Resolution 824 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1i, nesnimtion estimatirg the cost of lighting Special fAL,,'liting Dis—
trict Ore of the City of Kalispell, for the year 1921, and lemy—
irC.,,, ard all t]-ie pr-porty the si-Itici diotrict with the cost
,,aid c1istric�t.
BiIT !LY).T,VED J-)Y T-!!-:,' CIT"Y' COU=OF THE CITY OF 1U1.LISP-f-U_',.
Sectioi- 1. `rile cost cl' lit),r,,tinc Lir-11.tinr, District Iuwuer One of
tne City ^:U Kc,,,Iispell for the yl,,,j.r 19,'51 is c,�,tL,,iated tc be 71.11.04.
Section 2. A tax is hereuy levied wid 'assessed iqpor. ,,Il the prcperty
it the said li6lntir_(,; di -St -Act fcr the micunt of the e,,_;,tjm-,jted cost of
JAIJItir-C, tbLe c>t eta tllereiv- by to the ze-mral lots and
jonrcels cf lan(I wit -Ai,- the �-iai,,., district.
(1-leieverce is hereb.,,- maCid to tie origir-al Reoclutinn CY: file an(i of
record ir- the office of the City Clerk for a sPecific aescription of the
'property ir tale a0ove amertiored diotrict.)
Soctiox, 3. Th.e tax hereby levied becc,-,,Vn9 ('14--linquent at Six O'clock
P.Y'. o-r t1ae 3Oc,;i dev of -,Ic)ve,.Yiber 1921.
Secti--r-, 4, Yefexerce is ,iereby i,,iace to BeScllltimn of Intenticj', to
Lig_'htin�� District �71,,).mLer Ore a"cr furtier part,.Lou,1.aj-q.
IlltrocLuced Sepi". 6t11, 1921, ar_(] Set for Oct. 3rd, 1921 at
o I cl o c k p
it: J - S h C i 11-, C I e r Ir. R. Pivuline, J,Tzi.Yor.
pted t"'lis the
ay of iv 'All.
Citj Clerk. R. Pauline, Yalyer.