11-07-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES Nov. 7, 2007 At the Mansion Present: Mark Munsinger, Everit Sliter , Mark Norley, Tia Robbin, Rita Fitzsimmons, Theresa White, John Engebretson, Kelsea Kimerly, Gary Havens, Gini Ogle, Kate Daniels; Director, The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 7: 30 A.M. The minutes from the October meeting were approved. 1. A big thank you to Nikki and the crew for another great job of decorating the Mansion. 2. The Mansion received the American Home Heritage Grant for $5000. Gary has agreed to serve on the board and host the meeting next year at the Mansion. 3. Kate presented a financial report for the year. We took in more money but the bottom line is down. The report was approved as presented. 4. Thank you to all the sponsors of the very successful Kirtland Cutter exhibit. We realized a net profit of $1726.38. 5. Kate presented a list of special events for the rest of the year. 6. The Christmas Bazzar was a success again, with net profit up $1500. 7. There will be a thank you event for the City Council on the 27"' at the Mansion. We will provide food and drinks. 8. Ford Construction attended the meeting and explained the siding project. The project will be completed by May I", and the whole house will be stained so it matches the new siding. The next board meeting will be on December 5t' at 7:30 at the Bulldog. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.