02-06-07 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES Feb. 6th, 2007 At Gini Ogles Home Present: Everit Sliter , Mark Norley, Tia Robbin, Theresa White, John Engebretson, Kelsea Kimerly, Gary Havens, Gini Ogle, Mark Munsinger, Rita Fitzsimmons, Kate Daniels; Director, The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 8: 15 A.M. The minutes from the December meeting were approved. A. 2007 in Review: 1. The number of tours were down from2006. 2. Sales in the gift shop have increased every year. 3. Memberships have increased by only 6 people, butrevenue is up by almost $5000. 4. The net revenue for special events totaled almost $ 33,000. 5. It was decided that all professional photographers either have a business membership or more, or pay a $75. Sitting fee. 6. The board decided we will not participate in the artwalk in December. 7. Kate has been very involved in community groups, and is planning on collaborating more with the other two museums on advertising, marketing, and event planning. 8. The volunteers program has been going well, and hopefully will be improving. 9. A list of members was provided to the board. B. Financial Review: 1. Everit & Kate presented a P&L for the past year, 2. It was decided to change the fiscal year to Jan. 1 thru Dec. 31. C. Siding Report: 1. About $16,000 has been spent to date from the contribution by the city. 2. Kate is seeking other grants for part of the siding. D. Elections: 1. All existing officers will be retained. E. Committees: 1. The board voted to invite Suzie Williams to be a board member. 2. A new committee sheet was presented to the board. 3. By July, we need to have all committees meet and go over their functions and job descriptions. F. Task Last: 1. Kate presented a task list for 2008 to include all aspects of the mansion. G. Timeline for 2008: 1. The board received a timeline of events for the coming year. 2. Mark Norley will check on a new meeting place for our board meetings. 3. The gardener would like to work more hours. This will be discussed at our next meeting. 4. Kate will be taking maternity leave shortly, and will work part time when she can. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 by President Mark Norley. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary