03-28-02 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES
MARCH 28, 2002
Present: Rita Fitzsimmons, Everit Sliter, Rick Champoux, Gayle Vidal
Absent: Norb Donahue, Tia Robbin, Betty Norem, Shirley Miller
Rita Fitzsimmons called the meeting to order at 7:00am. The minutes were approved as
Gayle and Rita reported on staff and former employee interviews conducted during March.
Issues which arose and were discussed included:
-Mansion management - what should be overseen by this board and what should be
delegated to staff.
-Personnel, staffing and employment - personnel policy, structuring of job descriptions
and duties, hiring and star evaluation procedures.
-Finances/budget - yearly budget management and payment of expenses.
-Technology/staff training - upgrading of office equipment, management of Web Site,
FAX and e-mail, internet promotions and communications.
-Collections and storage - should these issues be assigned to a higher priority?
Rita proposed the idea of forming Board committees to help address necessary tasks more
efficiently. Duties could be assigned as follow.
Personnel Committee
-developing an employment policy
-writing job descriptions
-revamping hiring and evaluation procedures
-determining necessary staff positions (fewer people, more hours?)
Finance Committee
-prepare annual budget
-oversee and recommend Mansion purchases.
-offer protection/help to Ev
Rita reported that Teri has prepared and submitted a grant application to Glacier County to seek
funds to reprint our brochure. Lynne and her staff have finished an Operations Manual outline.
Copies were distributed to Board members. Our proposed gardner has asked that we review her
proposed contract and confirm her employment. A foundation meeting will be set after tax
season. It is possible some significant revisions to the Foundation by-laws may be desirable.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30am.
MAR-27-2002 10:46 AM DESIGNWQRKS 406 752 6445 P'.01
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Conrad Mansion Board Meeting Agenda for March 28th, 2002 7 a.m.
Item I Approval/corrections of last meeting's minutes
Ite* 2 Report from Gayle V. on staff and fornier employee interviews
a. Overview of questions and answers
b. Recommendations
• Mansion mariagement
• personnel issues
• Staffing and employment procedures
+ Finances and budget
« Technology updating and staff training
• Collections and storage
Item 3 Discussion on necessary Beard Committees
a. Personnel Committee
• Putting together procedures of employment
• Putting job responsibilities in writing
• Working with Job Service
• Determining necessary staff positions (more hours for fewer
employees7, etc.)
b. Finance Committee
• Annual budget recommendations to Board
• Oversees every purch ase for Mansion
• offer of protection/help for Ev (dual signatures (in cheeks, etc.?)
Item 4 Other business
a. Grant application to Glacier Country for brochure reprint
b. Operations manual finished; copies to be given to Board members
c. Gardner would like review of contract and confirmation of employment
d. Set date for Foundation meeting