05-14-08 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
May 14, 2008
At the Mansion office
Present: Mark Munsinger, Tia Robbin, Rita Fitzsimmons, Gary Havens, Mark Norley,
Theresa White, Gini Ogle, and Kate Daniels; Director.
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 A.M. The minutes from the April meeting were
A. Everit Sliter was reappointed to the board.
B. Committees:
1. All committees are to have a short meeting and the chair of each committee
will report at the July meeting.
2. The endowment board is to be placed on the west end of the north porch
between the posts.
C. Kate presented a financial statement, which was accepted as presented.
D. Exterior Report:
1. We are $4201. over budget on the siding project.
2. Kate will request for Len Ford to donate the over budget costs.
3. There are grants from Plum Creek and Century Tel pending.
4. We may need a handrail on the gift shop steps.
E. Garden & Grounds:
1. Terry had a friend of hers thatch the lawn, and the gardens are ready to plant.
2. We received 60 chairs from Putting on the Ritz of Bigfork.
F. Death by Chocolate:
1. The net profit was down by $4400. From last year.
2. We may have the mystery on 2 nights next year.
G. Christmas at the Mansion:
1. It was suggested to increase the ticket price for the Friday night event.
2. This year will be the 25t' event, so we may have special champagne made.
H, Alarm Update:
1. Flathead Electric may help us on paying for the update.
2. WE need $7000. minimum for the camera system.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00. The next meeting will be on July 96 at the mansion.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.