07-11-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
July 11, 2007 At the Bulldog
Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter, Tia Robbin, John Engebretson, Mark Norley,
Gary Havens, Gini Ogle, Theresa White, and Kate Daniels; Director.
Absent: Rita Fitzsimmons
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 7: 30 A.M. The minutes
from the June meeting were approved with one revision.
1. Chris Vick joined the meeting, and we thank Chris and Timmie for their recent
donation of a table to the mansion.
2. Thanks to Hermelinda Phillips for donating the rights and contents of the Conrad
Buffalo Ranch book to the mansion.
3. Kate presented a tours and gift shop update comparison for May & June of 2006
& 2007.
4. The Kirtland Cutter exhibit lecture will be on October 11 at the Central School
Museum with a reception afterwards at the mansion. Kate picked up the images
in Washington, so we have them for display. Mark Young from Jackola
Engineering is helping to coordinate the event, and Theresa White is trying to
have an article about the exhibit placed in the U.M. magazine.
5. The Museums and Music event will be August 26. The band will be Cocinando.
We need to get 4 corporate sponsors at $300. each to sponsor the event.
6. The net income from the Ice Cream Social is down from last year, but we haven't
received our payment from Porteus BBQ. yet. Tish made the float for the parade
on the 4th, and the parade and social went well. About 1000 people attended the
social & 125 toured the house.
7. We have purchased the house shingles for $11,600, and Western Building will
keep them until they are needed. We are still in need of a temporary shed and are
checking into some ideas. Gini prepared a list of desired space and dimentions
for the carriage house expansion, and we will try to have an architect do a plan.
The walnut tree needs to be removed, and it was decided to place a legal ad and
have bids submitted for the tree.
8. Kate is seeking some more grants for our siding project, and an appeal letter will
go out for the siding project. Also, on July 30, the City Council will be discussing
funding for the siding. The meeting is at 7:00 P.M., and Mark Norley will attend
and anyone else who is able.
9. Chris Vick has volunteered to have his law firm redo our website. Thank you
10. A donor appreciation plaque needs to be completed this year.
11. The mansion will split a booth at the fair with the Central School Museum. We
will need some volunteers for this.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 by President Mark Norley. The next meeting will
be on August 1 at the Bulldog.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.