Resolution 875 - Resolution of Intent - SID 1930
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council Of Lhe
City of Kalispell to create a special imprcvement district, -eretaY'
designated as Special Imp�-ovement District No. 193, and to-ie bovzdar-
jes of said proposed special improvement district are hereby declared
to be as follows,
Beginning at a point in the center line of Fourth Street, w-,Iaich
is the point of intersection of Fourth Street and 2r-d Alley East,
thence west along the center lire of Fourth Street to a -point, which
is the intersectior of Fourth Street and Is,,- Alley East, therce sout'll
along the center line of 1st Alley East to a point w1nich is the cen-
ter of 12th street, thence WsLG:t along the center line of 12th street
to a point which is the center line of 2nd Alley East Bast, thence
North along the center lire of turd Alley East to the point of begirm
Section 2. That the gereral chiracter of the improvener-to to
be made in said proposed Special Improvement District is as follows,
to -wit; To plaee corcrete curb on both sicies of Ist Avenue East :zrd
to re turn to the lot J�venue property lines of lot Avenue East at the
street ir—ersectiors.
Section That the approxLmate cost of said improvements is
Section 4. That the entire cost and exper-se of such improve-
ments, includingstreet and alley intersectiors, shall be ass3essed
against the entire district, each lot or parcel of lard within such
district to be asessed for that, part of the w,lole cost which its
area bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of streets,
alleys ard ptwlic places.
Section 5. That said assessment shall be paid for In 5 equal
annual installments IiereL)y exilended over a period of 5 years. Said
assesment shall conauitute a fund to be krown as Special Improve-
me:nt Jl)istrict Fund No. 193.
Seetior- 6. T�aat said improvemer-to s-nall be paid for in Special
Imprcvement District Coupor Warrants issiAe,6 agaitz-6 Said district
ir the sum of 100.00 e�,,ch, berlrirg interest at 6 pe per cent -r. p r ar um
from the date of registration until called for redemption or paid ir.
full, irterest payable arnualLy or. the first I - of January of each
year, payaole 5 years from d.;te and redeewal)le at ary time there are
fundo to the credit of such Lw9rovenert District and availr ble tj'.i-
erefor; the interest coupons attached to such warrants to bear tAe
fac-si-mile oignc.,tures of the ,iayor and Clerk.
Bectior. 7. That or the 711 day of kw�urt 1922, at the Cour-oil
Chambers ir. the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montara, at 7-30
o'clook P.14. a regular ineetirg, the City Council will hear and pass
upar. all pr
etests that may be made agairst the r,,ia�kirg of such impr-
ovemento or the creation of such district.
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized ard directed to
give the proper rotice of the passage of this resolution by pw)lica-
tion -,rd mailing as required by law, such puolicatior. to be made it
the Kalizpell Times, a weekly revispaper publiznee, in the City of Kal-
Massed July 201, 1922'
Approved July 2011 192"".
A. E. Boaamlalo, -WaYcr,
Sh&V,City Clerk.
State of Montana
County of Flathead SS.
Citlya of Kalispell
I, AT3law, (At-: CleTk Of the City Of Y.alis-
pell, ",'.ontara, do hereby certify. that the foregoing is a full, true
and exact copy of a resolution pasoed and approved by the City Coun-
cil of the City 01" Kalispell, 110r-tara, or. the 20t4 day of July, 1922'.
Vv,jtr,-ess 1,1y h.2,nd t,jcs day of December 1()22.
City Clerk.