09-18-03 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2005 The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 11 th at 8am in Tia's Conference Room 22 Second Avenue West - 4th floor Present: Norb Donahue, Rick Champoux, Betty Norem, Tia Robbin, Everit Sliter, Rita Fitzsimmons, Gayle 7 Vidal' - Board Members, Teri Florman, Chris Prior - Mansion Staff Absent. Shirley Miller Guest: Dave Meredith Rita called the meeting to order at 8:05am. The minutes of the previous meeting are approved as written. Rita read a letter from Charles Conrad Campbell stating that he would like to resume his role as family representative on the Mansion Board. Rita will write to Charles thanking him for his continued interest in the Mansion but will indicate that we are bound by the original agreement with Alicia Conrad Campbell and the City of Kalispell which outlines the process by which successor family members are appointed. A copy of the document will be sent to Charles. (copies of letters enclosed) Everit noted that the Conrad Mansion Heritage Foundation application we decided not to pursue will undergo involuntary dissolution by the State because we have not filed annual reports. It was agreed that we should allow the dissolution to occur. Work on the roof has begun and is progressing more slowly because of the rain. Work will proceed from front to back. The vine has been removed. Dave Meredith is monitoring the construction and all is moving along well. The Board thanked Dave for his interest and efforts on this project. Teri reported that plans for the Bazaar are progressing well. It will be October 24-26, 2003. Hours are the same as last year. A number of new vendors will be included. Teri has made plans for opening in the off season. December 1-20 regular tours with a Christmas theme will be offered. A raffle for a Victorian dinner at the Mansion will be held. Two hundred tickets will be sold The drawing will be held in November and the dinner will be Friday, December 12th. Tia suggested we may consider building and raffling a Mansion replica playhouse as a fundraiser. No further action will be taken at this time. Rita reported that Rotary will help us with our garden rejuvenation project. She will request consultation from Doepker Landscaping (755-2372) and from Montana Rockworks (752-7625) . A recent visitor to the gardens noted to Nikki that we have some rare species of flowers. Expert consultation regarding our plants will also be necessary as we progress with the project. Teri and Chris are concerned about how close to the house the roofer can place his equipment without damaging foliage. Dave Meredith will be consulted about these decisions. It was agreed bids need to be sought from arborists to complete tree and bush trimming. Rick's contact with the Washington Foundation, Mr. Ritter, indicated that because of other commitments they have made this is not a good time to solicit that foundation. He suggested that we invite selected lake residents to a special event to solicit donations. Dean and Joan Jellison might help us build a guest list which might help us raise a substantial amount. Rita asked the Personnel Committee to review our employee handbook guidelines, complete employee reviews and write thank yous to all who worked this year. Teri has completed a mid -year review of employees and will do final end of season employee reviews. Rita suggested that the gift shop needs reinvigorating. The possibility of attending a trade show and developing new vendor contacts was discussed. (over) Norb suggested that people who give big donations ($1000+) be given a copy of Jim Murphy's book. Everit reported that admission and profits were down this summer by 15-20%. Discussion followed about ways to regenerate visitor interest in touring the Mansion. Norb questioned whether there are ways to invest our money to earn a higher rate of return. Ev is reluctant to invest Mansion money because of the risk. Norb moved that we talk to other money managers abut investment possibilities. The motion died for lack of a second. Everit offered to look at some possibilities for consideration by the Board. Teri described her visit with Alicia. She obtained some wonderful information abut family history and family stories which will be incorporated into the Mansion tours. Rita asked Teri to request a photo the next time she communicates with Alicia. Ev has noticed Marilyn (Moore) Reynolds working in the garden. She has cleared out and has been trimming the rose bushes. He suggested giving both Dave Meredith and Marilyn several tickets to the Bazaar in appreciation for their contributions. At Teri's suggestion Dave will also be given a dinner gift certificate. The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 11th at 8:00am in Tia's conference room at 22 2nd Avenue West, Fourth Floor. Ev moved and Tia seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45am. SEP-2,�-209'3 02:04 PM DESIGNWORKS 406 752 6445 , 4 "N SO, uPii x., J, P n 1� �^�" : r,•4f!• ,•,, t y��i`�Yl� �a':o`�: ` i,}•1."t•, WSIONM'SEUM. f eptember 19.2oo3 Mr. Charles C. Campbell 352 14th Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 Dear Charles, Thank You for your letter of September 7th. My resppnse is slow because I did not receive it until the morning Of Our September 18th board meeting. That actually turned out to be good timin, because 4then'the board was present to hear your letter, g I understand and 2PPreclate your genuine interest In the house, and your desire to ",' -resul-ne [your] 4 duties 6 Conrad family representative on four] Hoar c ." However, the Board isbound byA]icaConrad Campbell's original legal agreement with the City of Ktlispell 46 10 how a family board member is � 41?])QiMed (see enclosed copy), and we cannot deviate from it. We also do not consider your very clear f instmciion that Alica Campbell Vick N the designated farnfly representative in your letter "Of July'27th, 1989 (see enclosed copy to then -Presider t Sam Bibler, revocable. ![Tlmmid is currently our [al:1111Y representative on the 133ard. As for the nutter ofsucceeding family board 6 1 embers, It is spelled out in the agreement. r-ollowing those guidelines, in a letter received from Timmic Ito Sain,,exactly seven years ago (Sept. 18, 1996), she tated, "in the event of my incapacity to serve or !PY deaffi, I wish to appoint my son, Richard Stanford Vick, 639 Cleveland, Xissoulij, 9801, 8 my uccess6r as the family member on the Conrad Mani AXT 3 a Board of Directors." I have not asked Timnile, S,7 ,tut I will get in touch with her and see if at this times ou mention, s le would like.Richard to take over, because, as she is in poor health. rhe Bo4rd can only use the original agreement as our guide, with the support of the written nstructions from family members that followed. Flea note that as per the agreement, any blood elative'Of Mrs. Alicia Campbell's may attend the boar *1 meetings, although as ex officio without vote. Ve try to meet once a month; however, the dates flue t a' te. Ita F tWIMMOTIS, PresfdCnt, Conrad Houston Board of Direct c rs Itc.. all Band members Awl. Po' E(YA 1041, KAUSPRIX, MT 3 NOS MOM: 406-755-2166 T!tl Conrad ManDlOA was built In 1895 an the homa of C.1j, Conrad, Montana 'a &mL�T to'MISOL�Uri River trader, ffelghter,—IXi d FOUet of the cily of "Ji.pcii. "P180fil elegZacc, it Is PJAced on dv N"01131 Mistaric Regisk1randapen to vialtom I-. May to UaDber (OVER) r SEP -2'4 , -2063 02:03 PM DES IGHWORKS 406 752 6445 P. 02 7 September 2003 552 10 Avenue Santa Cruz, California 9$062-4058 Rita Fitzsimmons, President 1� Conrad Mansion Board P.O. Box 1041 k al ispen, Montana 59g03 Subject: Conrad Mansion Board Farnily membership Reference: it] Our conference at the Conrad', 22 July 03 [2] Your Letter to me, 13 November 02 (w/ co'my 27 July 89 memo atch.) (31 My Letter to you, 2 November 02 [4] Your letter to me, 21 October 02, wl etch. [51 My letter to you. 30 September 02 [0] My letter to you. 25 April 02 My memo to L. A. Bibler, 27 July 99 Dear Rita, `!'hanks again for the cordiality with which you sand your staff met with us in July. You will recall that —in view of my sister's poor health —..I expatssed my readiness to resume my duties as Co family representative on. your Board, response, you offered to research the subject and advise me. Since I have not board from you since then, I am now writing to inform you that I have revoked the meme (Ref. 7, above] which I sent to your predecessor, W.. Bibl", in 1989, That note was �atended as a convenience for my sister and tho, Board at a time when I *as fully conirrAtted to my duties with the U.S, Naval Academy. While, I het no specific date limits for that interim status, it was clearly not an irrevocable document, I have no wish to exclude my sister from participating, as her health permits, in the on -going activities of the historic Conrad Mansion Mump*; but she is no longer able to be the family's 4, oily representative on your board. If it would t c-easier for you to do so, I'd be witting to `4 consider your designating us bgkas the representatives of the. Conrads. 14pte: I have never agreed and do not now give inyone perwdission to unilaterally designate a stiectmOr- Family Member of your Board, I I.00k forward to hearing trom. you, and plan to I�_visit the Conrad' later this fall, i Sincerely, Charles Conrad Campbell ($31] 464.9809 - c3jbc@cruzio.coni cc 14 Haden, Chronister, Parish Larson, RC., 36 W. eSt., Helena, MT 59601 ja (OVER) { SEP=21 2003 0 0L PM DESIGNtlORKS 406 752 5445 �i i f�;�,� IR�Cf #iaAtA qua �4 't Pr �kk, Y M'MM�isloly�V�iJSl -1 rTM ... a owsi i �w i o .q, n September 19, 2003 Mr. Charles C, Campbell 552 14th Ave, 'r Santa Cruz, CA 95062 y. Dear Charles, Thank you for your letter of September 7th. My response is slow because I did not receive it until the I` s morning of our September 18th board meeting. That actually turned out to be good timing, because { then the board was present to hear your letter. s I understand and appreciate your genuine interest in the house, and your desire to "...resume (your] duties as Conrad family representative on (our] Board." However, the Board is bound by Alica Conrad 's Campbell's original legal agreement with the City of Kalispell as to how a family board member is appointed (see enclosed copy), and we cannot deviate from it. We also do not consider your very clear instruction that Alica Campbell Vick "...officially..," be the designated family representative in your letter r of July 27th, 1989 (see encla,;ed copy) to then -President Sam k3lbler, revocable. 1 Timmie is currently our family representative on the Board. As for the matter of succeeding family board members, it is spelled out in the agreement. Following those guidelines, Ina letter received from Timmie g to Sam exactly seven years ago (Sept. 18, 1996), she stated, "in the event of my incapacity to serve or my death. I wish to appoint my son, Richard Stanford Vick, 639 Cleveland, IWIssoula, MT 59801, as my successor as the family member on the Conrad Mansion Board of Directors." I have not asked Timmie, ' but I will get in touch with her and see If at this time she would like Richard to take over, because, as you mention, she is 1n poor health. The Board can only use the original agreement as our guide, with the support of the written instructions from family members that followed. please note that as per the agreement, any blood relative of Mrs. Alicia Campbell's may attend the board meetings, although as ex officio without vote. We try to meet once a month, however, the dates flucuate, r i 4� Rita Fitzsimmons, Pmsidmt, Conrad ,mansion t)=d cy Direefoo ( cc: all Board members AO, Ho% 1041, KAUAPUL, MT 09903 ry PttoN= 406-VS5 2166 gtg encl. f 'nte Camod Mannion wao built In IB95 ao the haft of C F t'mrad, Montana pioneer, M{., ,I Rlvpr uador, freibhter, and Rwndrr M IN ttty of Kaliap"ll. R.M-44 N Ito Ot{ oral el rxc, it I, M on the Nalionnl Him-k Rc w a,ui n to vlollore , Ma' to Ckwbnr. 6 ega plor Ki Prn � 5 P , s ,I 11--11-02 11:43 HARRINGTON AND EISLER au-wav ya, Xtdtm .k To FHON: ta0t� ar.aaaa ti Mr Acuis A. za_.._......._ ...._..,,,.., + .. Ott r / r r ,� �•„ ', ..+ ,j� I..,J :. r, !� .fir J X J '. I H. 1 r %' / ; � � .. t r �► - r 1 1 0 • j 91-?t,9 i 90t, DESIGNWORKS 406 752 6445 P. 04 SEP-21�;-2003 02:05 PM vo IOWA- CL�IAF- L11h. C 7 1 WL vll�) P.O. RO,X 1041, RALIM-111.1, h4T 39903 a PRONE! 4116-751-2166 vrod, Mo I ntimn plonvor, Mir.morl lllVtC (etid'vp Imigiiier, and foundvi- of Ille cily of Kal!sPOI. May o l(tylomd kills ft Il ot ho. All SEP-2 p`-2003 02:06 PM DESIGNWORK.S 406 ,752 6445 ti } r ri�,�u1. :• r rY./• nl..,�.�4{1'°�1�v�' �lr, r.�R'' •i •'•'TI;rY'y.;•r� � y /sI�_ •'i��" i }:� ::h.�'S,✓i sir ! Al AA VV �cce-: i i { j• 1 P. 05 C SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF MONTANA Bob Brown Business Services Bureau Phone: (406) 444-3665 September 02, 2003 CONRAD MANSION HERITAGE FOUNDATION INCORPORATED RITA FITZSIMMONS PO BOX 1041 KALISPELL MT 59903-1041 Montana State Capitol P.O. Box 202801 Helena, MT 59620-2801 Folder: D-070194 Corp Type: 54 Date Last Report: 02/14/2002 Fees & Penalty: $30.00 INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION INTENT NOTICE Dear Corporate Official: Montana law requires every corporation to file an annual report with accompanying fees each year by April 15. As of the above date, our records show that we have not received the report. Unfortunately, the corporation named above is therefore in default and is subject to being involuntarily dissolved. In January, all annual reports were mailed to the registered agent in Montana. All future correspondence will continue to be sent to the registered agent shown above unless a statement of change is filed with this office. Upon mailing of this notice, involuntary dissolution proceedings against the corporation have been initiated. This is the standard action the law requires this office take with corporations that have fallen behind in their reports and fees. To return the corporation to good standing you must submit a current annual report and pay the amount of fees and penalty listed above within 90 days. Enclosed you will find a preprinted form for your use. Please make necessary changes and have an officer or chairman of the board sign where indicated on the back. Remember, you only have 90 days to respond. If we do not receive your report and past due fee by December 1, 2003, we will have no choice but to order the corporation dissolved and it will no longer exists As an involuntarily dissolved corporation, your company will forfeit the amount of any tax, penalty, or costs to the state of Montana and will forfeit its right to carry on business within the state. If you have any questions about this notice, or if your records indicate an error, please don't hesitate to contact our office at the phone number listed above. MONTANA CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT - 2003 MUST BE RETURNED IN ORDER FOR YOUR CORPORATION TO REMAIN ACTIVE AND IN GOOD STANDING AND PREVENT INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION/REVOCATION PER 35-2-904,MCA. FILING FEE IS $15, IF FILED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15TH; FILING FEE IS $30, IF FILED AFTER APRIL 15TH. CONRAD MANSION HERITAGE FOUNDATION INCORPORATED %RITA FITZSIMMONS 4TH ST EAST AND WOODLAND AVE PO BOX 1041 KALISPELL MT 59903-1041 ORGANIZATIONAL ID NUMBER: D-070194 TYPE: 54 NEW REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION: Our records currently reflect the above Registered Agent information (below business name). If the above Registered Agent and/or Registered Office Address has changed, please complete the following: PLEASE NOTE: BUSINESS NAME CANNOT BE CHANGED ON ANNUAL REPORT. X: Phone: Signature of New Registered Agent(Required) Printed Name of New Registered Agent E-Mail Address (optional): New Street Address: City: MT Zip New Mailing Address/P.O.Box*:_ City:_ MT Zip:_ Mailing Address is different from Street Address All Addresses must be in Montana Our records currently reflect the information below and on the back: 1. State/Country of Incorporation: MONTANA — Description of Business, MUTUAL BENEFIT WITH MEMBERS 3. Names and .Addresses of Principal Officers - At least one officer MUST be listed. If the names and/or addresses of the officers listed on the left have changed, list the change on the right. Attach a list if there are more than four officers. President: VACANT New Pres Name i3ew .1k dPe55 City, State, Zip Vice President: RICHARD CHAMPOUX New Vpres Name 516 WOODLAND AVE New Address KALSIPELL MT 59901 City, State, Zip Secretary: NORMA HAPP New Secr Name 535 - 5TH AVE EASE New Address KALISPELL MT 59901 City, State, Zip Treasurer EVERIT SLITER New Treas Name 604 5TH AVE E New Address KALISPELL MT 59901 City, State, Zip If the above list is incomplete, please check the Registered Principal Search at www.sos.stateant.us/ess/iiidex.asp or call (406)444.3665. SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON BACK (Over) 4. Names and Addresses of the Directors - At least 3 director(s) MUST be listed. If the names and/or addresses of the directors listed on the left have changed, list the change on the right. Attach a list if more than five directors. RITA FITZSIMMONS 233 FIFTH AVENUE EAST KALISPELL MT 59901-- EVERIT SLITER BOX 8600 KALISPELL MT 59904 NORBERT F 144 CRESTLINE KALISPELL DONAHUE MT 59901-- RICHARD CHAMPOUX 516 WOODLAND AVE KALISPELL MT 59901-- GAYLE VIDAL 120 WOODLAND AVE KALISPELL MT 59901-- New Dir Name New Address City, State, Zip New Dir Name New Address City, State, Zip New Dir Name New Address City, State, Zip New Dir Name New Address City, State, Zip New Dir Name Ne-r Addr eza City, State, Zip If the above list is incomplete, please check the Registered Principal Search at www.sos.state.mt.us/css/index.asp or call (406)444.3665. BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I, AN OFFICIAL OF THE ABOVE CORPORATION, DO STATE THAT I SIGNED THIS REPORT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION AND THAT THE STATEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED ARE TRUE, UNDER PENALTY OF FALSE SWEARING. SIGNATURE OF OFFICER TITLE PRINT NAME OF DATE OR CHAIR OF BOARD SIGNING OFFICIAL THE INDIVIDUAL SIGNING MUST BE LISTED ON THE ANNUAL REPORT OR ATTACHMENT AND IDENTIFIED AS EITHER AN OFFICER OR CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN ORDER FOR THIS OFFICE TO ACCEPT THE SIGNATURE. ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED, INCLUDING NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS, WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE ON THE SECRETARY OF STATE'S WEBSITE WWW.SOS.STATE.MT.US/CSS/INDEX.ASP OR UPON REQUEST. SIGN AND INCLUDE CORRECT FILING FEE: $15, IF FILED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15TH $30, IF FILED AFTER APRIL 15TH MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SECRETARY OF STATE PLEASE SEND FEE AND COMPLETED REPORT TO: BOB BROWN (406) 444-3665 SECRETARY OF STATE PO BOX 202802 HELENA MT 59620-2802 BOARD MEETING / SEPTEMBER 18, 2003 Porch: Spoke with city, deductible is $2,500.00, If we decide to turn into city, MMIA has to be contacted to give estimate on damages. I spoke with Dave Merideth; he will come and look at porch as soon as his schedule permits. Still no word from Miriam. What is next step? Slow, but steady. They started a week late, due to other jobs. Started Monday the 15'h. I told him he has to be done by the bazaar. Dave Merideth has been keeping an eye on us, thank goodness! May I give Dave two tickets for bazaar with a gift certificate for dinner somewhere as a small token of thanks for his help? If yes, what dollar amount? Foundation Paperwork: Let Everit explain Tickets went on sale September 13, 2003. As of yesterday we had 'left. So if you know of anyone who would like to purchase tickets, please send them our way. Painting of Porches: Received only, one estimate for this and it was $614.00, which includes a warranty on their work. I had Steave price out materials needed for this job, those equaled $320.93, which does not include his wages. He is not an experienced painter so I estimate that it would take him quite a bit longer. So, I would like board's ok to go ahead with experienced painting company. Visit with Timmie: Went very well, learned things that I was unaware of. I recorded her and will transcribe for hard copy. She sends her best to all of you. NEW HAPPENINGS Raffle: As a fundraiser for the Mansion we are trying a raffle that will include: A Victorian Christmas Dinner for 6 people, ballroom dancing with lessons, and a carriage ride through East side Kalispell. If a person holds winning ticket, they win all of the above. Tickets are $50.00 each. Our expenses on this are only 500.00, and we are limiting ticket sales to 200. So if we can sell all of these tickets, we can make $9,500.00. I would ask that board help sell the tickets. Any sales help would help us out. I have enclosed copies of flyers with all the information. Thank You! ! ! Holiday Tours: We are going to try opening for holiday tours. Information enclosed. Please tell your friends. I'm hoping to get people with out of town guests for the holidays. FCVB was really excited about this, Carol Edger thinks it should be a hit since there is really no inside venues here in Kalispell in December. We will be available for hotels and large groups that call in advance. We are in the process of contacting all the local properties so that they are aware of their venues for conventions etc... With all the new things happening here, we need some equipment. If the board could help with these items that would be great. -Card tables (4) -Folding chairs (18 or more) -table cloths (2) to fit Dining room table. -table cloths to fit card tables (4) -snow blower would be really cost effective Accomplishments/ continuing work on: Office chairs donated by Conlin's We are in America's Castles 2004 calendar. We will have these available in Gift Shop. Interview with Interlake, (they contacted us) Working on getting voted in so that we can participate in Art Walk. I think this would be great exposure for the holidays, and we would only open 1st floor. To see the rest they need to come back. Water totals requested at last board meeting. December, 2003! THE CONRAD MANSION is proud to announce Cbri5tmal Tour.5 at the Alan.5ion December V — 24rh Tours Monday - Saturday Closed Sundays See the Mansion all dressed up for the Christmas Holidays! Mansion Tours Monday — Friday at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM Price: $7/Adult, $6/Senior, & $2/Children 12&under Saturdays: Regular Mansion Tour at 11:00 AM Or, join us for a very Special Christmas Tour at 2:00 PM which includes Christmas treats & beverages. Price: $10/Adult. $9/Senior, & $5/Children 12&under Sundays we will be closed. For Information and Reservations, Please Call 755-2166 ,i Y Imo'— ar ti c Ig - "1' �+rr: .y'+i '�:�` �F � t., 'sGa%it"'r `ems a a�. u �3s ,�eA ter- � � ,m''i �-•'`.�� Xx 5�s^��u�sv At N:t. ����'k- .�� .'. •,Tr. �SSt z�� S.E` : � �5" 44' 4 iN �� ��9� l�� y�. c_ y6; �y���'+'+fi_tW wA r §5 N. iR;. it"4 lri yy}.. ` RA t:-t= d A 74, t.. ::fit,.Al '4: fXpi -" ON 1N Friday, December 12t" , 2003, enjoy a personalized evening for you and five (5) guests to include: Victorian Christmas Dinner for Six (6), Enchanting Carriage Ride on the Historic East Side, Period Music, and Ballroom Dancing (with Lessons). Raffle Tickets for this Unique Evening are Only Call755-2166 for information and Ticket Sales Proceeds Support the Conrad Mansion Museum