Resolution 818 - Resolution of Intent - SID 18770. (318.
1,11-1jo-' OP ('71'-TE 211`(J. J, I'_PROVP.',T,i4:YT Pl,`,,TRTCT 70.1,"r
Cl U!'Cll, O-P T� C 1 T � Y
B_*N, IT
T,,l t it i t e 1 r t, or f j A t
t.,. e (�itA cf' Cue C
Of Kelis-pell tr- croto z5pecial 6-1strict, ,,erery e n, F.vQ6.., r.
rr (1 t!-tie b, un
c i ul T r,� v e e r- s r i c t F 0 1
,,-(-l.)y declared to be
Ccrnrie,rair,L ct the certer cf Strnc-t iln ii-l-, ,-,,ith tl-,,e
t.,er,re it. - V/orterly clivectiny!
t"--e cerY .,,r ci' Yj c, lir�c it, ilre vritki t]le
b (,I In 0 v7,.T, cl, - F,r. 1-% mc-, f-,t, scuth CAor�e,, v-Le,
bcur.lal-,,y Secr-r..11 2",venue Vc—t tc, t,�o cf Ver-tatna the.rce
C,teet to t,�e. br,,n.r.,'L�,-of
,Pirct %ve-lr:, v c f Pi 2? ��, t,
_C:r .2 7en,'Prr, 1,var, v, -r
;iv P_ n,.t C', weS"t LC t;�
T`-L,,,)t I erent.l of :Cie '�c 'be
t5uUe in sai(; S-peci,,l ha,I)rovement District i,,,; 0
vi it : TlI. e ccr.ntructic'r Of a 'a;ever wit
flush. tar_!C,,,c , C, other uj)tmvter..,--nces, vcAC Deoer at tile cer,
tex, cf �!tre(,t Ljr. ` nmrl,inf., scuth tri-rcufh t.i,ie alle_ in lake
tC .-,,c., Cen,e,.- of 7'ortvrc..
(Refererce is hp.rp'by to cr. fiie i.Y^. the
cfl,ic'o Gf cicr- for
1'. J. sh-,lrr, City Clem.