08-01-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES August 1, 2007 At the Bulldog Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter, Rita Fitzsimmons, John Engebretson, Mark Norley, Gary Havens,Theresa White, Kate Daniels; Director, and Chris Vick. Absent: Gini Ogle, Tia Robbin The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 7: 30 A.M. The minutes from the July meeting were approved. 1. Everit Sliter presented the treasurer's report including a balance sheet and a profit & loss statement. The report was approved as presented. 2. Kate reported that we have an updated inventory of the items loaned by the U. of M., and also photos of the items. We need to have a current appraisal of the items. 3. Mark Norley and Kate attended a city council meeting regarding our siding request. The city has tentatively agreed to put $46,000 in a contingency fund, but the final city budget will be approved on Aug. 20th. 4. The board discussed buying a shed for the mansion to store lawn equipment. Gary will donate $500. toward the purchase price. The board voted to buy a shed. 5. The board approve increasing the rates for weddings next year to $750., and to charge a flat rate of $150. per hour and $75. For each additional %2 hour for interior wedding photos. Kate will check into rates for off season weddings. 6. Kate is working on sponsors for the Kirtland Cutter exhibit. 7. Chris Vick suggested that his mother would give us the rights to the Russell sculptures in the mansion, and we could then have them cast and sell them. 8. Volunteers are needed for 3 hour shifts at the fair booth starting Aug. 14th from 9to9. 9. Tia Robbin has secured $1200. in sponsorships for the Museums & Music event this year. The mansion will be selling ice cream at the event. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 by President Mark Norley. The next meeting will be on September 5th at the Bulldog. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.