Resolution 856 - Assessment - Sidewalks & CurbsA 31. "Ton all 1)r-ptwty includoa in Sidevn.Mc
C-urb 1920 of t�.,c City of 1>31apelj, Mcntw;n f1cr U,10 p-rposr, of defray-
c�� Onn"vowra M,Oe, aril
Dintrict in accordance wiWi the ResautOns tod Of Vie City
Dl� 112 IR:110--IT117-711 -BY T11.1' CITY C711-1jTCJI, OF TT., CT.T'' 0'PJIcTVFLL-
TeWon 1. ThAve in MrQy 1r:ivjrd assesned to dofrC7 the cost
in Sidel'valk& Curb 1920
r.17 t1rl.e. City Cl ir- wit, the 7(.'.�7,61,uticns ane
cf -,,--,id CitY, a to wajmPt all Proporty ircluded:il^ the said
to is eanln lot, c-C pv,-rcel t 11 V, r e of
Qscriptiw cf jrr7.p-,-rty ar(I the ra�r�, of the
_.Olite tout
(Rof erence is:! hor(by n,,ade tc tlhe- originol. cn f iie and of
t'.-,c orfice c(' %.-e City ME: for a specific clescri%--)tior of the
-i imntRred WORK)
Scaticn 2. Tho % Z kvuob a
in :-"jCvc sot fovn, t4a first Of shall be-
ar(.-)Uyabia "Onn the MV<. Of e., certici-d cc-py of t.lis *.rr,-,01u-
-Licn ii-, t,te office ef Vie City of City b000me de-
Timpent !tQr the 3007 fa- N TVvmAer 1021, 7,ncl t-"-,c inrtall'1-10ntF-.
(jue, cr- first dz�,y Of October of
C, C-1 ar.
C,,�- eacli ye, All
Of -Qq r5cve 2vjTv;nQ b ar in:,;rest tqe of cjx pt�r cont per nx.nux..,.
Sept, 52" 1721, vna P-t fcr Oct. 32?a, 1921 R t
7:3.'s c%lclocl 11'. TT.
t! j,q
7� 2
c f
j, man, citymork. Fh Pavh-q AM.