Resolution 853 - Assessment - Sprinkling Districts 2, 3, 4A eztimatir-L the cost of "ve-
nue f) in r jL T)i St ri c t TT"I-nft b"ers 'Tac, T.,r,3e .1i DPcaa of t'-'c CitY Of
tile prc'p r-
as"3es.sini� c.11
ty the c c st o f t1le Street-0
withir ti 1 diltrict-
BE IT D-Z CITY Cr7TJITCIL 0"" CIT-7 01.1 ]-W. =TIML-'
"ection 1. T'n e cr) st of sx,� _r'i 'n"
n 0o .`'.tire '. I ' ir.
Th,,-,ee o,PrIur Of the Cit,,,r of
V-0 1921, is tc '.h,�- "3711.5().
Section 2. A tL�x is he.,eby ;,,�-vieCL ar.d. c2.11 the
ty it olbdc" t
t f
to i St:_ cl -venu,�o tc,
w i i n
S OV�,`rL,41 101S V; rQe',s Llf 1,�i
is n1laC1e to tllo Q:CoiL"irL,l RefjOlUtJ -2:-' Or- file C, f
ix: t'nc O�'fice CAI ti-lc' city specific c t'
o tr
t i c, n - c! (7
S'ecticYi The t:,." hf2' IObY ev-d E. c rn;:e n e I i t
on t,'Je0".. 17 C;7a;l,-u Or
to t"'c 'yet (-Iutjc!_' L)f j e tc cre<%Le S;0,ijjj,
Nuirr"bers Twr., Three fOr
Oct. 19
7:30 uloioc�c
Att--.t: A. J. SIn.1--l", Cil f r
R. pau.-,
Adopted, thiL.
d ay of a -
d tllzis
I, t t 4 Ci jCr. Cli-t
R. pa'liy'e'