10-12-04 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
October 12, 2004
at the Mansion Office
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 9th, 2004 at 8 a. m. at Jordahl & Sliter
Present: Rita Fitzsimmons, Ev Sliter, Mark Munsinger, Shirley Miller, Betty Norem, and
Tia Robbin (and Teri Florman, Manager)
Absent: Rick Champoux
CALL TO ORDER: Rita called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. The Board approved the
September 7, 2004 minutes as presented.
The Board expressed thanks to Teri Florman for her years of dedication to the Mansion, and
presented her with a small gift of appreciation.
(1) Holiday Bazaar: Teri reported that there are several new vendors and spaces are all paid
for, advertising is done, and the Friday night party is sold out. Some changes in the music
from last year, including live music for Friday evening, and CDs to be used over the
weekend, which should save some cost. The Board approved providing free tickets to the
Friday night event to Marilyn Reynolds for her volunteer gardening efforts.
(2) Garden Rejuvenation Project: Teri and Rita reported that the MSU team will be
presenting their report/plan to their professors in November. When we get a date for that
presentation, some Board members may want to attend. MSU will provide a videotape of
the presentation to us.
(3) Staffing Report: Teri reported that all year-end evaluations are complete, and she expects
all guides will return next year. She reported that the Mansion had 2 workers
compensation claims this past year, one of which recently occurred and that guide will
not be able to return to work this season. Teri stated she usually begins interviews
during the end of March of each year, and recommends the new Manager follow that
schedule. Teri proposed that the Gardener/Maintenance positions be combined, if the
right person could be found with skills in both areas. Jeff has done such a wonderful job
with the gardens this year, and Teri would like the Board's authority to approach him to
discuss him taking on maintenance work, too, including snow removal and possibly some
mowing. The Board approved this request and Teri will discuss the possibility with Jeff
of doing some maintenance work, limited by work needed and weather, at his current
hourly rate, and report back to Rita on his response.
Betty inquired about having the City or County mow the grass. The Board discussed the
task and expense of mowing the lawns. It was mentioned that the City Parks Department
mows the Hockaday and Central School Museums, but has refused to offer that service to
Board Minutes - October 2004 Page I
us, even while it mows the restroom area across Woodland Avenue. Mark volunteered to
contact the City and inquire about the possibility of the City providing some mowing for
the Mansion grounds.
(4) Christmas Tours: Teri reported that Christmas tours will run from November 26th to
December 23`d, and be offered 3 times per day (11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm) guided by Chris and
one other guide.
(5) The Raffle was cancelled, prior to any tickets being sold, due to Teri's departure.
(6) Printed Materials: We last received an order of books last year, so our supply is ample.
We are extremely low on brochures and postcards, so the Board will need to make sure
those are ordered to get through next season.
(7) Membership: Another newsletter is being formatted and will go out soon. It is estimated
that we have brought in approximately $5,000 in memberships to date. Rita stressed that
everyone in attendance at Christmas Bazaar will receive membership information, and
merchants will place the membership information in every merchandise bag. Rita has
prepared and will get printed membership forms for use throughout the year. All
membership letters have been used, so we will need to be printing more as our
membership drive continues.
(8) Miriam Asher Claim: Teri reported that MMIA (our insurance company) is seeking
reimbursement from Miriam for the claim involving the damage to our porch. The City
was supposed to pay the Mansion the deductible portion of the claim, but the City has not
because it was not in its budget.
Manager position: Rita reported that she has contacted the Montana Historical Society and the
Montana Association of Museums concerning the opening of our Manager position. She got
some advice concerning posting the position in society newsletters and websites, and local
publications. Robin Urban of the M.A.M. cautioned that serious candidates may want to see our
financial information to determine our needs for fundraising, etc. The MHS will be holding a
conference in Whitefish at the end of this month, and the Board approved registering Rita to
attend so that she may get the word out of our position opening during that conference to
potential applicants. Ms. Urban also suggested that we post the position on our own website, so
that interested candidates may learn more about the museum and the position. Rita requested
that the Personnel Committee (Rick, Tia) draft an advertisement for local publication. The goal
is to have someone hired by the end of 2004, if possible.
Ev reported that the tax returns for the previous year (June 2003 - June 2004) have been filed,
and we reported a loss of approximately $21,000, $3500 of which was depreciation. The reasons
for this loss was a significant drop in admissions since summer of 2003 which was plagued with
wildfires and decreased tourism ever since. We also are now feeling the impacts of additional
Board Minutes - October 2004 Page 2
expenses, such as a gardener.
LA Bibler Endowment: Ev requested authority from the Board to invest the $50,000 donation
from the LA Bibler Foundation in relatively short-term, grade bonds at the best rate he can find.
The Board approved this request unanimously.
Betty reported that Kevin Korn recently went to Cheney and investigated the Kirkland Cutter
documents that we have been searching for (i.e., plans of garden, etc.). The Cutter documents are
now held by a private organization:
Northwest Museum of Art & Culture
Browns Addition
2316 West V Avenue
Spokane, WA 99204
Director: Rose Krause
Phone: 509-363-5313
Mr. Korn learned that the Museum charges $25 per page for copies of their documents. The
Board encouraged Rita to contact this Museum to inquire if there are any plans or documents
concerning the Gardens, and to inquire about posting our Manager position with that
Discussion was had about the Conrad's Pierce -Arrow car. Teri showed the Board photographs of
the vehicle, and she agreed to inquire about the car's ownership and possible donation to the
Adjourned at 9:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Tia R. Robbin, Secretary
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November, 2004 at 8 a.m.
at 7ordahl & Sliter offices.
Board Minutes - October 2004 Page 3
OCT-11- 004 10:03 PM DESIGHWORKS 406 752 6445 P. 41
Conrad Mansion Board Meeting Agenda for October 12, 2004, 8;00 a.m.
Meeting at the Mansion
Item I.ApprovaVeorrections of last meeting's minutes
Item 2. Au revoir to our Teri, with many, many thanks!
Item 3. Update from Teri
A. Bazaar details.
a, New vendors chosen; spaces paid for
b, Advertising done (some with Strawberry Patch)
c. Preview Party tickets sold out
d. Music will be lire on Friday; CDs on Sat. & Sun.
C. Free tickets for volunteer Marilyn Reynoldsr
I?, Garden Rejuvenation report
E. Staffing report
a. Revtewstrecommendations
b. Hiring plans for 2005
c. Gardener/maintenance
F. Christmas Tours
a. No raffle for dinner this year
G. Printed materials update
a. Books, brochures, postcards, Membership into
[tent 4. Report from Rita
A. Posting Manager job
a. Contacted Montana Historical Society Director Arnold Olson
and Linda E.-Grady at the Hockaday I opol
b. Contacted and spoke at length with Robin Urban (Museum
Mantm*) 13
c_ Received Whitefish conference information from MT Historical Society
d. Job (and possibly ad) needs to be posted locally —Personnel Committee?
B. Hiring goaWeadline-end of year?
Item S. Financial update from Ev
A. Sibler Foundation gift —discussion on investing
Item 6. Old/hew business
29 September 2007
Gordon Hall, Dexter, Michigan
Present: Gil Campbell, Ken Beaver, Eve Johnson, Wendes Jones
Regrets: Lue Barndollar, Peggy Gibson
Meeting was called to order by Executive, Eve Johnson, 9:20 AM
Welcome of new Board Member, Gil Campbell. Brief background and introductions round table.
Review and approval of 2006 Board meeting minutes.
Jones agreed to act as recording Secretary for this meeting.
Beaver distributed financial data and proposed budget. Budget approved.
Tenth year of operations for AHHT is 2007. Future path of AHHT discussed. Ask Letter
returned 2 donations. No contingency grant writer has been secured. Vote to continue `as is'
into the foreseeable future with no particular fanfare for the anniversary year.
Retiring Board Members, were acknowledged for their contributions. Johnson will write letters
of appreciation.
Grantee project reports. Gibson provided written report in her absence.
Evaluation process outlined by Jones. Suggestion to incorporate for 2008 - Evaluation Form
should include the name of project prior to distribution. Material and packets were distributed
and Board Members began reading applications for evaluation.
We broke for lunch and were joined by Jennifer, Events Coordinator, her husband, Gary and a
visiting niece, as well as Alice, board member and architect.
After lunch, evaluations resumed. When everyone had reviewed each application, scores were
tallied and deliberations began. In the end, the Conrad Mansion in Kalispell, MT, was
designated as Grantee for 2008.
Johnson will send letter of award. Campbell will coordinate September date for next Annual
Meeting. Jones will write letters to inform Applicants who were considered and not selected.
By 15 October, Beaver will devise a new version of the Evaluation form to include:
1. RE: #8 about Contractors. Add question to application about qualifications of
Contractors and lover the value to 5 points; i.e. "Please describe the contactor you will
use on this project."
2. #7 Add line or area to application re: adherence to accepted preservation practices.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendes Jones