03-07-07 Conrad Mansion Minutesr u; � ►� . � ::� � : , � � nary � �y
March 7, 2007
At the Bulldog
Present: Mark Munsinger, John Engebretson, Gary Havens, Mark Norley, Everit Sliter,
and Kate Daniels; Director.
Absent: Rita Fitzsimmons, and Tia Robbin
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 A.M. by President Mark Norley. The minutes
from the February meeting were approved, with a date change.
1. Bylaws:
a. It was agreed to have in the new bylaws to be able to have up to 3
more board members with the approval of Timmie Vick. Kate will see
Timmie on Saturday, 3-10 and discuss this.
b. The new bylaws were approved by the board.
2. Board Positions:
a. There are 2 candidates for the board. Teresa White will be our
recommendation for the U. of M. position, and Ginny Ogle will be the
new appointee from the board, providing the bylaws are approved by
Timmie Vick. All positions are for four years.
3. Marketing Budget:
a. Kate cut $3000. from the advertising budget. The board approved the
Revised budget.
4. Garden Shed:
a. The Rotary Club wants to get reinvolved in building a storage shed.
b. Leadership Flathead and Leaders of Tomorrow, also want to volunteer
to help with some mansion projects.
c. The board suggested that we try to have an architect draw a plan of a
storage and bathroom building so we will have some idea to present to
the groups that wish to help.
5. Tip Grant and Siding:
a. There is $18,000 left from the grant that we could use on the siding
Project. We may be able to buy shingles with this money.
b. We will try to get the city to help pay for part of the siding. Kate will
check into our options.
6. Mansion Collection:
a. There were some wooden boxes found in the basement that were
moldy, and they were removed with some other bad items.
b. Two oriental rugs were found in the basement.
c. The rock foundation needs some mortar repair, and Tish will do that.
d. There is an old garden bench that was found in the basement, and a
patron offered $200. for it. We have no use for it.
e. There is a need to start a collection preservation fund.
f. Jim Udick has offered to help inventory the mansion collection.
7. Kirtland Cutter Exhibit:
a. The photos are available from May 20'' on, and the speaker is
available for $300. until Sept. 1st
b. It may be possible to have the exhibit at the Central School Museum.
b. We will try to get the architects assn. to sponsor the show.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45, and the next meeting will be on April 4t' at
the Bulldog.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.