12-06-06 Conrad Mansion MinutesLOW 1111313,75 Mal f1 ► ! = : 1 ►� ► December 6, 2006 At the Bulldog Restaurant Present: Mark Munsinger, Tia Robbin, John Engebretson, Rita Fitzsimmons, Shirley Miller, Gary Havens, Mark Norley, and Kate Daniels; Director. Absent: Everit Siiter The meeting was called to order at 7:30 A.M. The minutes from the Nov. 1 st meeting were approved. A. Treasurer's Report: 1. The budget is still in the red for the year. Ev will move some funds into the general budget for the winter. 2. The board voted to give Kate a $1000. bonus for the year- B. Director's Report: 1. Mark Norley was added to our updated call list for the alarm system. 2. Karen Wisher wants to donate 2 gaming tables to the mansion. We need a new accession document for donated items. 3. The board voted to buy a plow & chains for the mower at a cost of approximately $300. 4. The pathway lighting should be done this week. The board also voted to replace a baseboard heater in the office for $250. 5. The funds for the FEC & PPL grants should be in this week. 6. The artwalk had 132 visitors, $134. in drink donations, and $564 in gift shop sales. 7. The Christmas event will be on Dec. 21 from 3 to 7. Santa will be there, and the cost is $3. for children & $5. for adults for the tour and Santa. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 8. The mansion Christmas party will be on Wed. the 13`i' at 6:30. There will be a $10. limit on presents for dirty Santa. Please bring an appetizer. 9. The board decided to do our own strategic planning and mission statement rather than pay a professional planner to come in and facilitate. 10. A big thanks to Rita for all her help with various projects. 11. Kate thanked the city council and various agencies for their help on the sidewalk and other items. Kate also has been very active in various workshops and planning sessions in the valley including Death by Chocolate. 12. Insty Prints will give us $600. worth of printing in return for a corporate membership. Also the appeal letters for memberships and donations will be sent out soon. 13. Kate will meet with Tish Hawes regarding a part time position to do odd jobs around the house. 14. The January retreat will focus on bylaws, a mission statement, and planning for the upcoming year. Marc Norley is the new president, and Gary Havens is the secretary. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.