Resolution 873 - SID 191RTSOLUTION NO. 873 7.-B,SOLT710N r1RF-,ATITq-G SPE=AL, 114-YROVENIEIT'l' DI.STRICT NO. 2,91, BE IT RESOLVED -BY TE CITY COUNCIL 01' TIE' CITY OF Yj'�LISI`ELL, MONTANA. Section 1. That Special Tmproven.ent Pistrict No. 191 is hereby created for the purpose of the corstr-LAction of a Danitaxy sewer with mark holes, lamp boles, flush tarkk, and cth�-ir appurteranceo, said Sevier to run fran the center of 1.3,th street zoutl), thru the alley lr. block 140 to th,e center of 12th stree t� Section 2. That said district 1z ovate d subject to all the terms and conditions specified in Resolutior, ITO. 871, entitled "Resolution of Tntertion to create Speciai Improvement District Vic,. 191," adopted May Ir .� tjj 192'?", to which, reference izi hereby made for further particulars. Passed June 5th, 1922. Apl,')roved Tune 5th, 191912. A, F. Bosnian, AQayox A. J. O'haw, City Clark. State of Montana Count,,,,, of Flathead ss. City of ialispell I, A. J. Shaw, City Clerk of the City of Kaljzpej.j,, Vontarka, do hereby certify that, the foregaing is a full, true andexthat COPY Of a resolution passed and approved. by the City Council, of the City of Kallsop ell, Montana, on the 5th day o!" Juno-, 192,2. Witneso my hand Vuis 19th (Jay of Ji-jile,, 3,922. city 7*771--.