Resolution 817 - SID 186111,'.S, C IL U T 1 ON IT 0 . lu I. Ti .`"O1UTIGTF CRXII.TITTG 971'CTYZ, I1TRO1F-71,A7T DJ,1`..'R ICT ITO. 1,96. 111", IT P-.IUSOTATIM BY TITT,' CITY COT�TCIL OP TMP CITY C7 KA1I1,1'Mi',.TL, Y(�.4TANIA: 'Seciicr- 1. Tnat SpeciE,,l Impro-,,eirjert District No. 186 iS hereby crested for the pur,-pose of constvnctirL a ---,arjtp-ry sov,,er .with near: -times, lv,xop ac-les, flusei i,mi�,s, and oL-aer uo� arces, qp,!.d sewei� corm-aeicing purten, at< tple center of Firft Street �,.rd rurrinr,Soutla through the aliey ir. B'Uockn l(42,.165, 1-70, 174, 1'19, .1.84 rtrd 131) to the center of' eightlj. st -eet. becticr 2. That said district is created subject to ali the terms corditiors- 2pecifie(! il, Resolutior No. 816, entitled "Re.so-!uticr. of Irter.tior, to cretite Speci@,'I. Dictrict poo., 186,11 adopted may ',.md IT21, tC 'miiuh refererce is ",iereuy e for P,iIrtI-Ier r. rticulaucs. Pv,ss�:-6 Julie 6th, 1921. !-prl'veel June 6th, Actirr; Fayor. A. j. Sh?"W, City Clerk.