Resolution 821 - SID 188Ri"S 01"J, -III ON Fc. 3121. 7.1",20LUTT.0" I'T�"ITIIITC SPI]CII-L 70. 13B. - - 1, 1,1, 1, 1 1 P 1)'Y IT': 11"CIMMIT, 31' "TT, CITY OF IJLI SPELL, XOTTTANA. "ection I... That Special. Improvement Dist-,-ict Piro. 188 is hereby tie FIlrl)OSe of thu corstluction Cl a earitary sewer with mar, lamp hcles, flush tarks, md other appurtermices, said_ - sewer com- mei:cint., at the certer of ai-d rurmir,,, r:c'Itlh Durk-c-.rs Addition amd t,-.tvu LI-le cp.,�ter of Scjo(.)j 12.cck, tlierce continuing south 399 feet from tl-,Ge southern bounoary- of maid School District to a point in the center of an. eytemeir.'r. of Lcrtara "street therce vrert 30C foot to correct with the present sewer it ici 11Tntarn Strect. Section 2. That sai�;, district is Subject to all the terrio specified i,,. Reso!.utic.n po. 319, ertitled "Resoiuticr- of Irtentior 1.e create Special ImproveTnent Djst�7ict jic. 1,18,io dtapt(. June 6 tY 1.921, tO ""Mich reference fox, f-rL!--e-�- �)U- ICU- Appro'v-,d Ju-jy 5tly.j, 1921. R. Pauline, Mayor. j- J. Cit"i C, 1. (,, r 1r.