06-06-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
June 6, 2007 At the Bulldog
Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter, Rita Fitzsimmons, Mark Norley, Gary Havens,
Ginny Ogle, Theresa White, and Kate Daniels; Director.
Absent: John Engebretson, and Tia Robbin
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 7: 30 A.M. The minutes
from the April meeting were approved.
Budget Report:
1. The budget for the coining year is $58,000 in the red due to a $60,000 outlay
for the siding project. WE have asked the city for $28,000 for this project but
we still need to try and raise funds for the rest of the shortfall.
2. Kate will take on the plant watering in the off season to eliminate that
expense. The old gardener quit in May, so we hired a new one to work 24 hrs.
per week. The mowing will be done by a volunteer from Montana Academy.
We also added $1000. to the garden budget for some new plants.
3. The board voted to increase Kate's salary by $1000., and to give the guides
and asst. managers a $.25 an hour increase. Kate was also given 2 weeks paid
vacation, which did not increase the budget expenditures.
4. The 2007-2008 budget was approved as read.
1. A bid for shingles for the house as well as a bid for labor was presented to
the board. There will be an email vote on the bids by the end of June.
2. The driveway on the West side of the house is being fixed with dirt and new
3. We are trying to get a temporary shed to store the lawn and garden
equipment and supplies.
5. Our long term expansion plans include a permanent storage facility and
bathroom, and office. Ginny will help formulate this plan.
6. Some of the trees on the grounds need to be trimmed or removed. Mark
Norley is checking on our options, especially on the walnut tree.
Garden Rejuvenation:
1. Carol Bibler is willing to host a garden event to help raise money.
2. We need to have a phased plan for the garden rejuvenation.
3. A committee will be formed to help plan an event at Bibler Gardens for
About 35 people.
Kirtland Cutter Exhibit:
1. We will be getting the photos from Washington, and are planning
an exhibit for early October. We need to coordinate a date and finalize
Other Projects:
1. The basement cleaning is still in progress.
2. The 4t' of July Ice Cream social is planned with food and ice cream, and a
Float in the parade. Tish will do the float for us.
3. The new banners are up on Main Street.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:OOA.M. The next meeting will be on July 11'`.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.