08-06-08 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES August 6, 2008 At the Mansion office Present: Tia Robbin, Rita Fitzsimmons, Gary Havens, Mark Norley, Gini Ogle, Suzy Williams. Everit Sliter, John Engebretson, and Kate Daniels; Director. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 A.M. by President Mark Norley. The minutes from the July meeting were approved. A. Thank you to Suzy for her generous donation to pay for the rear steps at the mansion. Thank you also to Theresa for the Conrad Mansion Bresnan as on Channel 9. B. We received a grant for the preservation bookshelf. C. Everit presented a financial report, and it was accepted as presented. It was discussed to place our stocks and investments with a money manager, perhaps 1 st Interstate. D. The July tours were up at the mansion. Thank you to all the people who volunteered for the Art in the Park booth. The Don Lawrence Band will play for the Museum and Music at a cost of $600. E. The Glacier Symphony has agreed to present events during the Christmas season, so we could have some at the mansion. F. The Member Appreciation Party will be September 25t'. The restoration people will be honored at this. G. The ticket price for the Christmas Bazaar Preview Parry will be $50. and Nikki Sliter will be honored for all her years of hard work. The P.S.A.s have been sent out. H. The American Home Heritage Trust meeting will be at the mansion on Sat., Sept. 6 from 9 to 3. Lunch will be provided by the board, and we will receive our final check at that time. I. Rita reported on the Endowment Committee. We have a $500,000 goal for the endowment fund, and have about $260,000 now. We will need to have a strong leader and prioritize this if we are to meet our goal. The endowment should be for the total upkeep of the house. The committee will look into this further on Aug. 20 at 8:00 at the mansion. J. Mark Norley gave a report on the Collection committee. Mark Norley and Jim Udick created an Accession and Deaccession Policy and a Deed of Gift Statement that was unanimously approved. The next meeting will be September 10, 2008 at the mansion. Respectfully submitted by Gary Havens, Secretary.