02-07-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES February 7, 2007 At the Bulldog Restaurant Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter, Tia Robbin, Rita Fitzsimmons, Gary Havens, Mark Norley, and Kate Daniels; Director.,���� The meeting was called to order at 7:30 A.M. The minutes from the eeting were approved, with additions to also add Lorene Johnson to the list of honorees, and to ask Timmy Vick on the bylaws. A. Amended bylaws: 1. They were read and discussed. Article 2 needs to be amended to add other board members in the future. We need Timmy Vick's approval to do this. Tia & Kate will redo the bylaws pertaining to this. 2. The bylaws were approved with the amendment to be added. 3. The Action Plan for the year does not need board approval. B. Marketing Overview: 1. Kate presented a budget for advertising for the coming year. a. We need to track how people hear about the mansion. b. The board & Kate reviewed the publications we advertise in, and canceled some of them. c. We need to have a good presence at both airports. Advertising at Edwards was discussed. d. The new banners for main street will cost us $600., and Glacier Bank will pay $600. e. We need to try to get into the U of M's advertising Maybe the new U of M board person can help to do this. f. Kate will redo the ad budget and present it to the board. The board moved to accept the budget with revisions. C. Mission Statement: 1. Two statements were presented, and were combined and approved. D. New Board Member: 1. Three people have expressed interest in the U.M. position. 2. The candidates should write letters to the board, and we forward to the university. 3. Kate and Mark Norley will contact the candidates to write letters. 4. The discussion will continue at the March meeting. The next meeting will be March 7t' at the Bulldog at 7:30. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 A.M. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.