Resolution 870 - Resolution of Intent - SID 190M
Section I. That it is the intention rif the City Council of the City'
of Kalispell to create a special improvement district, horeby designaAed as
Special Improvement District No. 1,90,and the boundaries of said proposed
special improvanent district are hereby declared, to be as follows-,
Beginningr at a point In the center of 7th Street in line witirl the Ifest
7-',ourdary lino of the alley in Block 203, thenQa west 172 feet to the QenteT
of 5th Avennt% East, thence South "360 feet to the ceTstOr of Sth stres--st,
thence east 172 feet to the ester-n 'boundary line of the alley in Block 203
thence north Z60 feet to place of beginnirqr,
I improvernentz Section, 2. That the Eeneral character of the to be made
in paid proposed Special Improvement District is as follows, tc-wita
The curbing, putting in gutter, filling in of the parking strip,
seedJng of grass and running a short piece of sidewalk from the sidewal-T,
a. s row placed to edge of curbing, all ('11 the "Feet eide of said block 2054
Section 3. That the approximate cost said ir,provejrentu is tv__
Section. 4. 7hat the, s,ntire cost, 4w, expense of such improverients,
including street and alley intereetions, shall be atssersed against: tkae
entire district, each lot or parcel of land within such district to be
assessed for that part of the whole cost wlijci its srea beaX8 to the area
of the entire district, exclusive of streets, ajjuys say d pjELCes�
Section 5. That ouid asseeament ehall be paid for in five es uzal ann-
Ual installnents hereby extended over a period of five years. Caid, as: jezq
meats shall constitute a fund to be known as Special Tippro-Vement 'Platrict,
Fund No. 190.
Section 6. That said improvemento shall l.,e paid for in special In-
pro7ement District Coupon Warrants iesued a�ainqt said district in the sjAsj
of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per cent per annuin F rom the dote rf'
regletration untll, oalled for reole-mptllcn oil Laid in full, intL're,,�,,t 1payable
Euinually on the first day of Janua-sy oil oacli ye4ir, pLWal-ile fi've year* "ron,
date and redeemable at zTrj time there ore lunde, to the credit of such TM-
proverjert District 71und available tberefor; the interest coupons attaolled.
to euch� WaTrant." tan 1'6;ta,r the fac-eimile sig'natureo Of the Mayor and Olel-rk.
Section 7� Tilat on the 5th day of June 1W2, -..t the Council Cnambers
in the City Hull Of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7.50 31rjoek P.M.
a meeting, the CJ."Uy Council will Ineazz tmd, paris upon all protests
that may be r'kade against the iking of such inpro-vements or the cretz,tion
of such district.
Section 8. The City Clark J,6 hereby authorized rLrd d-irec.ted to give
the Proper notice of the passage of rcq,,Ivtl.,,vn by publicatler and
1� �' I
maildn,,Z ao reqiiired ty jav, ouch Pub,'lication to be nade in the Kaliappll
Tiwe,j, a weekly newspaper publizhed in the (7ity ofI - A I-
Pasoed Yay l6th 1922.
Approved, this 16th day, of May, 1922.
A. E. Bucmman, VVor.
A. �J. 'Shaw, City Clerk.
State Of Montana
County of Flathead as.
City. of 1Call9pell
1, A. J'. Sle)avi, City Clerk of the City of KaliLq�ell,
ltlontana, do hereby certify that the, fox-egoing is a full, true and exact
copy of a revoluti.�n paosed and- a.pPTvve,0 by the Cit-.y Counc."Ll ol' the Clity
oll Kalispell, ontana,, or, the 1 6th day of May, 1,922.
Witne,jr, riy hand thin 19th day of May, 1,922.
city CIC7,17.