Resolution 832 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 10Re ,c lu tI-- 7, t i ma t i rg t! i. c c rs t r1 1 i,­.j t t i r F,� Special Lightirg Dis - tric+, 'Mmiber Ter- of the Cit-Y cf Kalispell, for the year 1921, and levy- irg and all the -foropprty �7,,ithir the said dis-trict lrrith the cost of lightine n.id. district., BE IT R!ISOLVED 13Y T".?K CITY COMYCIL OF VIT] CITY' ()V 171%1AS)PTujL: Sectic- 1. The cost cf li,,;htirrLiLhtingp Diq.trict Trumber Ter- of the City of Kalispell for t7he y.ur 1921 is estimated to be 265.uS. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and, asoessed UPor all tile pr43po-r- ty ii^_ the said liC�htinr,; District fcr 0,, aiticunt of, the estimated covet cf the vtveotv, -V1-v,,:veir. by to the several lots ard parcels cf land wiflair. tie v­iid district. (Mefererce iq hereby made to the original Rescl,,itior or- file and of record 'ir. the oftice of the City Clerk for 0, specific delcripticr. cf the prCpert.y ei',,bre.cec."I. ir. {he �..bove -,icrticl-ed dist_.,ict.) S eticr 5.. The ta-h ht-,reby levied bec:rmes 0-elinquert at• six o'clock P. T". on the 30t)i Clt=%y c:. t !,Tove-,,-,be.r 1,�121. S 3(-,,(,ticn 4. ''cference is hereby r.mde to of Intention to lr�;; 'Gel District Ter. for f,,irt'ner particulars. Ir.t.,:od,,.ice6 Sept. --m", set for Oct, 3rd, 1121 at c1clock P. Ti. Sh,,,),w, City Clerk. R. Paulime, Mzjor. Adopte(l t1his tr-ie of 1921. Apprcvr-0 thi­,, the, cf At;ef7t: A. Citu�r G.L,�rk. R. Pnn1jr-0,