Resolution 860 - Assessment - SID 176A Resolution levyin, a tax upon all pro pert�in si)ecial
Inprovenent Distrdwt No. 176 of Van City of Eaiik�pe,11, 7TJon`-;,,no,, for the
�p no e 0 o " r a, 2116 t w a 0.. t 3 a nd exp e ns a s 0J., ro,J er�)c, yn-a e a
i'n, r,`'Ad District i-n tu ti,e, z4nd Or-
divancen at' tne Cil: of I%Llupaii,
BE' T 'P NY 191 CITY cm!"M"'IT, 07 7`,'17�-' 0,`
Section 1. Tww is Tanwig luvied .�,,,-A to tiue cost,
and expmews of hjnwvmwPtB mule and con.struc',-.ekl in Special
nistrict ro. 176 of U'Le �ity of' halispoll, 7'or-'—,rtt, ---n a,cc.,ordance with
trig of Wd City, -t� &_airs-t all pi,operty
Wnfed in 'Min sob! dKOIct, toe anwint to Vic, a, t ck lot
L 0 ea I
or parcel tawowC inein,j let apponite the Uwwnj,,,t'ion ')!' taie
bleferarwe io Onnt nodo to Lie orijnal NemMMU" an file and of
rpoord- t,,n orfive o ' Go City n-f ale
in Ow 6 ova wintionw] di&A.ct.)
SeVion 2, One to 'oe, -_pz--,'. _:� i_-, one insL"t-J-1-nC1el'it J,n —,Iount z?,s
whave s nt f ort� no hopwic eWu zmw j-yJau n aE t"n Kliro c - a :wrtif ied,
con, 0, tain renolutioln- 7n ""(3 DJI-Ti�-,,e C'', �.�=o o�' "'aid City
to t.-c o""', reooj-,uticyl 'nill
be !Ward at to MCatinb Of t,n COUrCli Q 10 neld .;!,t the Counoi
e 61 0 (" t o 1 er 3 r E1 , jq0ed t;ja Cy, 7t� A"j of Qvw�en !A!.
AppraveQ 10 tj.0 1�yor Qwlz 7tL E7,,,,, o'
At "y t: A. J. Man, MV R