Resolution 829 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 71,� Pesclutio- ecitil� , t,l number Jev.rl ua ZL--; QitdQ:L* --Iisell COa: Iv.1 t-.,�e prcpert,,r -aithin the 6aiC �1itvict wit',L t'-e Qost of 13]" IT B'L' T'L,' CITY COUNCIL 0110 MID] CITY OF Section 1. Vie cost cf li,,-ktir LiLl o rwer ever _ f .tirg Dictrictu the: City of i ell fov t11-e year 1,`,21 is estimutod to be 4635.3P. SE.,ctior 2. tax is 112rkz'by levicO. ur-d all tAj.e -Lir--ner-- t'y it La LiL-tdr�,,, for t'-e �,-.-.,cunt o-.�: t%e of liIlLiyL, t., e Fit.---eto tQ tA0 SeVerRJ. 10-L.B arld parcels of 1,tl:d wit-4,1ir �,.aid district. (- ,el e:e,rce iD hereby made to the Cl- -fiie Lad 01' record L)f ti-Je Citlr (2101�--� fol' a speci'L"iu cf the )r0pe2.'ty it the aoove mentioned dizt.-ict.) Section 3. Tire tax, he,-veby levied [-,s or C del-inci.uent -,,,,t six o'clock Or. t]ae 30t)day' CA* Nov(�,ilber. L921. Refea�ence it hereby i-iia�Le to 111e9c.ij tic), of Irt,, f jit-, to crf:aLe LiLhtin-o, Distv-ict Number Seven for furt-,Ier Irt'roduced Sept. 6tii, 1921, L:zd set for h4«rir ()c, .1021. :-,A 7:30 o'clock P. 1i- Atte,,-it: 1,.. J. Siicixr, City Clizrk. R. Paulir,=, 'A'Lycr. Adoptc'!d try'.A.- t,;-,e - : 921. day Of, Approv,,d till" t3he --..�:-day oi: Atte9t: >-.. J. YT, City R. Puuuine, J]':"rcr.