Resolution 819 - Resolution of Intent - SID 188IN1':7TI01,T ".110 CR,'L91sT19 -TT DTSTRICT ITO.
'M] IT 13Y CI` ITT (I I j, -)V T'T;-�, CITY CF K1J.T.r1)T',7L, MOATTAITA:
7, e c t L: y: 1 Ti' it -L, t-p of the City Cnuncil of the City
of 17-aliopell tc create a special i-mprovement district, ]^.oreby dpsigr,ted
's Snecial I-mprovel,,iert Dioti-ict Nlaqo. arc'the boundaries of said pro-
1csecl special district are hereby, declared to b(-as foliows:
at t.1-:ie cer.t,,.r of Oalifcrria street iy,. line with t.i:�e vjestern
bour-di)r,; of Sixt1i 1-venue-ha,t North, (.hence in a xe-,,terly direction thru
the center of California Street to a line in line with the easterr. Ocundary
of Fifth Avenue ?P
�ast t1lence scuti'l alor(the easterr bourdary of
Fifth Avenue East North tc the center of &r exterz;icr of Nectars, Street,
pcirt beir.p., 390 feet scuth of t.-,,e ScUtAviest corner of the School
District block, thence VIP ce'-ter of the extension of Paontana
Street to a line in line with the `-curc'ary of 'Sixt-U Averue T:ast
1;ort1i, thence lllortl-j. alorgr tj,.,.e aomtex-r-, bcur-'-- -ary o,,,
Sixth h'Venue last
Ncrtll'. to t',e place of begim,i1--(,--.
Beefier_ 2. Th,,t tn,e p.:er,erp _1 cjja acter of t�-tp iynprovei-.:erts to be
ma`e in prcpcse, Speci,_, !-I rCV6:nont 71istrict is
-,F-, fo.L I OVI,,, to_
wit: Vie construction of a sal-:it,,,ry se-ver With mar-ficies, lamp hcles,
fluqh tar-1 o, and other appurtel-ancer
cos,",rjjerci!-' at the cer.-
ter of Califcrnia :Street and runrini, scUtil through the alleys in blocks
4 and 7 of DuncE-,-rs Addition a.nd thru, tzle center of school district block
rierce cortiruir.,L: oG f et L.'.i.e scutlierr bcuroary of said
School. District block to a point in the center of a.1-1 extension of Mortara
Street thence west 300 feet to correct witil the present sealer in SE'.id-
"!icr lara Street.
( Rol ev,erce is hereby mace to the original Resclutior or file it file
..Office c:, 'cL fi-irther partictlars.)
Passed June 6th , 1,i,,J.
Alop r oved June Gti:L, 1921.
C. F. Leslie, Acting r,-ayor,
A. J. Shaw, City Clerk.