Resolution 855 - Assessment - SID 182A Pistri(,11, '!C. 102 cf' t! City 1-f t,,,,,0 and 2:-10 "i't-, r - i M LY T H: CITL C 0 T,',T C TTI q,,[ j, CITY I,, NA,! I p,,, Soction 1. TI—re ir,,, 6ef-1:,ay t")a CoF7t ef i;i)kk-()Ve!t101'tS !M,,L0 UV-d Dlv3 -,To. 132 of tl-"(,,. City 0 1 i 'o I I T7C1.. .. L. �ICOOTCI,,,nee vvith tl-,Le Re,,-:cluti ors Ovdi, r-�,ro 'e, �f Cit 1 -prc,.,erty ir- cluded L-- t'le saicl, DiDtl-iutj to be, ci ',ILi,-V,,Qj , ou.c"l lot 011 of 'Lite 3: C,�C; e r t Y , or file umd ()f reCOITI ir thc- 0ice of the C1`6.y t 9r)ecific de5c- f L: p e r t Y n I e-,-! t i Q r- e (I i r. the, c,,b a v e i P, t r.j c t Sactic-n TnL,i(j to 1)c' ir 3,1nrual i n t,�l llae.r t ir a.njc)unts vj,,jCj installi,jer t , !�', e t f o the, first of_t �,L]. 1 becolne- due �'payable the filir,,-; ol' t Ai'l Xesolutic,-. in tyke offiva Cf tf- Citay Tre"auvor of said City and rhalj become de-linquert oD t] -i de,, 'y of 'Tov.,,ber 19-1, ur.cl the an-u:,j ir-IS'Lcill"e-r^ts shall t,!, (,Ue of Ie f i. October e, CY�,-c um,! Y All of t1j.p t',111 rat,. of six cent 01, lY 1921. Sectiur. 3. Ob 'ect i ions to finUl, of, will lae IIL�a-Od at a 3.-jee'ti-nil., of t.ie ccurcil s,cCour-cil Octe0er 3, 1921 at 7:30 o'cioci, P. Pu,.2sed Selit. A- - xoveci se,Dt. 6th, 1921. R. J. City. U t 1921. t