REsolution 830 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 8�';")OL7 TIOMr NO. 330. A Resolution estima,ti,,�� tjP cost of JJCIltir ( Special Li(s!-iting Dis- trict nxn:iOer �f t"le Gity cf11-,,�,jsj)�,,3.1, for the yer�r 1921, ar-d ie 7y- ir.�,, and all the with:i.r ti.e said district with tile cost o'�' -.:aid district. 231' IT TIZ 1,NLV-?1rj BY THP, CITY COURCIL OF TIM, CITY OF !,'ALI1,;P=, 5ecticr I. T' e cost cf 1JGA ti'!C Lj;�htint_, District !TiArnber Eight of tl,,,e City cf for ye al, 11D21 is ("Atim""tecl to 1,31.00. Secticr- '2. A ta- is hureby lavied and as Messed ivpor ali tine prcper- ty in tae said lig,atirL, 6istrict '_'or t'-!e amount of P-sti.i.liated cost of liijhtinjt'ae strectz therein by ii-pportioy-urp� to the several lots and .pcix- cell cr lnrrl witLir Lire said district. j7! 11,:'I'E'Uy..,vale tc 'Lic oriE-imal Resclutior. cr. file ard of reco*i7(7 ir. cf:['i,.,e cf tag, Cit-, for a specific deco i,i Wior of the prr,?prty t,.-mi)r;lced ir, tubc, mentioned district. "Jecticr. 5. V-i.e horb,: i.ovjea loecrmos clel.irquer-t at. aix ol clock or 3i,)tli day of Fov--n.abnr Sc,ction 4. 'Reference is ri.�reby to Resoluticr of Intc.nticr. to create LiClitir.,�; District 1-7urfoer Bi"-,ht for f"Irther Introcluced Sept. !�,21, tr�- s,-�t fcr 33ir�r�xlng Oct. 3rd, 1921 at 't'r'n't: 'T. ClAby Clnrr�. iZs Pmiline, Mayor. AO.cpted t'''3J.q tl'!.e, .--:1v,:v' of 1921. A-pproved t�',Ao t4e cf 00� i1. J. Shaw, City clenh. R. Pmuine, ",Lcyor.