Resolution 861 - Assessment - SID 179A Reeohaior haviql; a tax ;!on U11 jsumytj Waluded in special
T-Urovoment District No. 179 N' t'ne CiL<y ai" ur -':i.c
purquu of derrayin, tna costo avd "Oemeo oC 0nmovmmr.s moac v.-d oon-
stnated in mQ UVAN j- accormume to ru'solu.ionn "A Winan-
cle's af tr--c Of
T�4 CITY COMM, 0-l' 77H'i CT7,' 01',�'
Section 1. Wre io 1mreby 1-Amd, mA to
and mpunno of kjorovenento Ymdu and ir-
Diettic t Yo. 179 K Lo, Wi 6y o-1Wn>nxq in vccor0nme with the
re5olutions aQ ordi-wrmr cf nAd 0j," m Va oyinst all prawrty in-
cluded in tHe mid Qiov�.&, "an woowt :o be mmro" wT;1not evNi !W a,,,,
t"r-"eroof Z opL'osito tno
(Tir-ference is here'ry n"I�qlle .0 11em0lutiun an loin Ord Of
record in Wm office of tip City Clem :W v rrani0o; Gmzrk�siriq of th(-�
pruperty mbracc& in a1-,,vw-- rl("ntioned
Sec"ior 2. The said taneo to Te rai 1 it. Ari �Yrm,! 0mmilmuila m�
Nove set forth, tke first c" wui* install (:""oe 'r")"
o'bl- e "ur' - titC' filing of a 00--t1 C'0" " 0-�' 11cl, ( I ': t- an off i, oc,
of the City Tromme; r of nuid At" 014 tau Mot POWWA NUE beamm ao-
101jaent alptur the 30to saj 0', movm1mr, U21, ". tile ampan! Wistallmnts
s"""til i5ue �:"W pajable Cm "'-A a �)"" 000hor C!"
emch year and cap llmozent oi- nis 300i Ony cV Novalr.-JIr ca, ,�n r. All of
tile al ifs Pqqrs;;qtU 1eqr irtcrn- t at ti. 1 rV. .0 of C mi a
thp 3rol dny C!, Oven! m. 1721 aw", 1VI", "A U V:�,' instolunmin) y"Winot
mny !"rW an? KI 1�- W 0 7 1--oporty 1000mes
SUNI pgmimonx piece jocomen Awl vU rqsnnt.
BeHimn 3. Objectiors to W A o
be TIRM A: .4 t-e
Moge? m-A approved t4io !Bt dn' of Tjvekar, 1M.
'T I EL Pauline, TNVUV
'io—of Qnmlor, low-
J Umyor.