lots ard par- lar(_'. ivithir Lic dist-iict. (Referorcc ir, to the R17,01,,iticn c)". file and of rncorcl ir. tho 0:"ficc t,.,(, Cit, j"ov a s,­te.cifAc descri.1,,ti,n of the 'Ircperty ev,,mrt,ced ir. tt-,c ai"Ove -:11-rAirnn(I �iStrict. cy ,,(tc3. T1e t,3,7jijreby b­cm-es dej..n.ie.rt at six olock PJ.". cm 30,11t, Ja�, cf ilovel-Libe": 1921. , P ', 'Oticr di. 11cference ir, h­.rei)y vn,,Ae tc, of Irtertion to 11,i8triA 1,Tt7.-nber 13..f or -particulars. Seplt. Gto, 192.1, ar.rs zet for 'hoaxir_f, Oct. 3r(i, 11,','2.l at 7 :30 olclocl: P. 1'. A. J. Cit.. c v q 6, t :i the -y cf 't t Q t alerlz. R. PaAaine, lksyo:c.;