01-23-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
January 23, 2007 At the Mansion Office
Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter, 'pia Robbin, John E gebrc „ Rita
Fitzsimmons, Mark barley, Gary Hav e Daniels;- Director -
Absent: Shirley Miller, who has resigned due to health issues
The meeting ,.,.. called to order ,7 The minutes from 7!•' December meeting
were approved -
Directors Report:
1. The year in review
a. Tour numbers.by i'
t Revenue t by 9/1
c. Kate discussed goals fortours
!' . discussion on changing the tour script to include
, more
realistic view of theas
e. Gift shop sales were up by more than $5000.
Special t totaled S32,978-
memberships for the year.
i Perfect software on t' t +3
i. The appeal letter generated $136-5.
j. !' wilt complete9" grant i/ for i & •,
k. Kate discussed what she has been involved in for the mansion in the
1. The board was given a Conrad Mansion timeliric for 2007 by ,:.
as We will sendpeople to the Museumsof ♦a ,a, Conference For,
Missoulaa March.
2. Board Opening
a. t' board t needs find aa• t an, t replace Shirley,and send a=
t the U. of for ►i r
b There was a discussion on naming honorary friends ofthe mansion
members ii )'" for this year 1 year ts': asa, Shnicy, Betty,
Bylaw Changes
The t•t.at readthrough the bylaws and amended .i.-m and will .vote
on them at the next aa'.aa
t - president shalt b%-,::- immediate past presidenthi;' is
a Report
a- Event presented a P&L report for JW 06 through Jan- 07, and the
balance a:..'looks better a,-9:: at.- previous yea1 hougit we vt,.
a ways to
i The Bibler foundation donated $20,000 to the endowment 'n. end
Actionc. The Treasurer's report was approved as submitted.
5. plan for 2007
mansion.a. The mission statement was tabled until the next meeting-
b. All board members should be members ofThe Friends ofthe
c- A job description for board members will be written,
e. A budget review will be done at a later data-
Creaung a i # "3 3T8', t 1 volunteer coordinator was discussed. This
approved at .. pay rate 3+ $8.50 per hour- The position # #: also #..
a tour guide,, so a new position wouId not be created-
g. Kate will try to get some grwft to help with skfing replaeemerit� and
to also talk to the city about some help The tune line for this is
We need tD establish an Acquis6on and Conservafim fimd for the
i- An event like a Fallfest was discussed- It will be discussed at a later